Over 1 Billion Recovered For Our Clients
Over The Past 20 Years!
Call John Foy & Associates at (404) 400-4000 and let’s talk about what YOUR case is worth!
Why John Foy & Associates? WE WIN! Our success rate is outstanding and we have obtained over
$1 Billion in verdicts and settlements over the past 20 years.
Our client K.G. was travelling North Bound on I-75 when an 18 wheeler came into his lane hitting his vehicle in the rear. Our client’s vehicle came to rest underneath the 18 wheeler. K.G. suffered multiple injuries to his thoracic and spine. K.G. was transported by ambulance to the hospital.
A car carrier trailer travelling South Bound on I-85 rear-ended a second car carrier trailer causing the rear-ended car carrier trailer to cross over the median which resulting in a multiple vehicle accident. Our client T.D. was travelling North Bound on I-85 and was struck head on by the rear-ended car carrier trailer. Our client was transported via EMS Air to Baptist South Hospital.
While traveling on I-20 West Bound in the right lane in the dark, our client J. J. struck the rear of a tractor trailer, which the rear warning lights were proven to not be operating properly, which caused our clients vehicle to become attached to the rear of the trailer eventually comes to a rest facing West. Our client was Life Flighted from the scene and later was deceased.
While traveling North on Fulton Industrial Boulevard a vehicle turned directly in front of our client E.S. Upon impact our client E.S. continued at an angle and struck a power pole on the side of the roadway. Our client was transported to Grady Hospital for severe injuries.
More Recent Case Victories
A car carrier trailer travelling South Bound on I-85 rear-ended a second car carrier trailer causing the rear-ended car carrier trailer to cross over the median which resulting in a multiple vehicle accident. Our client T.D. was travelling North Bound on I-85 and was struck head on by the rear-ended car carrier trailer. Our client was transported via EMS Air to Baptist South Hospital.
While traveling on I-20 West Bound in the right lane in the dark, our client J. J. struck the rear of a tractor trailer, which the rear warning lights were proven to not be operating properly, which caused our clients vehicle to become attached to the rear of the trailer eventually comes to a rest facing West. Our client was Life Flighted from the scene and later was deceased.
While traveling North on Fulton Industrial Boulevard a vehicle turned directly in front of our client E.S. Upon impact our client E.S. continued at an angle and struck a power pole on the side of the roadway. Our client was transported to Grady Hospital for severe injuries.
While traveling on I-85 South Bound in the left lane, our client C. E. was struck by a vehicle from behind, which pushed our client off the West shoulder of the roadway and overturned coming to an uncontrolled rest. Accident resulted in several fatalities.
While working on the Shoulder Median of I-20, our client M. C. was struck by a tractor trailer that had lost control of the steering. Upon impact our client was dragged 45 feet. Client suffered multiple injuries to the back, neck legs, and arms and was in a coma.
While travelling as a passenger South Bound on Hines Road the vehicle our client T.T. was in struck a parked semi-truck on the road shoulder which caused the vehicle to rotate counterclockwise approximately 180 degrees. Our client suffered an incapacitating head injury and she was transported via EMS Air to Columbus Medical Center.
While traveling on I-285 West near Moreland Avenue, our client R.C. was side swiped due to improper lane change by a tractor trailer truck. Client suffered extensive back and neck injuries.
While traveling on I-75 South Bound, our client K.G. was struck by a vehicle, which spun our client uncontrollably to rest facing in the direction of I-75 North Bound. Client suffered arm, wrist, and chest wall trauma.
While traveling on SB on River Road a driver lost control of his vehicle crossing the center midline of the road striking our client who was traveling NB. Our client was taken by ambulance to Atlanta Medical Center for the substantial injuries that she sustained.
While stopped at a red light North Bound on South Cobb Drive in the left lane at the intersection of King Springs Road, our client R. W. was struck from behind which pushed him into the vehicle directly in front of him. Client suffered neck and spine injuries.
