Pedestrians have a right to share the road with other vehicles wherever it’s legal. So, if you are one and you get hit, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. Those injuries could be quite severe, or even fatal.
Whether you’ve been hit or you’ve had a loved one die in a pedestrian accident, reach out to John Foy & Associates. Our personal injury lawyers in College Park can tell you if you have a case and how we will work with you to achieve maximum compensation.
I Was in a Crosswalk. Will I Automatically Win?
Not always! Crosswalks do mark where it’s safe to cross the street, and pedestrians have the right of way when they’re crossing the road. However, pedestrians must also follow all traffic signals. If they cross against the light and get hit, pedestrians are at fault for crossing at the wrong time.
Even if they have the crosswalk light, if they dart out into the street in such a way that the oncoming cars don’t have time to stop, that’s another fault for pedestrians. It’s just like cutting someone off in traffic, only far more dangerous for the pedestrian.
However, there are many more situations where the driver is the one who is at fault. Cutting off walkers, swerving around vehicles stopped for pedestrians, and similar dangerous driving can put drivers at risk for accidents.
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Is Jaywalking Illegal in Georgia?
Jaywalking is the act of crossing a street outside of a crosswalk. It’s assumed to be an illegal act, and it is in some states, but not in Georgia! As long as the pedestrian yields to oncoming traffic, they can cross the road. Interstates are an exception to this rule except in emergencies.
This means that the driver can’t say you were crossing the road illegally, so long as you followed the rules. If you suddenly dart out between two parked cars and get hit, the law will look more favorably upon the driver.
Disputes about situations like jaywalking are a reason to hire a College Park pedestrian accident attorney. While the laws are clear enough, there are edge cases that can complicate your case. By speaking with a lawyer, you’ll have someone who can argue for your side of the story.
What Kinds of Compensation Can I Receive from a Pedestrian Accident?
When a vehicle hits a pedestrian, the chances of severe injury or death are far higher, even higher than motorcycles. You could face a lifetime of pain, suffering, and medical treatments. Full recovery may not be possible.
That’s why John Foy & Associates works hard to find every form of compensation you’re eligible for in your case. We send our own investigators to track down witnesses, reconstruct the accident, and much more so that our lawyers have the evidence to make the strongest case possible.
We will look for all economic and non-economic damages. Sometimes, you may even qualify for punitive damages for egregious driver behavior. Every case is unique, so we must hear your story before we can assess the value of your case.
Should I Wait Until I’m Healed to Hire a Lawyer?
No. You may get approached by an insurance adjuster asking for your side of the story. Since their client is probably the at-fault party, they will try to make you incriminate yourself and downplay your injuries, or force you into a quick settlement for far less than you deserve.
As soon as you’ve received a diagnosis of injury, that’s the time to call a pedestrian accident lawyer. If you cannot leave your home or the hospital because of injury, we can come to you for your consultation.
If you are contacted before you can speak with a lawyer, say as little as you can and be completely factual about your condition. Tell them you don’t wish to take any settlement or sign anything until you’ve spoken with a lawyer. Be polite, but be firm.
Speak With Our College Park Pedestrian Accident Lawyers
The good news is that many pedestrian accident cases are not the fault of the pedestrian. Too many drivers, especially in the Atlanta area, get impatient and try to speed past crosswalks. This causes many pedestrians to get hurt every year.
Don’t pay for an injury that wasn’t your fault. Dial the number on your screen and reach out to a pedestrian accident lawyer in College Park at John Foy & Associates. You can also email us through our Contact us page for your free, no-obligation consultation.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form