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Georgians know that if you’re injured in any accident, call John Foy and get the Strong Arm. With his career dedicated to helping victims of wrongful death and catastrophic injury, John Foy sets the tone for the firm – and the unwavering standard of transparent communication and superior service to our clients.
At John Foy & Associates, we care about our people. Clients know they’re getting the best when they hire us to represent them, and our attorneys and staff know they are part of a community that truly cares. With a team of over 150 people, we work together to get the best possible outcome for our clients, always.
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Most of us hope to go our entire lives without ever being in a car accident. Unfortunately, car accidents happen every day. And they cause injuries ranging from pain and soreness to serious life-changing conditions. Most injured people mistakenly assume the insurance will handle everything.
However, this is rarely the case. Insurers look for any opportunity to pay less or even deny a claim. Don’t take risks after an accident. You need to talk to a car accident lawyer in Acworth from John Foy & Associates if you want to obtain the compensation you deserve.

What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Car Accident?
To legally protect yourself after a car accident, you will need to document the accident, gather evidence, get your injuries treated as soon as possible, and seek legal help.

Documenting the Scene
After the accident happens, you will need to:
- Call the police to report the accident and tell responding officers what happened
- Take pictures of the accident scene, your injuries, and vehicle damage to your car
- Avoid admitting any blame or apologizing to the other driver until you have all the facts
- Talk to witnesses and get their names and contact information
Each of these steps can help create a record of the car accident, which is crucial for your insurance claim.

Getting Your Injuries Checked Out
After you’ve left the scene, see a doctor as soon as you can to have your injuries checked out. Some car accident injuries take time to fully show up, so you should see a doctor even if your pain is minor. The sooner you can get treatment and create a record that you saw someone for your injuries, the better it is for your case.
Also, keep track of all medical bills, doctor notes, and other records of your injuries and medical expenses.

Taking Notes on the Accident
Keep a record of what happened before, during, and after the car accident. Write down how the accident made you feel and how your injuries have impacted your day-to-day life. Also, record any names and contact information of people you’ve communicated with about your accident.

Getting a Car Inspection
Assess how much your vehicle damage will cost to repair (or replace, if your car was totaled). You might see a few different inspectors for an average estimate of how much your vehicle damage is worth before the other driver’s insurance company steps in.

Documenting Your Damages
Keep track of all costs associated with your car accident. Use a file or folder to save documents and notes in one place. This should include:
- Your claim number
- The insurance adjuster’s name
- All medical bills and records
- Quotes for vehicle damage repairs
- Full names, phone numbers, and addresses for all relevant contacts

Calling a Car Accident Lawyer
Schedule a consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer who can make sure you are doing everything to protect your rights after the accident. It’s easy to get taken advantage of if you don’t know how to handle the insurance company, so a lawyer can make sure that doesn’t happen. They can also help fight for the fair settlement you deserve.
If the insurance company or other driver fights against your claim, your lawyer will be there every step of the way – even if you need to take the driver to trial.

Basically, be cautious in everything you do or say after a car accident. Avoid admitting blame, apologizing, or downplaying your damages - and get a trusted lawyer on your side who can help you take the right actions for your case. The goal is to protect your legal rights to full compensation for all the damages you face because of the other driver’s negligence that led to your accident.

Getting Your Injuries Checked Out
After you’ve left the scene, see a doctor as soon as you can to have your injuries checked out. Some car accident injuries take time to fully show up, so you should see a doctor even if your pain is minor. The sooner you can get treatment and create a record that you saw someone for your injuries, the better it is for your case.
Also, keep track of all medical bills, doctor notes, and other records of your injuries and medical expenses.