While traveling on US Route 1 South Bound a tractor trailer lost two vehicle that it was transporting causing the loose vehicle to impact on coming vehicles in which our client H. M. was a passenger. The driver of our client's vehicle was dead on the scene and our client suffered life threatening injuries.
While traveling on I-20 East, a vehicle in the right lane swerved into our client R.D. in the middle lane causing our client R.D. to go strike the vehicle in the left lane with both vehicle losing control and hitting into a guardrail. Our client R.D. was airlifted from the scene. Client suffered femur, radius-ulnar, ischia, bilateral superior rami, sacral fractures, pneumothorax requiring a chest tube and multi lacerations to the elbow with open joint, and abdominal lacerations.
Our client T.G. crossed over the intersection of GA 11 and Washburn Avenue through a green light when an ambulance with active lights and sirens in route with a patient drove through the red light and struck our client’s vehicle. Our client was transported to the hospital and suffered multiple injuries.
While traveling South on Carpenter Road a vehicle pulled out in front of our Client which after impact left our client facing East in the intersection and his trailer facing South in the intersection. After being extracted from his vehicle by EMS our client was transported by ambulance to Tift Regional Medical Center with multiple injuries to the abdomen, pelvis and significant blood loss.
While our client was at a complete stop in a small car at the traffic device at the intersection of Lakewood Avenue and Macon Drive, as directed, a vehicle (SUV) struck our client in the rear pushing our client out into the intersection. Our client suffered, head, chest, neck and back injuries.
While our client A.F. travelled as a passenger South Bound on Hood Road the vehicle our client was riding in brakes malfunctioned, causing the vehicle to swerve off of the roadway. Our client was transported by EMS Ground to West Georgia Medical Center and suffered a fatal injury.
Our client A.R. was travelling South Bound on Cobb Parkway as she crossed the intersection over Dallas Acworth Highway. A driver pulled out in front of A.R. and she was unable to avoid impact with the vehicle. Our client was transported by Metro Ambulance to Kennestone Hospital.
Our client D.C. was the victim in a vehicle operated by a drunk driver. The vehicle was travelling South Bound on Carson Wages Road when the driver lost control and crashed off the roadway and fled the scene. Our client suffered internal injuries and was transported via Air Ambulance to Atlanta Medical Center.
While traveling North on I-85 in the second lane nearest the emergency lane a vehicle struck our clients left rear bumper as it attempted to change lanes, which pushed our client forward into another vehicle, which then sent our client’s vehicle across the NB lanes of traffic caused our client to hit yet another vehicle sending our client back across the NB lanes in the opposite direction to finally rest in the emergency lane. Our client was transported by ambulance with back injury.
While traveling North on Broad Street approaching Willow Street our client L.W. was struck by a vehicle that pulled out into the path of his Moped. Our client was transported by ambulance to a Medical Facility. Client suffered a broken arm.
While traveling as a passenger North Bound on State Road 91/Florida Turnpike the vehicle our client K.M. was in was struck by a vehicle attempting to change lanes, causing the vehicle our client was a passenger in to swerve and run off the road onto a grass shoulder causing the vehicle and trailer being pulled to overturn. Our client was transported by ambulance to Lawnwood Medical Center with internal injuries.
While traveling East on Camp Creek Parkway through the intersection of Global Gateway Connector a vehicle made a left hand turn into our client X.B. totaling his vehicle. Our client suffered neck and spinal injuries.
While traveling East on I-20 in the middle lane a vehicle merged left into our client E.D.’s vehicle causing him to swerve left losing control, hit another vehicle and a guardrail. Our client was transported by Life Flight to Atlanta Medical Center with multiple injuries.
Our client J.P.R. was a passenger in a van entering the ramp from Moreland Avenue merging onto I-20 East when a vehicle struck the rear of the van which caused it to leave the roadway resulting in multiple vehicle collisions. Our client suffered multiple injuries and was transported via EMS Ground to DeKalb Medical.
