If you are employed in Hinesville, you are likely covered through your employer’s workers’ compensation policy. That means, if you are injured while at work, you can file a claim for medical compensation, wage benefits, and more.
However, many injured workers run into issues with getting what they deserve from the insurance company—and that’s when it’s time to speak with a Hinesville workers’ compensation lawyer.
At John Foy & Associates, we have been helping injured workers get the benefits they need and deserve for the past 20 plus years. We can help you through every step of the claims process, including investigating what happened, filing your claim, communicating with the insurance company, and negotiating for the money you deserve.
To get started with a FREE consultation, call us at (404) 400-4000 or contact us online today.
Benefits You Can Receive Through Workers’ Compensation in Hinesville
There are three main types of benefits provided through workers’ compensation to injured workers in Hinesville:
- Medical compensation
- Wage benefits and
- Rehabilitation benefits
The value of these benefits depends on the details of your injuries and your average weekly income. Let’s look more closely at each.
1. Medical Compensation Through Hinesville Workers’ Compensation
If your injury or illness was caused by an on-the-job accident, workers’ compensation should pay for:
- Doctor bills
- Hospital bills
- Prescription medications
- Physical therapy
- Travel costs to and from medical appointments
Injury accidents can be incredibly expensive, so it’s important that you seek benefits to recover these costs. That’s your right as an employee covered under workers’ compensation in Hinesville.
A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you keep up with all expenses you face from the accident to include in your claim. You’ll also want to account for future medical costs if your road to recovery will be long.
2. Wage Benefits Through Workers’ Compensation in Hinesville
Besides medical benefits, workers’ comp also provides weekly income benefits. There are different categories these benefits fall into depending on the nature of your injury and how much it disables you from working:
- Temporary total disability: You cannot work at all for a temporary amount of time.
- Temporary partial disability: You can still work, but in a limited capacity for a temporary amount of time.
- Permanent partial disability: You have a permanent disability that prevents you from doing certain types of work.
- Permanent total disability: You are totally disabled and cannot return to your job
When you are first injured and away from work receiving treatment, you can receive temporary total disability benefits. These are paid at two-thirds of your average weekly wage you were earning before your injury or up to $675 per week.
If you are able to return to work but must take a lower-paying job because of your injuries, you would be eligible for a reduced benefit up to $450 per week for a maximum of 350 weeks from the date you were injured.
For more details on wage benefits based on the nature of your injury, contact a Hinesville workers’ compensation lawyer today.
3. Rehabilitation Benefits Through Workers’ Compensation in Hinesville
Through workers’ compensation, you may also be entitled to medical or vocational rehabilitation.
Vocational rehabilitation helps those with an impairment or disability return to and maintain employment. Work injuries can make it difficult to adjust to a new line of work or return to a former job in the same capacity. Rehabilitation is meant to assist you in adjusting to the changes your work-related injuries have brought.
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What to Know About Seeing a Doctor for Your Hinesville Workers’ Compensation Claim
After being injured at work, there are certain rules you must follow when seeing a doctor through your employer’s workers’ compensation policy. In Georgia, employers are legally required to post information about health care providers you can use. They can do this in one of two ways:
- Providing a Panel of Physicians with at least six doctors to choose from
- Posting the name of a Workers’ Compensation Management Care Organization (WC/MCO) your employer has contracted with and that has been certified through the Georgia State Board of Workers’ Compensation (SBWC)
As long as you see an authorized physician for treatment of your injuries, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company should pay for the costs. It’s very important that you see a doctor who is authorized. Otherwise, your medical treatment costs will likely not be covered.
You do Not Need to Sue to Get Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Many injured workers wonder if they will need to file a lawsuit to get the compensation they need. The answer is “no.” In fact, it’s legally impossible to sue your employer through workers’ compensation.
Through workers’ compensation claims, you do not need to prove fault at all in your accident. Fault is not considered at all, which saves both you and your lawyer from having to deal with lengthy, expensive lawsuits. If your injury or illness happened while on the job, it should be covered.
If you’re worried about your employer taking action against you because you filed a workers’ compensation claim, call a workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible. Thankfully, we find that the majority of employers are happy to have a policy in place that protects injured workers. That’s not always the case, though, so it’s best to have legal representation available just in case.
Your Injury does Not Need to Result from an Accident
Although many work-related injuries occur because of an accident, you can file a claim for other injuries like:
- Injuries from long-term misuse or overuse, such as repetitive use injuries or back issues
- Diseases resulting from work conditions like lung disease or heart conditions
You should be compensated for costs resulting from injuries or illness that come about because of your job.
Talk to a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Hinesville, GA for Free Today
Although you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits as a worker in Hinesville, the claims process can be complicated. An experienced lawyer can help calculate your costs, file your claim, negotiate for a fair settlement, and defend your rights.
That’s what we have been doing for injured workers for over 20 years.
Let us help you, too, starting with a FREE consultation. To get started with your FREE consultation, call (404) 400-4000 or contact us online today.
912-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form