The value of a rear-end accident depends on the total losses you experience as a result of the accident and your injuries. This includes both economic and non-economic damages, which can be more difficult to determine. You’ll need to know how much a rear-end accident is worth before you file a claim for compensation.
There is no set average cost when it comes to rear-end accidents. Since rear-end collisions can range from very minor to incredibly severe, damages tend to be anywhere from a few hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars or more.
The exact worth of your rear-end accident will depend on the details of your crash and the damages you face now and in the future.
Calculating Your Rear-End Accident Costs
You will need to consider every way the rear-end accident has affected you. Here are some of the most common damages people face.
Medical Costs
According to rear-end collision statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end accidents happen the most frequently out of all collision types, making up about 29% of all accidents.
The NHTSA also states that most rear-end collisions happen when the vehicle in front is either stopped or moving very slowly before the collision. For this reason, rear-end accidents are often less severe than other types of accidents.
Although rear-end accidents tend to be less serious, it doesn’t make a victim’s injuries any less valid. Plus, really bad rear-end accidents do still happen and even minor collisions can result in many medical costs. When the accident involves a smaller vehicle like a motorcycle, for example, the damages can be catastrophic even at lower speeds.
If you were injured a rear-end collision, you may face expenses like:
- Doctor bills
- Hospital bills
- Prescription medications
- Physical therapy
- Travel to and from doctor appointments
This includes both current and future medical care that you require because of the accident. We also strongly encourage you to always seek medical treatment after the accident—even if you feel okay or don’t believe you were injured. Rear-end accidents can result in injuries like whiplash that take time to fully manifest.
Seeing a doctor will create a record of you receiving medical treatment. It will also give you an idea of what your medical costs will look like as you calculate how much your rear-end accident is worth.
Lost Income
If you were working before the rear-end collision and your injuries take you away from work, you can account for that missed work time in your rear-end accident claim. Be sure to document how many hours and days you missed work, including any bonuses or promotions you would have otherwise received.
If your accident injuries prevent you from working in the same capacity as before, such as if you have to switch from full-time to part-time or take on a less-demanding job, you can also claim loss of earning capacity. You’ll want to seek help from a rear-end accident lawyer to do this, as it’s complicated to calculate.
Property Damage
Sometimes, rear-end accidents result in property damage without any personal injuries. If this happens, you can file a property damage claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company for reimbursement of your vehicle damage costs.
If you were injured and suffered damage to your vehicle (or your vehicle was totaled), you can include property damage in your personal injury claim.
You’ll want to keep track of all receipts from repairs or determine the market value of your car if it was totaled in the crash. A totaled vehicle is less likely in a rear-end collision, but it can happen.
Again, don’t assume you only have property damage before seeing a doctor. You’ll want to be absolutely sure you did not sustain injuries. Otherwise, you’ll want to file a personal injury claim.
Pain and Suffering Damages
Unlike the above damages that can be proven through bills and receipts, pain and suffering damages are not so straightforward. These non-economic damages are meant to compensate you for the physical and mental pain and suffering you experience because of your injuries. They account for how the accident has impacted your day-to-day life.
Examples of pain and suffering damages can include:
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Fear, embarrassment, or humiliation
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression
- Mental anguish
- Loss of companionship (if you lost a loved one in a collision)
You will need an experienced rear-end accident lawyer to help you calculate your pain and suffering damages. You won’t be able to determine how much your rear-end accident is fully worth without them.
Pain and suffering (and other non-economic damages) are typically determined by multiplying your economic damages—medical costs, lost wages, etc—by a number between 1.5 and four. That number will usually be your total settlement value.
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How the Worth of Your Rear-End Accident Is Paid
The person responsible for your rear-end accident costs will be the person who was negligent in the accident. In most rear-end accidents, the driver of the rear car is at fault—although there are sometimes exceptions.
If the at-fault driver has auto insurance (which they should), you can file a personal injury claim with their insurance company. This claim will outline the details of the accident, show how the driver was at fault, and provide proof of your damages from the accident. Through this claim, you’ll request compensation for your damages.
Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t really play fair when it comes to accident claims. They will look for ways to reduce what they have to pay from the beginning—even in minor rear-end accidents. That’s why it’s best to contact a rear-end accident lawyer who can stand up to the insurance companies and negotiate for a fair settlement.
Talk to a Rear-End Accident Lawyer for Free Today
At John Foy & Associates, we are here to help you determine how much your rear-end accident is worth—and fight for your rights to compensation. We have been helping injury victims win what they deserve for more than 20 years, so we know what it takes to win cases.
Contact us today to get a FREE consultation and discuss the details of your case. Contact us online to get started today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form