Dog bites can happen every day in Forest Park. Being attacked by any animal can cause a lot of pain and trauma, not to mention serious, costly injuries. If you were bitten by a dog, you may be able to seek compensation for your damages. Learn more by speaking to a dog bite and animal attack lawyer in Forest Park.
It’s important to work with a lawyer who has experience with dog bite claims. They can get complicated, and the laws can vary from county to county. John Foy & Associates has been helping dog bite victims get the compensation they deserve for over 20 years. We can help you too—starting with a FREE consultation. To get started today, call us at (404) 400-4000 for your FREE consultation.
What to Do After a Dog Bite Injury in Forest Park
What you do after a dog bite in Forest Park can greatly affect your insurance claim. You’ll want to make sure your injuries get treated and that you gather information about what happened. When you file your claim, the insurance company will look for proof of your claim.
Here are some things you should do to strengthen your case after a dog bite.
Get Treatment for Your Injuries
Your number one priority after a dog bite should be your well-being. If your injuries are serious or life-threatening, call 911 for an ambulance. Don’t delay getting any necessary medical care.
Even if you are able to stay at the scene to gather information, see a doctor as soon as you can afterward. If you delay getting treatment, the insurance company may decide your injuries bad enough to need medical attention. They could use this to deny your claim or offer you much less money.
Take Pictures of the Scene
If you can, use your phone or a camera to take pictures of:
- The location where you were bitten
- Your injuries from the dog bite
- The dog itself (if it’s still at the scene)
- Any torn clothing or other property damage from the bite
Report the Dog Bite
Call Forest Park Animal Control. Tell them you were bitten by a dog, and give them your location. If the dog is still present, keep a safe distance and note what it looks like. Animal Control will arrive on the scene and likely work to contain the dog unless the owner is there.
Animal Control can also check to see if the dog has any history of bites or other vicious behavior.
Talk to Witnesses
If anyone saw the dog bite you, talk to them and ask if you can have their contact information. Let them know witness testimony can help your case and that your lawyer may reach out to them later. Having others’ accounts of what happened can really help your injury claim.
Ask About the Dog
If the dog’s owner was present when the bite happened, ask them if the dog has ever done this before. Also, ask if it has had its shots and when they were given. The owner may get defensive or try to place some of the blame on you. Remember that if you had no fault in the attack, the owner should be held responsible.
If the owner is not around when you are bitten, ask anyone around if they have seen the dog before. Neighbors or others in the area may know who it belongs to and whether or not it is known for being vicious. A Forest Park dog bite lawyer can help you investigate these details, as well.
Take Notes
Make notes on anything you remember about the moments before, during, and after the dog bite. For example, maybe you noticed the owner did not have their dog leashed or contained before it attacked you. Also, write down what the dog looks like and if there are any identifying marks on it.
Get the strong arm
Dog Owner Liability in Dog Bite Injuries
When a dog bite occurs in Forest Park, the dog owner is almost always liable. Dog owners are required to make sure their dogs are well-trained or controlled so they don’t hurt others. If they fail in this duty, it is negligence.
When the owner is at fault for your injuries, they are liable for all your damages. This is outlined in Georgia Code 51-2-7: “Liability of owner or keeper of vicious or dangerous animal for injuries caused by an animal.”
If an owner is at fault, they are liable for any costs you wouldn’t have if the dog bite hadn’t happened like:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
Keep track of all the expenses you face because of the dog bite and your injuries. Also, tell your doctor and your lawyer about any emotional damages you face. Trauma is very common after a dog bite, especially in young people, and you should be compensated for the suffering you now endure.
How Vicious Dogs Are Handled in Forest Park
If a dog is vicious or dangerous, it is likely to be put down after a dog bite. A dog can be considered vicious if:
- It has bitten someone in the past or
- It was not leashed when the bite happened in a place where there is a leash ordinance
For many dogs in Georgia, a modified “one bite” rule often applies. This means they get one free bite before they are considered vicious unless they have exhibited other dangerous behavior in the past. A dog is also excluded from this rule if they are considered aggressive breeds like:
- Pit bulls
- Rottweilers
- Other breeds created for fighting
- Dog/wolf hybrids
What to Do If the Dog Belongs to a Friend or Family Member
If you were bitten by the dog of someone you love, it can be tempting to forget the whole thing happened. You might worry about damaging your relationship or worry about the dog itself. But remember that your well-being matters too.
You shouldn’t have to pay the costs of a bite you couldn’t control. Plus, in this situation, most friends or family are happy when their insurance company pays for treatment costs.
Talk to a Forest Park Dog Bite And Animal Attack Lawyer for Free
For help with your dog bite claim, make sure you choose a lawyer with actual experience in this area. At John Foy & Associates, our dog bite lawyers have 20 plus years of experience and the resources needed to handle complicated cases. Our number one priority is the full financial recovery of your costs.
Call us today for a FREE consultation. We’ll listen to the details of your case and discuss the best options for you. To get started, call us at (404) 400-4000 or contact us online.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form