Car accidents continue to be one of the leading causes of injuries in Cartersville. A major car accident can cause devastating injuries that lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills and years of treatment. Even a minor fender-bender can cause long-term and painful conditions.
You don’t have to pay the cost of the accident by yourself. A good Cartersville personal injury lawyer can help you recover money from whoever was at fault. At John Foy & Associates, we have 20-plus years of experience recovering money for people who were hurt in car and truck accidents.
In the beginning, we were just a small law office, but we’ve become one of the biggest and best-known personal injury firms in Georgia. We’ve always tried to do just one thing: get accident victims the most money possible, so they can continue treatment and rebuild their lives. We’d like to sit down with you and discuss your case.
How Can a Cartersville Car Accident Lawyer Help My Case?
Insurance company representatives are trained to be friendly and sympathetic, and that may lead you to believe the insurance company has your best interest at heart and will take care of your needs. Unfortunately, this isn’t how insurance works.
Insurance is a for-profit industry, and your “friendly” insurance company is looking to boost its own profits by paying as little as possible in claims. That means they may do any of the following:
- They may sound concerned, asking you how you are doing. They know most people don’t like to complain and will say they’re ok, or doing better. Then they’ll use these statements against you in your claim.
- They may offer you money right away. They know you haven’t had time to get a full medical diagnosis and don’t really know what your injuries will cost. They hope you’ll jump at the “fast cash” and sign away your right to recover anything else.
- They may refuse to do anything for months. They hope that by the time they make an offer, you’ll need money so badly that you’ll say yes to the first amount they propose.
- They may blame you. Insurance companies are notorious for turning the blame back on the victim or claiming that you are exaggerating your injuries.
If you don’t understand how insurance companies operate, it can be hard to fight against their tactics – especially when they’re armed with advice from a whole team of lawyers. When you have your own lawyer, you get an experienced negotiator who knows the law and the games insurance companies like to play. We’ve seen many instances where an insurance company offered more money just because a lawyer was on the case.
Get the strong arm
What Is the Average Settlement in a Car Accident Case?
Car accident settlements can vary greatly. Research has shown that the average car accident settlement in Georgia is somewhere around $19,000, but knowing that may not be helpful in your specific situation. That’s because, despite the fact that that’s the average number, yours may be much lower or much higher.
The amount of compensation you receive will depend on the damages that your accident caused, either financial or non-economic. The more severe your injuries and the longer it takes to recover, the more you’re likely to receive.
The best way to get a good idea of how much you might expect from your settlement is by talking to a car accident attorney in Cartersville. A member of our time can assess your case and give you an estimate of how large your settlement could be.
What Costs Can I Recover in a Car Accident Case?
The exact amount varies from one case to another, but you usually can get all the costs that are directly related to your accident. This includes:
- Doctor, hospital, and other medical expenses
- The cost of medicine
- Car repair costs, or the cost of replacing a totaled car
- Lost pay, if you had to miss work because of the accident
Some accident victims recover much more, especially if the accident caused permanent injuries, a disability, or the loss of a close family member. Money can never put you back where you were before a tragic accident, but it can give you financial security while you heal and create a life for yourself after the accident.
A car accident lawyer in Cartersville will be able to add up your damages so you get every cent you deserve. That way, the insurance company won’t be able to short you on your compensation.
How Can I Tell If I Have a Legitimate Car Accident Claim in Cartersville?
It’s often hard for accident victims to tell whether their claims are valid. You may not be sure what really happened, or you may not know how the law works. In most cases, an accident happens because someone did not do something that they should have.
Another driver may have broken a traffic law or been driving carelessly, or someone could have created a hazard. Legally these people are “negligent,” and that means they have to pay for your losses.
Almost any type of car accident can lead to a valid claim:
- Head-on crashes
- Rear-end accidents
- “T-bone” collisions
- Weather-related accidents
- Distracted driving accidents
- Drunk driving accidents
- Accidents caused by defective tires
- Accidents where a victim suffers whiplash
We have even pursued successful claims against uninsured drivers and drivers who fled the scene of the accident.
Will I Need to File a Lawsuit and Go to Court?
A lawsuit often isn’t necessary. It does come up occasionally, but only if the insurance company has refused to negotiate a fair settlement. At John Foy & Associates, we will tell you if your case is heading this way, and we will advise you on your choices and your chances of winning in the Bartow county courts.
It’s your choice whether to file a lawsuit. If you do want to go to court, we have a skilled litigation team that will be with you all the way. But our first strategy is always to pursue negotiations with the insurance company.
That’s why we begin every case by investigating the accident and putting together evidence showing what caused it, what injuries you suffered, and what your treatment will cost in the long term. Often, our evidence alone will prompt the insurance company to make a fair offer.
Is It Worth Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?
Any part of the process of filing a car accident claim will be easier if you have a Cartersville car accident attorney by your side. Even if your injuries were minor, they can still result in medical bills and lost work that can break the bank. If someone else was responsible, they should be liable for your damages.
We wouldn’t advise that you try to skip lawyer fees by representing yourself. When you take on an accident claim alone, you’re opening yourself up for bullying and tricks by the insurance company and the other party’s lawyers. An attorney will be able to handle those for you.
The kicker is that you won’t have to pay anything upfront. We only take our payment once you get compensation. It’s worth at least talking to a lawyer with a free initial consultation.
How Much does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost in Cartersville?
A good accident lawyer shouldn’t cost you any money up-front. At John Foy & Associates, we’ve set up a payment system that is both simple and fair:
- You can consult with us for free.
- If you hire us, we won’t charge you anything out of pocket.
- We won’t ask you to pay anything unless we get money for you.
When we recover money for you, we deduct a percentage as our fee. The rest goes to you. This gets you help when you most need it, without forcing you to take on any financial risk.
Does Cartersville Have a Deadline for Car Accident Claims?
Yes. In Cartersville, there are strict deadlines under both state and federal law. If you miss the deadline, you will probably lose any right to a financial recovery for your injuries.
- In some cases, you have two years to file a claim, according to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §9-3-33.
- In other cases, you have less time – possibly only a few months.
The deadline that applies to your accident will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. The only way to be sure is to contact a good lawyer as soon as possible after your accident.
Talk to a Cartersville Car Accident Attorney for Free
You shouldn’t be forced into debt over a car accident that you didn’t cause. The Cartersville car accident lawyers at John Foy & Associates have spent the last two decades helping accident victims get the money they’re entitled to, so they can pay for all the treatment they need.
Come to us for a free consultation and we’ll explain what we can do for you. Call us or fill out the form to your right and get your FREE consultation today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form