If you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome caused by repetitive movement or another type of task required by your job, you could qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. The financial support you can get from a workers’ compensation claim for carpal tunnel can help you progress through your recovery.
However, obtaining fair compensation can be incredibly difficult. Even though your employer’s insurance provider is supposedly there to offer the benefits you need to deal with an injury, your claim might get denied. Fortunately, an Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer from John Foy & Associates can pursue the benefits you need to treat your injury and get back to work.
Benefits You Can Receive From a Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Comp Claim
No matter how severe your case of carpal tunnel is, workers’ comp benefits can help you afford medical treatment for your injury and offer some financial support to help you stay afloat while you take time off from work.
When you hire a workers’ compensation attorney from our team in Atlanta, they’ll assess how your carpal tunnel syndrome has impacted your life, work, and finances. Then, they’ll calculate how much you should receive in benefits. Depending on your unique situation, you could receive the following benefits from a workers’ comp claim:
Medical Benefits
Medical benefits are one of the most important forms of compensation you can get from a carpal tunnel claim. These benefits can help you pay for a number of different procedures and types of medical care, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Doctor’s appointments
- Carpal tunnel release surgery
- Prescription medication
- Physical therapy
- And more
Dealing with carpal tunnel can be incredibly expensive, especially if you require surgery or physical therapy. Fortunately, a winning workers’ comp claim can provide the money you need to access effective treatment. To ensure you get all the medical benefit compensation you’re owed, save all your treatment bills and give them to your attorney.
Weekly Payments
If your carpal tunnel syndrome is severe enough that a doctor recommends you stay home from work for seven days or more, you may be eligible to receive weekly payments. These payments can make up for the wages you are missing out on while you’re out of work.
While these payments will only amount to two-thirds of your weekly paycheck, they will be tax-exempt. No matter how long your injury puts you out of work, you can count on our attorneys to pursue the wage loss payments you deserve.
If you require carpal tunnel release surgery to address your injury, you’ll have to take a considerable amount of time off work afterward to rest and recuperate from the procedure. In that case, you may need to pursue temporary disability benefits to support your recovery.
Our carpal tunnel workers’ compensation claim lawyers can use your medical records and testimony from your doctor to show that you qualify for disability benefits.
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Carpal Tunnel Injuries We Can File a Claim for
There are several types of workplace scenarios that can cause you to develop carpal tunnel. For years, our firm has helped injured workers like yourself get a fair settlement from the insurance company. As a result, we’re familiar with all the common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome.
You can rest assured that we have the experience and resources to obtain benefits for carpal tunnel caused by any of the following scenarios:
- Repetitive hand movements
- Forceful grasping
- Pinching tools or other objects
- Working with your hand in an awkward position
- Performing a task where direct pressure is applied to carpal tunnel
- Using hand-held tools that vibrate
If you’ve been diagnosed with carpal tunnel and have experienced one of the above-mentioned scenarios at work, you probably qualify for a workers’ compensation claim. Reach out to a skilled attorney today to get the advocacy you need to address your condition and move forward with your life.
How Long You Have to File a Workers’ Comp Claim for Carpal Tunnel in Atlanta, GA
If you’re considering filing a claim for carpal tunnel syndrome caused by a workplace task, you shouldn’t wait long to hire an attorney and get started on your case. That’s because the state of Georgia has a statute of limitations for workers’ comp claims.
According to the law, you’ll have one year to submit a claim with your employer’s workers’ comp insurance provider. If you fail to do so, you could be forced to live without the benefits you need to move past your injury. Don’t give up your right to fair compensation; hire a lawyer today and get an early start on your claim.
Schedule a Free Consultation With a Carpal Tunnel Workers’ Comp Attorney
As mentioned above, you have a limited amount of time to pursue a claim for your workplace injury. Fortunately, if you reach out to the team at John Foy & Associates soon, we’ll likely be able to get your claim submitted or an appeal filed before it’s too late.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta, GA, attorney and get started on a workers’ compensation claim for carpal tunnel syndrome. We look forward to hearing from you soon and fighting for the financial support you deserve.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form