Drunk driving is illegal. The act of driving while under the influence is an unreasonably negligent action for someone to engage in. If a drunk driver happens to cause an accident, the victims have every right to pursue compensation from them.
If a drunk driver has injured you, contact a Conyers car accident lawyer to start the process of filing a claim against the liable party.
Drunk Driving Is Always Wrong
When people consume alcohol, they lose some of their capacity to perceive the world around them. As a result, their decreased awareness affects their ability to react reasonably to outside circumstances like stopping for stop signs or slowing down in traffic. People under the influence of alcohol may also lose their ability to focus and concentrate effectively.
These factors should make it clear that drinking and driving is never safe. If someone lacks awareness, focus, and perception, they will be incredibly incompetent behind the wheel. This incompetence is almost certain to eventually lead to an accident that would otherwise have been avoidable.
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The Consequences of Drunk Driving
Drunk driving has consequences for both the offender and the victims that they harm. If caught, offenders can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). These charges often result in severe penalties, including fines of up to $3,000 and several months or years of jail time.
On the victim’s side of things, drunk driving accidents can cause catastrophic injuries that are difficult to recover. Sometimes, these accidents leave victims permanently disabled or even fatally injured. If you or a loved one were injured by the negligent actions of a drunk driver, the law is on your side.
Pursue justice and compensation by retaining the services of a drunk driving accident lawyer in Conyers today.
Common Accidents Caused By Drunk Drivers
Drunk drivers can cause any type of car accident that a sober driver could. The only difference is that drunk drivers are more likely to be reckless and irresponsible, increasing the risk of severe accidents. To better understand drunk driving accidents, review this list of accidents that drunk drivers commonly cause:
Head-On Collisions
A head-on collision describes a crash wherein the front of two vehicles collides. This type of crash often happens when one driver enters the wrong lane of traffic because they are not properly paying attention to the road. In other instances, they are trying to pass another vehicle on a two-lane highway when another car comes speeding toward them.
Both outcomes are far more likely when a driver is intoxicated, as their reduced awareness could cause them not to notice that they are proceeding in the wrong lane.
A sideswipe accident involves the side of a car impacting the side of another vehicle. This frequently happens when drunk drivers attempt to merge to another lane without properly identifying their surroundings. As they go to merge, they may not notice other vehicles that are near them and cause a crash.
The damage can be minimal, but if the driver loses control of the vehicle and they run into another vehicle or off of the road, consequences can be pretty severe.
Pedestrian Collisions
Pedestrians have the right of way when using crosswalks. Unfortunately, many drunk drivers do not even notice when approaching a crosswalk. They may blow through a crosswalk with pedestrians and hit them at high speeds.
This type of accident can undoubtedly be fatal, and the risk for severe injuries is immense. If you have been hit by a drunk driver speeding through a crosswalk, you may be eligible to collect a large amount of compensation in the form of punitive damages.
What to Do Following Drunk Driving Accidents
After being hit by a drunk driver, the priority should be on getting medical attention if it is immediately necessary. If you are not severely injured, there are other steps you should take to ensure that you can pursue compensation from the person that hit you.
Primarily, you need to get the drunk driver’s contact information, name, and license plate number. Then, call the police to ensure that someone arrives to make a report of the incident. Ideally, the officer will also perform a field sobriety test to determine if the driver who hit you was intoxicated.
They will likely be prosecuted and charged with a DUI if they are. When possible, also take pictures of the cars involved in the accident. These photos and the police report will be essential when you speak to a Conyers drunk driving accident attorney to start building your case against the drunk driver.
Filing a Drunk Driving Accident Claim
You may assume that the police will ensure you are compensated for any damages you suffered due to a drunk driver, but this is not the case. The criminal and civil proceedings are separate, so you must pursue compensation on your own by filing a claim against the drunk driver.
Although the driver may have been drunk, there are still ways they can avoid liability. That is why you need a drunk driving accident attorney in Conyers to represent you in your drunk driving accident claim.
A lawyer will help you calculate your total damages and collect evidence on your behalf. This could make it far easier to win compensation from the drunk driver or their insurance provider. But, be aware that some insurance policies will not cover drunk drivers because they were engaged in irresponsible behavior that is not protected.
John Foy & Associates Cares About Your Claim
Drunk driving accidents are a terrible reality. Fortunately, there are lawyers who care about your rights. Contact John Foy & Associates to start the process of filing a claim against the person who injured you in a drunk driving accident.
You can reach us to schedule a free case evaluation by submitting the contact form on this page.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form