Workers’ compensation is designed to help employees and their families in the event that they are injured on the job. The good news is, most workers in Carrollton are automatically covered by such policies, because state laws require virtually all employers to carry workers’ compensation policies.
On the other hand, the laws can be confusing, and the process may be lengthy and difficult to navigate. On top of that, insurers always prefer to deny a claim, even on minor technicalities, rather than pay for wages and medical bills. It’s always a good idea to speak with a Carrollton workers compensation lawyer after your injury.
John Foy & Associates has helped people across Georgia get workers’ compensation benefits, and we’ve been doing it for over 20 years. We can help you make the strongest claim possible and give you an estimate of what benefits you should expect to receive.
Workers’ compensation is a benefit for workers like you, and you should get every penny that you are entitled to receive—let us give you a free consultation. Call us at 404-400-4000 and get your free consultation today.
I Was Injured at Work in Carrollton. What do I Need to Know?
The most important thing to remember is that if you were injured at work, workers’ compensation laws are designed to help you and your family. This system involves a number of laws, regulations and requirements, and because every case is unique, it’s often difficult to determine what benefits you can receive. This is especially true if your employer or their insurance company seeks to downplay or deny your claim.
The benefits available under workers’ compensation can include:
- Medical coverage
- Paid leave time
- Physical therapy or occupational therapy
- Help with vocational training if needed to return to work
- The ability to get the help you need with NO lawsuit and NO retaliation from your employer
Chances are, if you were injured on the job, any resulting medical bills will be covered, and you should also receive a weekly check to replace a large portion of the wages you would have earned during the time you are out of work.
Get the strong arm
Are All Injuries that Happen at Work Covered by Workers’ Compensation?
The short answer is no. But the cases where a workplace injury isn’t covered are rare. Generally, they involve situations where the employee only got injured because of their own extreme negligence—which is another way to say carelessness.
For example, an employee who was injured because they were drunk on the job may not have their claim approved, at least if their intoxication level was the cause of the injury.
Neither would an employee who was participating in daredevil activity with dangerous tools. As you can see, these circumstances are extreme.
In most cases, however, an injury should be covered regardless of how it happened—even if it was a simple accident. The real problem is insurance companies wrongly seeking to deny claims that should be valid. Insurers increase their profit margin when they can find a reason to downplay or refuse a claim. This is part of why we recommend having a personal injury lawyer from the very start of the process.
I Was Injured While Working, But It Wasn’t On-Site. Am I Covered?
This one gets a little more tricky, but the answer is still yes, more often than not. The legal hurdle for situations like these come down to whether or not the worker was engaged in an activity that benefitted the employer—whether or not it was in their job description.
It’s obvious if a brick mason was laying bricks and a scaffold collapsed that they are covered. But what if the brick mason was on his lunch break? He may not be covered if he was offsite looking for a restaurant, but if he was onsite, he’s almost certainly covered.
He could even be covered offsite if he was getting food for the worksite’s foreman at their request. All of these are activities that are part of the course of employment.
Is It True I Won’t Be Able to Choose My Own Doctor?
Yes and no. Basically, workers’ compensation is an insurance policy, and like all insurance policies, the insurer has already negotiated rates with select clinics and doctors. If you file a claim with workers’ compensation, you will be given a choice of doctors that are approved by the insurer.
It’s important that you follow these guidelines and choose one of the physicians from this panel, because if you decide to go to your own family practice or primary care physician, the insurer does not have to follow recommendations from that doctor.
Even more seriously, they would then be legally able to refuse payment for any medical expenses accrued with physicians outside their panel. This creates a situation where injured workers do have a choice, but it’s a limited one.
Of course, as with any insurance network, you could end up being approved to see a different specialist if the initial physician refers you out. This is usually done based on your specific injury and the physician’s opinion of what kind of care or medical expertise you need.
Talk to a Carrollton Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for Free
Do you disagree with what your doctor is recommending? Do your current workers’ compensation benefits fall short of your medical needs—or leave you concerned about getting back on your feet and working again? If you’re struggling with any of these questions, it’s a good idea to meet with a member of our legal team and get answers.
John Foy & Associates can help you get the benefits that you deserve. Let us give you a FREE consultation. Call us at 404-400-4000 or fill out the form to your right and get your FREE consultation today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form