Many personal injury accident victims seek compensation for injuries from which they are likely to recover. With permanent injuries like traumatic brain injuries, the chances of recovery are slim to none. Because of this reality, TBI victims require ongoing medical assistance for the rest of their lives.
An Athens traumatic brain injury lawyer from John Foy & Associates will fight for your right to compensation.
How Were Actions Negligent?
One of the most challenging aspects of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) lawsuit is determining how negligent another party acted toward the victim. Negligence is one of the most difficult legal concepts to prove in a personal injury lawsuit. To determine whether or not you can seek the appropriate compensation from your lawsuit, you should consult with an experienced attorney.
A traumatic brain injury attorney in Athens can negotiate against the insurance companies on your behalf.
Get the strong arm
Why Should You Hire a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer in Athens?
Insurance companies are aware of how permanent TBIs are for victims. Still, insurance companies will use bad faith practices to avoid awarding TBI victims their appropriate compensation. Call John Foy & Associates for a free consultation if you want to determine the true value of your case.
Fight for Your Right to Compensation
You have the right to be fully compensated for the rest of your life following your traumatic brain injury. You will be required to rely on various medical treatments to cope with your injury for the rest of your life.
The compensation you can seek by filing a TBI claim includes the following:
- Medical expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
- Loss of benefits
- Loss of future wages
- Remodeling expenses, if your injury led to paralysis and your home needs to be made wheelchair-accessible
We take your fight for your compensation seriously, if not more than you do. That is why we have a reputation as “The Strong Arm” in Georgia.
Collect Evidence to Support Your Claim
A traumatic brain injury attorney in Athens can collect the proper evidence to prove how the other party’s negligence led to your injury. They have the necessary experience speaking with credible expert witnesses who can explain how detrimental a traumatic brain injury is. An experienced attorney will collaborate with you and other witnesses involved in your accident to collect the best evidence for your lawsuit.
Investigate the Incident that Left You Injured
Athens traumatic brain injury lawyers assist their clients by investigating and reviewing the facts of their lawsuits. Attorneys will determine the strongest factors that will establish the other party’s negligence against you.
An attorney knows how to investigate the facts of your lawsuit and obtain the justice that you and your family deserve for your traumatic brain injury.
What Are the Signs of a TBI?
If a person was involved in an accident that led to a traumatic brain injury, that person could sue for damages. This action allows the injured party to seek compensation for their lifelong injury.
Victims of an accident are at risk of suffering from a TBI when a person’s head experiences severe trauma from a physical blow.
The symptoms of a TBI can impact a person’s health for the duration of their life. Some of the common symptoms of a TBI include:
- Memory problems
- Loss of consciousness
- Blurred vision
- Concentration issues
- Mood swings and emotional instabilities
How Much Is a TBI Lawsuit Worth?
Some of the most expensive personal injury lawsuits to prosecute are traumatic brain injury lawsuits. The reason why is because TBI victims will require lifetime medical care for their injury. As a result, TBI victims require larger compensation to cover their damages.
Common Medical Treatments for TBI Patients
Some of the common medical treatments that TBI patients require for their injury include:
- Medications. TBI patients require multiple medications to help cope with health risks like seizures and a lack of oxygen.
- Surgery. TBI patients may require surgery to reduce future damage to their brain issues. TBI patients are in danger of experiencing additional damage like bleeding to the brain and skull fractures.
- Rehabilitation. TBI patients will require lifelong rehabilitation classes to cope with relearning basic skills. Some rehabilitation services offered to TBI patients include speech therapy, physical therapy, recreational therapy, and occupational therapy.
How Insurance Companies Deny Compensation for TBI Lawsuits
Insurance companies are aware of how much compensation a TBI patient needs. Insurance companies will try to downplay your injury to avoid paying you or your loved one the full amount of compensation that you deserve.
For the other party to be held liable for your accident, an experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer must prove how the other party’s negligence directly caused your TBI. Insurance companies will argue that your negligence caused your injury to cast doubt on their client’s negligence.
What Are the Four Elements of Negligence?
The other party’s negligence will not be established until the facts of the lawsuit cover four key elements. These four elements of negligence include:
- Duty. An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney must prove that the other party owed a duty of care to you or your loved one.
- Breach. An attorney must prove that there was a breach of that legal duty through the other party’s actions.
- Causation. An experienced attorney must prove that the other party’s irresponsible actions caused your traumatic brain injury.
- Damages. Any damages you have sustained due to your traumatic brain injury can help meet this element.
Causation is the most difficult element to prove out of these four elements. Insurance companies will insinuate that their client’s actions did not directly cause your TBI.
Contact an Athens Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer at John Foy & Associates
After you have endured a TBI, the trajectory of your life will forever be changed. You will have to learn how to cope with your injury’s additional emotional stress. If you or your loved one were involved in an accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury, you would need to consult with an attorney.
The Athens traumatic brain injury lawyers at John Foy & Associates have the compassion, understanding, and experience to seek the compensation that you deserve. We are here for you and can help you fight for compensation.
706-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form