Snow can contribute to an auto accident. Even if a motorist attributes snowy weather to a car accident in which their vehicle strikes another automobile or pedestrian, this individual is still legally responsible for the incident. This is because a driver, regardless of circumstance, is responsible for navigating the roads safely.
At John Foy & Associates, we help auto accident victims seek damages from at-fault drivers. If you want legal help, we can put you in touch with a Georgia car accident lawyer. Plus, we can answer common questions surrounding the legal liability for car accidents caused by snow.
How Can Snow Cause a Car Accident?
Snow is rare in Georgia. Yet, it only takes a small amount of snow to cause an auto accident. If a car travels over a tiny patch of snow, the driver can lose control of the vehicle, leading to an accident.
In addition, snow is often accompanied by freezing rain and other inclement weather conditions. Together, these conditions can contribute to poor road conditions. If a driver does not account for these conditions or is unaware of how to drive in cold weather, this individual can cause an accident.
Ultimately, a driver — and not snow itself — is responsible for all their actions behind the wheel. If a driver does not slow down their vehicle in snow or other harsh weather conditions, this individual may struggle to stop. The result: an auto accident can occur, and the driver who did not consider the impact of snow on travel conditions is held legally responsible.
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What Should You Do if You Are Involved in a Car Accident Caused by Snow?
If you get into a car accident caused by snow, call 911 immediately. Then, a police officer and medical personnel can arrive on the scene to ensure you and anyone involved in the accident get help. Also, the police officer can get information from you and others involved in the accident for a police report.
Go to an emergency room or schedule a doctor’s appointment after your auto accident. This allows you to undergo a medical evaluation and receive treatment for any injuries you suffer. Your doctor can give you a timeline for how long it will take you to fully recover from your auto accident.
Once you meet with a doctor, consult with a Georgia car accident attorney. At this point, your lawyer can review your case. Your attorney can help you file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver and anyone else responsible for your car accident injuries.
How Much Time do You Have to File a Lawsuit Due to a Car Accident Caused by Snow?
You have a maximum of two years from the date of your car accident, or “right of action accrues,” in Georgia to request damages. This means you should not delay filing a lawsuit relating to a car accident caused by snow. Otherwise, you risk losing your opportunity to request damages that can be used to cover your medical bills and other auto accident expenses.
It pays to have an experienced car accident lawyer in Georgia at your side to file a lawsuit. Your attorney understands time is limited to pursue damages. Thus, your lawyer will make sure all the paperwork for your lawsuit is submitted promptly.
Your lawyer can teach you everything you need to know about car accident lawsuits. Before your lawsuit goes in front of a judge or jury, your attorney will help you prepare accordingly. That way, you can present a compelling argument to help secure the most damages possible.
How Much Money Can You Get from a Car Accident Lawsuit Caused by Snow?
There is no restriction on the amount of economic and non-economic damages you can request in a Georgia car accident caused by snow. You can request any amount of economic damages relating to the loss of wages and other quantifiable losses. At the same time, you can ask for tens of thousands of dollars for non-economic damages based on the pain and suffering you incurred from your auto accident.
A car accident attorney in Georgia will take a look at the economic and non-economic losses you have suffered to date. Your lawyer will also consider the long-term financial impact of the accident. Next, your attorney can help you determine a suitable amount of damages to request from an at-fault party.
It is in your best interest to pursue a significant amount of damages from any at-fault parties in your car accident case. You can use the damages to cover the costs of medical treatments and other expenses from your auto accident. Most importantly, you can help deter an at-fault party from future negligent acts that danger other motorists and pedestrians.
When Should You Expect a Lawsuit for a Car Accident Caused by Snow to Get Settled?
It can take months or years before a car accident lawsuit is heard in court. During this period, a plaintiff and defendant may negotiate a settlement. If the parties are successful, they can resolve their case without needing a trial.
Consider your options carefully if you are presented with a settlement offer following an auto accident caused by snow. By accepting the proposal, you may only receive a portion of the damages that you initially requested. On the other hand, you can reject the proposal and continue to work with your lawyer to pursue the maximum amount of damages.
Your attorney can help you weigh the pros and cons of accepting a car accident lawsuit settlement. If you feel a settlement proposal is insufficient, you should not stress about it. In this scenario, your lawyer will let the defendant know that you have declined their offer and will continue to proceed with your litigation.
How Can You File a Lawsuit Against an At-Fault Party for a Car Accident Caused by Snow?
John Foy & Associates makes it simple to file a personal injury lawsuit. For over two decades, we have helped auto accident victims get justice. To learn more or request a free consultation, please contact us today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form