If you fell and suffered an injury at a Dick’s Sporting Goods store, you should consider contacting a slip and fall injury lawyer. Chances are good that the store was negligent in some way and that you have a legal right to seek compensation for your damages, per OCGA §51-12-4.
It’s best to reach out to a lawyer who has experience with slip and fall accidents in particular, rather than just any lawyer or law firm in your local area.
John Foy & Associate can apply that type of legal expertise to your case. With more than 20 years of experience helping our clients win the money they deserve, we know what it takes to win cases. Plus, we don’t take a fee unless we win you money—so there’s no risk in reaching out. Contact us at (404) 400-4000 or online to schedule a FREE consultation today.
Potentially Hazardous Conditions at Dick’s Sporting Goods Stores
There are a number of ways someone might suffer a slip and fall at a store like Dick’s. Some potential hazards can include:
- Interactive displays that customers like trip and fall over
- Unmarked wet and slippery floors
- Fallen merchandise in the aisles
- Other loose objects like hangers, clothing, or shoeboxes
- Broken stairs
If the store is not careful to watch for these types of hazards and correct them within a reasonable amount of time, it’s a liability.
If you slip, trip, or fall over a hazard or because of a dangerous situation and become injured, you are likely entitled to seek compensation for damages like your medical bills and other medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and more. You will need to do this through a personal injury claim filed with the store’s insurance company.
Get the strong arm
Don’t Take on the Insurance Company without a Lawyer
Many slip and fall victims run into problems when they try to file a claim for damages. Insurance companies will look for any way to reduce what they have to pay on a claim, especially when a large chain like Dick’s is involved. You do not want to take on a store like Dick’s without solid legal representation and strong evidence. That’s why it’s so important to reach out to a slip and fall lawyer in Georgia who has experience with cases like this.
How Much does a Lawyer Cost?
Personal injury lawyers work on contingency, which means they don’t get paid unless you win your case. With a free consultation and a lawyer who works on contingency, you could end up enjoying representation entirely for free. Then, even if you lose, you’ll know you gave your case the best possible shot by hiring a lawyer to help you gather all the evidence you needed and leave no stone unturned.
Common Slip and Fall Accident Injuries
Many people don’t realize just how much damage a slip and fall accident can do to someone’s body. Slipping and falling can lead to injuries like:
- Broken bones
- Neck or back sprains and strains
- Damaged joints
- Concussions or brain injuries
- Nerve damage
These types of injuries can disable you from doing the types of activities that led you to shop at Dick’s in the first place. If you are unable to live life as you did before, you may also be able to recover pain and suffering damages. Talk to a slip and fall accident and injury lawyer if you’re unsure.
One of the most important actions you should take after a slip and fall accident at Dick’s is seeing a doctor. This will make sure your injuries are treated before they can get more serious or painful. It will also show the insurance company that your injuries were as serious as you say, which can improve your chances of fair compensation.
What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident at a Dick’s Sporting Goods Store
Besides seeing a doctor as soon as possible, there are other things you can do to begin building your claim and protecting your legal rights. These include:
- Taking pictures of the accident scene, the hazard that caused your accident, your injuries, and any property damage (such as torn clothing)
- Talking to any witnesses, asking what they saw, and getting their contact information
- Reporting the accident to the store’s manager
- NOT apologizing or admitting any blame, even if someone makes you feel like you were at fault
- Saving all bills, receipts, and other evidence of financial losses from the accident
- Contacting a lawyer right away
The more evidence you can gather immediately after your accident, the better. A lawyer can help you gather additional evidence, such as store surveillance footage or witness statements.
Talk to a Dick’s Sporting Goods Slip and Fall Accident and Injury Lawyer in Georgia for Free
If you were hurt during a slip and fall accident at a store like Dick’s, you’re likely wondering what to do first. At John Foy & Associates, we can guide you through each step of your injury claim for compensation.
Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys don’t back down from insurance companies, even when they cover large chain businesses. We can provide the legal help you need for the best chance at success.
To get started with your FREE consultation, call us at (404) 400-4000 or contact us online now!
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form