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I’ve Been in a Car Accident in Acworth. What do I Need to Know?
There are three big things that every car accident victim needs to know in Acworth. Knowing these things can help you maximize your compensation. They are:
Determining Fault Is Not Always As Clear-Cut As It Seems
Georgia is a fault state, which means that all car accident claims are based on who caused the accident. The driver who is primarily at fault will be held liable, and their insurance is the one that has to pay out everyone’s costs. However, this system is not always simple. This is because:
- Georgia allows “comparative negligence.” This means that more than one party can share fault in an accident case. Here’s an example: imagine that you were speeding 10 mph over the limit, and another driver pulled out in front of you without looking. They’re clearly at fault for the accident, but since you were speeding, you might be found partially at fault as well.
- The insurance company has an incentive to dispute who is at fault. If their insured is at fault, they have to pay a substantial amount of money, and that hurts their profit margin. So, their investigators or adjustor may try to make a case that YOU are at fault, even if you are clearly the victim.
Your total compensation will be reduced by the percentage you’re at fault until you hit 50% at fault. If it gets that far, you may not get any money at all! Thus, the insurance company will work hard to show you had some negligence.
The Amount of Money You Receive Is Not Automatic
You would think there’d be a clear relation between the cost of your losses and the amount the insurer offers you. There isn’t. Insurers routinely offer more than you think you need at first, because they want you to take it quickly.
They know that the amount you actually need may be much larger over time, especially when you consider missed wages, lingering health effects, or additional treatment if the injuries don’t heal. In other words, insurers try to tempt you with quick money up front, in order to sell you short down the road.
Ultimately, the amount of money you get paid is a matter of negotiation. The better the lawyer you have representing you, the more likely you are to get the full amount you deserve under the law.
Everything You Say Can Be Used Against You
Within days after the car accident, you can expect a call from the insurer—beginning with a cheerful, “How are you today?” We all know how easy it is to respond with a simple, “Fine,” even if you’re actually in pain. But the insurer now has it on record that you said you were fine shortly after the accident.
This is just the first of many ways an insurer will try to turn your case around on you, deny your claim, or simply downgrade how much they pay—even if you need more for your costs. Never agree to a recorded statement or recorded call, and talk to a lawyer as soon after the accident as possible.
Remember: once you have a lawyer, the insurer has to talk to them—not you.
If you bear these three facts in mind, you can start to advocate for your own rights and take smart steps to protect yourself. As an accident victim, the law is on your side, but you need a car accident lawyer in Acworth on your team who knows what they’re doing from the start.
How Much Money Can I Expect to Receive for My Car Accident Claim?
Given the rules above, it’s no surprise that the amount varies tremendously from one car accident claim to another. In general, the more severely you are hurt the more money the courts will award you. But even victims of minor accidents often have a right to much more than they expect.
In general, you can expect your accident claim to reflect the following:
- All your medical costs (doctor visits, drug costs, tests, and ongoing treatment)
- All your car repair or property damage costs
- All your lost wages from missing work
- Most other hard costs you had to pay as a result of the accident
Then, the total of all those costs is multiplied to help offset your pain and personal suffering in the accident. The amount they’re multiplied by depends on how seriously the accident affected you. In a whiplash case from a rear-end accident, they may be less than doubled. In a severe brain injury case, the multiplier may be very large.
We have helped clients recover anywhere from $10,000 or $15,000 for fender benders to $1,000,000 or more for serious accidents. What all these accidents have in common is one thing: we fight to get you more than the insurance company first offers.
Is There a Deadline to File a Claim for a Car Accident in Georgia?
Yes, this is called the statute of limitations. In Georgia, you have two years to sue for any injuries and four years to sue for any property damage. If you go beyond this deadline, the courts will deny your claim. However, there are exceptions.
For instance, if a minor was injured in a car accident, the clock does not start until they’re an adult. Another thing that could shorten the clock is if the other vehicle was government-owned. That could shorten the time to a few weeks!
While you may have good personal reasons to delay filing, part of our job is to take on the hassle of suing so that you can focus on recovery. Starting your lawsuit won’t complicate your life. Let our Acworth car accident attorneys help you.
Must I Go to Trial for My Car Accident?
Likely not! Most cases are settled quickly once you have a lawyer on your side. Insurance companies know they have a lot more to lose if they go to trial when you have a competent lawyer on your side.
That said, there is always a chance they’ll refuse to offer a fair settlement. In this case, we will discuss the option of going to trial and what to expect. If you decide to go forward with it, we will work tirelessly to defend your claim before the court.
Going to trial also opens up the possibility of non-economic damages, the cost of which may make an insurer suddenly want to settle your claim before the trial starts. Even if we start the process, the insurer may not want to finish it!
Talk to an Acworth Car Accident Lawyer for Free
Contact John Foy & Associates. Our law firm has spent more than 20 years crusading for one cause: to help accident victims and get them the money they deserve. In that time, we have proven ourselves as a powerful force that can fight off even the most aggressive insurance companies.
The days and weeks after an accident are a crucial time. You need to get legal advice and make smart decisions from the start. Don’t wait—our car accident attorneys in Acworth have over 20 years of experience, and we charge you NOTHING if we do not get you money. Call us or fill out the form to the right to set up your free consultation right away.

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