Drunk drivers are causing too many unnecessary DUI accidents in Brunswick. Victims are left with painful injuries, vehicle damage, and even death after a drunk driving accident. If you or a family member were injured in a drunk driving accident, you have rights.
You are entitled to recover for the FULL costs of your injuries and other damages. That includes medical bills, which can be particularly high after a drunk driving accident. To ensure you have the best chance at recovery for your damages, talk to a Brunswick car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident.
At John Foy & Associates, our drunk driving attorneys are always on your side. For more than two decades, we’ve made it our mission to help those who were injured by someone else’s carelessness. And in the case of drunk driving accidents, the intoxicated driver made the negligent decision to get behind the wheel and put you – and your family – in danger.
We can help you seek financial recovery for the costs you now face. Contact us today for a FREE consultation to go over your case details and find out what we can do for you. Call us at 404-400-4000 or complete the online form to your right today.
I Was a Victim of a DUI Hit-and-Run. What Are My Options?
Driving under the influence is already a serious crime. If the driver hits you and then flees the scene, they will likely be charged with DUI and a hit-and-run crime. These are serious offenses and severe penalties. If the drunk driver leaves after the accident, you still have options—and you are still entitled to recover for your damages.
What Happens If a Drunk Driver Hit Your Car?
When a car accident occurs in Georgia and injury, property damage, or death is involved, drivers have a duty to stay at the scene to assist with any injuries and provide information. They’re also supposed to call the police and report the accident. Generally, if the drunk driver flees the scene instead of stopping and providing information, they’re trying to avoid certain consequences.
With drunk drivers, they’re likely trying to avoid getting a breath test and being arrested for DUI. They might also be an uninsured motorist, which is also illegal. In other instances, the driver might be so drunk that they didn’t even notice the accident. Either way, they are still responsible for their actions and the damage they caused you.
To protect yourself after a DUI accident, you should first get any immediate medical attention right away. Otherwise, the following steps can help you.
Report the Drunk Driving Accident to Police
Police will use the accident report in Brunswick, GA to start investigating the accident and looking for the drunk driver. Tell them exactly what happened and all the details you can remember about the accident, including that you think the driver was drunk.
If you got a look at the driver, try to describe their appearance and their vehicle (the license plate number, make, model, color, etc) as well as possible. Police will start investigating the accident and looking for the drunk driver.
Gather As Much Information As You Can
Use your smartphone to take pictures of the scene, including:
- Your injuries
- Damage to the vehicle
- The accident scene itself
- Pictures of the drunk driver and their car
If you can get a picture of the driver’s license plate before they speed away, that will be especially helpful because officers can run their plates for the identity of the car’s owner.
You’ll also want to speak with anyone who witnessed the accident. They can give their own account to police as testimony. Ask for witnesses’ contact information, as well.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
To recover for injuries and property damages from an accident, the responsible party will need to be tracked down to pay. However, having uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) insurance coverage can also help in paying for some losses.
UM/UIM coverage typically pays for car accident-related damages if the at-fault driver does not have car insurance or doesn’t have sufficient coverage. But if the at-fault driver is unknown, it’s seen as the same as a known driver without car insurance. This coverage is optional, but unless you opted out of it when signing up for your car insurance, you likely have it. Look at your insurance policy to find out for sure.
Call a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer
As soon as possible after the accident, you should also find a good DUI lawyer in Brunswick, GA. They can start working on your case and gathering evidence to show your damages and also help identify the drunk driver.
If you are in a hit-and-run in Brunswick, GA with a suspected drunk driver, remain at the scene and call the police. The more information you can compile and relay to the police and your attorney about the accident, the better chance the driver will get identified and caught.
Get the strong arm
Can I Still Get Money If the Driver Isn’t Convicted?
Yes! If the driver is found to be at fault for the accident, you can still recover all damages a normal accident victim would be entitled to, including:
- Medical expenses like doctor bills, prescription medications, and surgeries
- Rehabilitation costs for long-term treatment or therapy
- Repair costs for damage to your vehicle
- Lost wages from time taken off work for the accident
- Wrongful death costs, if you lost a loved one in the drunk driving accident
- Pain and suffering damages
However, if the driver is convicted in criminal court for driving under the influence, it generally just helps your case even more. If the criminal court determines the driver was drunk, it helps you and your attorney prove they were at fault. Plus, in some cases, you can also recover what are called punitive damages. These are unique damages because they have no other purpose than to act as punishment and discouragement of future wrongdoing. Under punitive damages, the drunk driver must pay to the victim (you) as punishment for acting recklessly, putting others in danger, and breaking the law.
Talk to a Brunswick Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer for Free
Drunk driving accidents can leave you with a lot of pain and confusion about where to turn next. Don’t go it alone. Our attorneys at John Foy & Associates are here to help. We’ve been representing car accident victims for more than two decades, and we’re always on your side. For a FREE consultation to look at your case and discuss your best options, contact us today.
Call 404-400-4000, or fill out the form to your right to get started.
912-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form