Motorcycle riders are motorists with the most ironic reputations. While many drivers think they cause the most trouble on the roads, they are the most vulnerable motorists. It is just the motorcycle rider’s body and the motorcycle out there.
When a motorcycle rider is involved in an accident, the driver and the motorcycle risk getting seriously injured. If you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident caused by another driver, contact a Fayetteville motorcycle accident lawyer at John Foy & Associates.
North Carolina Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Like every other state, North Carolina has witnessed an increase in motorcycle accidents. According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), there were 3,409 motorcycle accidents reported in 2020. The most fatal accidents happened in the warmer months, with 26 fatalities in May and June having the largest accidents at 425.
July and September were no better, with 25 fatalities happening.
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Injuries Caused by Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries for motorcycle riders. The most common injury that motorcycle riders are capable of suffering is traumatic brain injuries. The head is one of the most vulnerable body parts that can get seriously hurt in an accident, which is why there are mandatory helmet laws for riders.
Aside from traumatic brain injuries, other common injuries are spinal cord injuries, skull fractures, facial disfigurement, broken bones, and skin rash.
Accidents Caused by Other Parties
While motorcycle riders have a legal duty to follow traffic laws and regulations, that responsibility falls on every motorist. Motorcycle riders can follow traffic laws and still get hurt by negligent drivers. Some common causes of motorcycle accidents that lead back to other motorists include driving under the influence, distracted driving, aggressive driving, and passive-aggressive maneuvers.:
Driving Under the Influence
Like the increase in motorcycle accidents, the number of drivers driving while under the influence has increased in recent years. Whether a driver is behind the wheel after taking a drink or ingesting an illegal substance, their mind and body are significantly impaired. Their ability to pay attention to the changes on the road or make sound judgments is extremely flawed.
Distracted Driving
Car and truck drivers who lose focus on the roads even for one second can easily cause an accident. Motor vehicle accidents can be caused even when drivers are cautious but turn their attention away for a brief moment. When drivers take their eyes off the road, that one second could be the second that a motorcycle rider tries to switch lanes or make a turn.
Aggressive Driving
Drivers who engage in aggressive driving are committing several dangerous maneuvers within seconds. These dangerous maneuvers could be tailgating behind a motorcycle rider or cutting a motorcycle rider off while they are in the middle of riding.
Passive Aggressive Maneuvers
Car and truck drivers can also engage in aggressive driving when they engage in maneuvers to “punish” drivers they are frustrated with. These actions include cutting drivers off, slowing down, or stopping out of nowhere. These actions are extremely dangerous and can cause motorcycle riders to collide with the vehicle.
Fighting for Compensation After a Fayetteville Motorcycle Accident
When you have been hurt by a negligent car or truck driver, you deserve to hold that driver accountable for your injuries. Regardless of what many people believe about motorcycle riders, you should not be automatically viewed as the at-fault driver of your accident.
However, the bias many people practice towards motorcycle riders in law enforcement will work against you as you try to fight for your compensation. This is why you need to contact a Fayetteville motorcycle accident lawyer sometime during your lawsuit.
You Need an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Fayetteville on Your Side
When suing someone for your injuries in your accident, you will have to defend yourself against that person’s insurance company. In addition to explaining why you deserve to be compensated for your injuries, you have to fight against negative stigmas that many people believe about motorcycle riders.
A Fayetteville motorcycle accident lawyer is familiar with defending motorcycle riders against various biases and establishing the defendant’s liability in their accident. With a Fayetteville motorcycle accident lawyer on your side, you have a better chance of holding insurance adjusters accountable in case they try to use deceptive tactics against you.
Maximizing Your Damages
Your Fayetteville motorcycle accident lawyer can also maximize the amount of damages you can obtain in your compensation. In addition to your medical expenses and lost income, there are additional damages such as pain and suffering that your lawyer can recommend you include in your lawsuit.
While insurance companies will question the calculated amount of pain and suffering, you can be compensated for the physical and mental pain you experience from your accident. There is also a method that your lawyer uses to accurately calculate this damage for you.
Working Out a Fair Settlement
Your Fayetteville motorcycle accident lawyer can also ensure that you receive a fair settlement from the insurance companies. No matter what insurance adjusters claim, they are actively searching for ways to reduce the compensation you can be rewarded.
One common reduction method is requesting a recorded statement from you that can be used to search for contradicting information. If that does not work, insurance adjusters will then offer a low settlement for you to accept. Insurance adjusters will throw this offer on the table, hoping you are desperate enough to accept it.
Contact a Fayetteville Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today
When you have been seriously hurt in a motorcycle accident, you need an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in Fayetteville on your side. At John Foy & Associates, our motorcycle accident lawyers are skilled enough to protect the legal rights of injured motorcycle riders. Our motorcycle accident lawyers help to prove that the other driver should be the at-fault driver of your accident.
Call our office, or fill out our contact form to schedule your free consultation. You have a limited period in which to file a claim for compensation from the at-fault driver.
Do not delay in speaking to a lawyer, as the ability to recover compensation depends on your quick actions.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form