The Jones Act defines your rights if you are injured as a cruise ship employee. Based on this, you could receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses relating to your cruise ship work injuries.
A cruise ship injury lawyer calculates the economic and non-economic damages of the injuries you suffer while working on a cruise ship. They serve as your legal advocate and representative as you pursue compensation for your injury-related losses.
What Is the Jones Act?
Also referred to as the Merchant Marine Act, the Jones Act protects the rights of maritime workers who get hurt while working at sea. It gives you “cure” and “maintenance” rights if you are injured as a cruise ship employee.
Cure is the right to request compensation for your medical bills if you get hurt while working on a cruise ship. Maintenance refers to the right to ask for compensation for the ongoing costs of your injuries.
Thanks to the Jones Act, you could recover compensation for the costs of physical therapy and other medical care to treat injuries you suffer when you work on a cruise ship. You could also qualify for compensation for the income you lose if you cannot work due to your injuries.
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What Is a “Flag of Convenience,” and How Does It Apply to Your Case?
Cruise lines can use a flag of convenience to try to skirt U.S. regulations by registering their ships in different countries in alignment with these nations’ rules. In doing so, they attempt to get around the Jones Act and restrict the legal rights of cruise ship employees.
Talk to an attorney if you are subject to poor work conditions while working on a cruise ship and get injured as a result. A Carnival cruise line injury lawyer or another attorney with relevant legal experience can teach you about a flag of convenience and its potential impact on your case.
Your lawyer understands how much your injuries will affect you. At the same time, they know the rights available to those who are injured as cruise ship employees. Your lawyer builds a case to prove that you suffered an on-the-job injury due to no fault of your own, and any liable parties should be required to compensate you accordingly.
What to Do if I’m Injured as a Cruise Ship Worker
Seek medical attention and report your injuries to your employer. Meet with a cruise ship injury attorney in the days that follow. Your lawyer can explain the Jones Act rights you have if you are injured as a cruise ship worker.
Keep records regarding what happened that caused you to get hurt and your communications with your employer about the incident. Your records can be used as evidence to help you prove that you should be compensated for your injury-related losses.
Continue to treat your injuries, focus on your recovery, and let your attorney handle your case communications. Stay in contact with your attorney and share your legal concerns or questions with them as your case moves forward.
Tips to Help You Exercise Your Rights if You Are Injured While Working on a Cruise Ship
Do not wait to exercise your rights if you are injured as a cruise ship employee. Hold any liable parties accountable for your injuries and all associated losses. Use these tips to prepare a case against any at-fault parties.
Partner with a Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer Right Away
Hire an attorney immediately after you suffer injuries on a cruise ship. Find a Royal Caribbean cruise ship injury lawyer or a comparable attorney who has an outstanding track record in cases similar to yours. Your lawyer works diligently to secure maximum compensation from anyone responsible for your injuries.
Collect Evidence
Gather witness statements and other proof to show how you got hurt and how badly you are injured. Your evidence makes a difference relative to your case. If you have plenty of proof, a liable party faces an uphill climb to dispute your compensation request.
Be Careful About What You Publish Online
Do not publish photos and videos relating to your injuries on X, Facebook, or other social media websites. Otherwise, what you post online could be used to contest your request for compensation. Instead, provide family and friends with updates about your injuries via phone and video calls, text messages, and emails.
In addition to these things, communicate and collaborate with your lawyer throughout your case proceedings. Your attorney can describe what a compensable injury is and how to obtain compensation for your losses. They address your legal concerns and questions and help you make informed case decisions.
The Bottom Line on Your Rights if You Suffer Injuries as a Cruise Ship Employee
You are injured in your day-to-day work as a cruise ship team member, and your employer claims that you are responsible for the costs of treating you. If this occurs, have a cruise ship injury lawyer review your case. Your lawyer safeguards the rights of cruise ship workers and positions you to obtain fair compensation for your losses.
When in doubt about what your rights are if you are a cruise ship employee who has been injured on the job, get The Strong Arm on your side. John Foy & Associates brings more than 350 years of combined legal experience to your personal injury case. Discuss your cruise ship injury case with us.
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