Getting approved for your Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits in Dalton can be hard, and many people ask a lawyer to help them. But not all lawyers are equally qualified. Some attorneys will list SSDI on their website even if they rarely work on this kind of law.
The reality is that SSDI claims are very different from court cases and require experience, understanding, and a good knowledge of the Social Security system. If you need your benefits approved, you deserve to get a lawyer who knows what they’re doing.
How Social Security Disability Works in Dalton, GA
The best way to understand SSDI is to think of it as an insurance policy. The entire time you were working, money was deducted from your paycheck to fund Social Security. If you now suffer a disability that prevents you from working, Social Security will send you a regular check – essentially a replacement paycheck – so that you have income.
You can use this money for rent, groceries, raising your children, or anything you feel is appropriate, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get approved. The law says that any disabled worker will qualify, but in practice, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will deny many applications.
The SSA office in Dalton is well-known for turning down qualified applicants because of a paperwork error or a technicality. This is why it’s so important to have a good SSDI lawyer help you with your claim.
Get the strong arm
Who Is Eligible for Disability Benefits
As a general rule: anyone who previously worked, but can no longer work because of a disability, is eligible. This includes both physical and psychological disabilities.
However, the SSA will expect you to prove your claim. They will want evidence of your past work history as well as documentation of your disability. Specifically, they need proof that:
- You previously worked enough hours (earned enough “work credits”) under SSA guidelines
- Your past work was recent (20 work credits or more in the past 10 years)
- If you didn’t work enough hours, or not recently enough, you will need to prove that you have low income
- You have a medically diagnosed condition
- Your condition is considered likely to last more than a year (or is considered terminal)
- Your condition prevents you from performing your job
- Your condition prevents you from taking on a new or different job
This is a complicated list of requirements, and you will need documentation to support every single part of it.
What to Do If Your Social Security Disability Claim Was Denied
You are not alone. Many people do not get their claims denied on their first try. If this happened to you, you should do two things:
- Speak to a good Social Security disability lawyer in Dalton immediately
- Stay optimistic. Even if your claim was denied, you could appeal it and get it approved
What you should not do is try your claim again on your own. If your claim was denied there is likely a problem with your paperwork or you are missing some key documentation; submitting it again will likely result in another denial. Eventually, you could run out of appeals and permanently lose your right to benefits.
When you bring your claim to us, we investigate why it was denied and we work to get all of the evidence you need to win on appeal. We can even help you see a doctor who understands your specific condition and how it affects your work life. Our lawyers help give you the strongest chance possible of getting approved.
What Sets Us Apart from Other Law Firms
John Foy & Associates has some of the most experienced and effective Social Security disability attorneys in Dalton. For over 20 years, we have helped individuals living with disabilities who need their benefits to get by.
We believe that your SSDI payment is a right, one that is promised to you by law – and that you have already paid for out of your own paycheck. We intimately understand the SSDI application process, the appeals process, and how to get your claim approved. If you want to know more about how our firm works, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer in Dalton.
Is It Easier to Get Social Security Disability with a Lawyer?
It is often easier to get benefits when you have a lawyer helping you. While some people are very organized and find that their application is easy to file, many applicants find it very difficult to gather all the materials that they need for a successful claim. Plus, the SSA is known for giving some people less than they need.
With a lawyer’s careful eye and years of experience, you’ll be able to put together a much stronger application. This not only keeps you from having to reapply or appeal a denial, but it could also mean getting more compensation than you would have by yourself.
If you’re not sure how a lawyer can help your SSDI claim, you can always get a free consultation with a member of our team. A Dalton Social Security disability attorney will meet with you to talk about your options and how they can make your application easier.
What Is the Maximum Attorney Fee for Social Security Disability?
When you hire an SSDI attorney from our firm, you won’t be paying any fees upfront. That’s because our lawyers get paid via contingency fees, which means their payment only comes after you get compensation. Your lawyer’s fees will come out of a portion of your past-due benefits so you won’t have to pay them more than you receive.
Because Social Security Disability applicants should have enough to support themselves, attorney fees are usually capped. Lawyers legally cannot charge more than $6,000 or 25% of your past-due benefits, whichever is less. The actual fees will depend on the difficulty of your case and how much you stand to make.
Your fee won’t be the same as anyone else’s. To get a better understanding of how much you may have to pay your Social Security Disability lawyer in Dalton, talk to someone from our firm. One of our attorneys can assess your case and give you an estimate.
What Specific Conditions Count As Disabilities for SSDI?
Any condition that prevents you from working can qualify. Your condition can be due to an injury or a disease, mental or physical. It does not have to be related to an on-the-job injury. But, no matter what the condition is, the SSA will want to see that it’s a real medical condition and that it definitely prevents you from working. It’s easier to prove this about some conditions, and harder for others.
To simplify the process the SSA has made a list of “disabling conditions.” These are conditions that the SSA recognizes as potentially preventing you from working. If your condition is on this list, it’s much easier to prove your case, but you still have to show that you cannot work.
Simply having the condition is not enough on its own. Examples of disabling conditions include:
- Back problems
- Heart failure or other heart problems
- Vision loss and hearing loss
- Neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis or epilepsy
- Psychological disorders like anxiety disorders or clinical depression
- Asthma
- Gastrointestinal disorders like Irritable bowel syndrome
You can see a full list of disabling conditions in the SSA’s Listing of Impairments.
Compassionate Allowance
Some very serious conditions are subject to “compassionate allowance.” These conditions are so serious that the SSA automatically agrees you are disabled simply for having been diagnosed. These include conditions like kidney failure, terminal cancer, and Parkinson’s disease.
Remember, you don’t need to have any of these conditions to qualify. You can get approved for SSA with any qualified disability.
Speak to a Dalton Social Security Disability Lawyer for Free
Your Social Security Disability benefits could be all the stands between you and being unable to pay the rent. Don’t get turned down for the benefits you’ve already paid for. The Dalton Social Security Disability lawyers at John Foy & Associates will give you a free consultation to learn how you can get the money you deserve.
Call us or fill out the form to your right and get your FREE consultation today.
706-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form