There is a lot to like about Lyft, but there are risks associated with the ridesharing service. Concerns persist about the safety of Lyft. There are also many Lyft accidents reported across Georgia every year.
For those involved in a Lyft accident, consult with the car accident attorneys at John Foy & Associates. We have expert Brookhaven rideshare accident lawyers on staff. Our team can help Lyft accident victims pursue compensation from any at-fault parties.
Ridesharing Services Are Popular Choices for Brookhaven Residents
Research indicates approximately 36% of Americans have used Lyft or another ride-hailing service. Demand for ridesharing services slowed down due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, as the pandemic draws to a close, more people look poised to use ridesharing services in the foreseeable future.
Lyft controlled 30% of the U.S. rideshare services market as of February 2022, according to data from Bloomberg Second Measure. In addition, Bloomberg Second Measure found Lyft sales rose 84% year over year. It also pointed out that Lyft is making inroads with corporate clients, which could help the rideshare service further expand.
Demand for Lyft may grow. Regardless, Lyft drivers must take appropriate precautions to keep themselves and their passengers safe. Failure to do so can result in Lyft accidents, along with associated injuries and fatalities.
Get the strong arm
It Is Crucial to Take Brookhaven Lyft Accidents Seriously
A Brookhaven Lyft car accident can affect the driver, their passengers, and bystanders. The accident can cause vehicle and property damage. Even worse, the accident can lead to minor and major injuries.
Lyft accident victims can experience bruises, bumps, and broken bones. They are susceptible to head and neck trauma, along with brain damage. In severe Lyft accidents, there is a risk that a victim can experience permanent injuries.
If a Lyft driver gets involved in an accident, this motorist must act responsibly. At this time, the driver must do everything in their power to ensure all parties involved are helped. The driver may be held accountable for the accident and any related damages, too.
How to Respond to a Brookhaven Lyft Accident
For those who travel by Lyft and are involved in an accident, try to stay calm, cool, and collected. Call 911 to report the accident and ensure first responders and police arrive on the scene. If necessary, go to a hospital for medical treatment.
It is also beneficial to take photographs of a Lyft accident scene. This provides visual evidence of any injuries or damage that occurred during the accident. The evidence may be valuable if a Lyft accident victim decides to move forward with a personal injury lawsuit.
Contact a Brookhaven Lyft accident attorney. From here, the lawyer can review the accident and any damages. The attorney can help the accident victim determine if now is the right time to move forward with a lawsuit against any at-fault parties.
When to File a Brookhaven Lyft Accident Lawsuit
It is in a Lyft accident victim’s best interest to file a personal injury lawsuit as soon as possible. According to Georgia law, there is a two-year statute of limitations to submit a legal claim following a Lyft accident. This means a victim has two years from the date of their Lyft accident to pursue financial compensation from anyone responsible for it.
A Lyft accident attorney in Brookhaven is a valuable resource, as this professional can offer comprehensive insights into the legal system. The attorney can help a victim weigh the pros and cons of submitting a personal injury lawsuit and share insights into the legal process. If the victim wants to pursue damages, the attorney can help the client submit their lawsuit and get fair compensation.
Brookhaven Lyft accident lawsuits are not guaranteed. If a victim files a lawsuit, it may take many months or years before their case goes to court. It is possible that the accident victim and at-fault party can come to terms on their own.
A Brookhaven Lyft Accident Attorney Will Negotiate on Their Client’s Behalf
Partnering with an experienced Brookhaven Lyft accident lawyer is a must. This attorney will explore opportunities to settle a lawsuit. The lawyer will work diligently on behalf of their client to help this individual secure the optimal compensation amount.
There is no telling how negotiations in a Lyft accident lawsuit will turn out. A Lyft accident victim’s attorney will keep the lines of communication open with the at-fault party’s lawyer. If the at-fault party is willing to settle, the victim’s lawyer will present a settlement offers to the client.
Once a settlement offer is presented to a Lyft accident victim, there is no obligation to accept it. Conversely, a victim can review the offer with their lawyer and figure out the best course of action. If the victim rejects the offer, the case may move to court.
Get the Best Possible Results from a Lyft Accident Lawyer in Brookhaven
At John Foy & Associates, we leave no stone unturned in Lyft accident cases. Our attorneys can teach clients the ins and outs of personal injury law and respond to their legal concerns and questions. Plus, we can help you put together a strong argument so you are well-equipped to win your case.
Over the past 20 years, we have helped our clients recover over $1 billion in damages. Our Brookhaven Lyft accident lawyers are available to learn about your case and help you get compensation from those responsible. For more information or to request a free consultation, contact us online or call us today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form