Just like other types of auto accidents, motorcycle accidents can happen just about anywhere. No matter where they occur, they can lead to serious injuries, terrible vehicle damage, and significant lost wages from missing work time. Since motorcycles are so much smaller than other vehicles, the motorcyclist typically sustains most of the damage.
Let’s look a little closer at what the data shows about where most motorcycle accidents happen.
Places Where Most Motorcycle Accidents Occur
There are certain locations that present an increased danger to motorcycle riders. A common problem that leads to a motorcycle accident is other drivers failing to see the motorcyclist on the road. If the driver does not check their blind spot for smaller riders like motorcyclists and bicyclists or is driving while distracted, as examples, it can lead to a serious or even deadly collision.
Below are some locations where most motorcycle accidents seem to happen.
Intersections are a common location for motorcycle crashes. Most motorcycle accidents that occur at intersections are caused by:
- A motorist turning left across an intersection without seeing an oncoming motorcyclist (which is the most dangerous situation for a motorcyclist to be in)
- A motorist sideswiping a motorcyclist who is trying to turn left at the same time
- Rear-end accidents at stoplights or stop signs
Although these types of accidents can happen to other vehicles too, they are more deadly for motorcyclists. This is especially true of rear-end accidents, which tend to be fairly mild—but can be catastrophic for a motorcyclist who is rear-ended by a car or truck, even at low speeds.
Motorcycles simply do not provide the same protection as larger vehicles, so their riders are more susceptible to serious injuries and other damages during a collision. If a driver does not check their blind spot or yield as they are legally supposed to, the results can be catastrophic for a motorcycle rider.
Two-Lane Roads
Two-lane highways and other roads are more dangerous because they put vehicles so close to oncoming traffic. If another motorist is not driving carefully or watching the sides of their vehicle, they can veer into the opposing lane of traffic and collide with a motorcycle.
Head-on collisions on two-lane roads are extremely dangerous for any driver, and they are the most deadly of all for motorcyclists.
Another place where most motorcycle accidents happen is on freeways or interstates. These accidents can be caused by:
- Motorists merging into lanes before checking for bikers
- Debris, such as trash, blown tires, or truck cargo, on the road that could cause a motorcycle accident
- Poor road conditions that make the roads unsafe for motorcycles (or wet roads from poor weather conditions)
Motorcycle accidents are more common in these locations because there tends to be more traffic and higher rates of speed that increase the risks of accidents from negligent driving. Excessive speeds make any type of accident more serious and potentially fatal for those involved, especially bikers.
When a motorcyclist is traveling on an interstate or freeway, they can get hit by a motorist suddenly changing lanes without checking first. While a sideswipe can be bad for any vehicle, it can cause a biker to get thrown off of their motorcycle or collide into another vehicle, causing a deadly accident.
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More Facts Motorcycle Accidents
According to facts and statistics on motorcycle crashes from the Insurance Information Institute (III), motorcyclists had a fatality rate of about 59 deaths for every 100,000 motorcycles and an injury rate of 1,018 per 100,000 motorcycles in 2017.
In addition, the deadliest times of day for motorcyclists in the same year were between 3 pm and 6 pm on weekdays and between 6 pm and 9 pm on weekends.
Even when a motorcyclist is wearing the recommended protective gear and helmet, they can suffer serious injuries from a collision with another vehicle or an object. Bikers should be careful to drive safely on the roads, but the negligence of other motorists is often what leads to motorcycle accidents.
How a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s time to reach out to a motorcycle accident lawyer.
There are unfortunately unfair biases that many motorists hold about bikers. They might assume that you are reckless or careless on the road and assume you caused the accident. Sometimes, even law enforcement can hold these views. This can make it harder for you when you seek compensation for your damages.
A motorcycle accident lawyer will know how to protect your legal rights and build a strong case to pursue the compensation you deserve. The right lawyer can do this by:
- Gathering evidence from the accident scene, such as pictures and witness information
- Interviewing eyewitnesses for statements that help support your claim
- Compiling information and documentation like medical bills, proof of lost wages, and receipts to demonstrate and calculate your full damages
- Building a strong insurance claim to show who caused the accident, how they are liable for your damages, and proof of your damages
- Communicating and negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf to seek fair compensation
- Helping you file a lawsuit if you need to go to trial to get the recovery you deserve
Most motorcycle accidents happen in locations where motorists are not being as diligent and careful on the road as they should. When someone is negligent and it leads to an accident, the victim has a right to seek compensation for the losses that result (Georgia Code § 51-1-6). Any experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will know how to best help you do this.
Get a Free Consultation with a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
No matter where your motorcycle accident happened, you should not have to pay for the costs if someone else was at fault. At John Foy & Associates, we can help you build a strong injury claim and seek the recovery you need and deserve. Plus, it’s risk-free to work with us because we don’t charge a fee unless we win you the money.
To get started with a FREE, no-risk consultation today, contact us online now.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form