Our client B.W. was driving East Bound on Honey Creek Road passing through the intersection at I-20 when a vehicle pulled out of a parking lot at the corner of the intersection and struck our client’s vehicle. Our client suffered back injuries that required surgery.
While traveling N on SC187, our client was a passenger in a vehicle that had stopped for traffic and a vehicle that was driving too fast for conditions swerved and hit the vehicle in which our client was a passenger. Our client was transported by ambulance to AnMed Health Emergency Department with injuries to her head, neck, shoulder and ankle.
While traveling East on I-20 in the middle lane a vehicle merged left into our client E.D.’s vehicle causing him to swerve left losing control, hit another vehicle and a guardrail. Our client was transported by Life Flight to Atlanta Medical Center with multiple injuries.
While traveling EB on Upper Riverdale Road our client was stopped at a light that had turned red. Upon stopping our client was rear-ended by a tractor trailer. Our client was transported to Southern Regional Medical Center due to head, neck and back injuries.
While traveling South on GA 87, our client stopped to make a left turn. Upon stopping, a tractor trailer traveling behind was unable to stop striking our client in the rear. After impact our client came to an uncontrolled stop South of the impact area. Our client was transported by EMS Air to Macon Medical with Spinal Injuries.
While traveling on 285 North, our client K.H. was struck by a vehicle spinning out of control. Client suffered shoulder and neck injuries.
While traveling North on Georgia 61 in the left lane our client J.H. was struck by a vehicle turning left that pulled out into his path. Our client’s vehicle rotated approximately 180 degrees counterclockwise and then backwards approximately 99’5” before traveling onto the East shoulder coming to a rest facing West. Our client was transported by Emory Life Flight with multiple internal injuries.
While traveling as a passenger South on Helen Highway a vehicle turned in front of the vehicle that our client B.W. was a passenger, pushing the vehicle into a stopped car. Our client was transported by ambulance to NE Georgia Medical Center with shoulder and abdominal internal injuries.
While traveling North on Highway 92 our client S.P. slowed down for a vehicle turning left onto Seay Road and was struck in the rear from behind by a vehicle that was traveling at a high-rate of speed. Our client S.P. was transported by MEDIC 42 to Piedmont Fayette Hospital with injuries.
While stopped at a red light waiting to turn left at 10th Street and Monroe Drive our client D.W. was struck by a tractor trailer that was turning right onto Monroe Drive. The tractor trailer’s left rear side struck our clients vehicle on the right side. Our client suffered shoulder and lower back injuries.
While traveling East on Highway 138 an SUV turned directly in front of the vehicle in which our client D.C. was a passenger. Our client was transported by MED 5 to Atlanta Medical Center with chest, back and leg injuries.
While traveling North Bound on Burnt Hickory Road a van pulled into our clients J.R.’s lane causing an immediate impact. Our client was transported to Cartersville Medical Center with injuries to the lower extremities.
Our client S.W. was a passenger in the rear seat of a vehicle that was traveling Northwest on North Druid Hills Road entering the intersection at LaVista Road. The driver of the vehicle veered out of its lane leaving the roadway as it was exiting the intersection the vehicle struck a traffic light pole, which spun the vehicle around coming to a final rest. Our client was seriously injured and was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital.
Our client R.S. was a passenger in a vehicle traveling West Bound on Akers Mill Road at Powers Ferry Road when a Dodge Dakota turned left in front of the vehicle causing a collision. Our client was transported by Metro Ambulance to Southern Regional with back injuries.
While traveling South on GA 61 South of Rock Creek Drive a truck exited the Murray County Landfill turning into the path of our client E.G. upon impact the truck spun striking our clients vehicle sending her off the left side of the roadway where she struck a guardrail with her front-end coming to an uncontrolled rest. Our client was transported by ambulance with multiple injuries where immediate surgery was necessary.
While traveling North on GA 92, our client Q.E. was struck in the rear while slowing for traffic. Our client suffered back injuries.