If you suffered extreme injuries due to another person’s negligence, you may be eligible to file a catastrophic injuries claim. The goal of your claim is to recover substantial compensation for the injuries and other monetary losses you have incurred. To start the process of filing a claim against a negligent party, reach out to a Kennesaw catastrophic injuries lawyer from John Foy & Associates.
Catastrophic Injuries Can Lead to Long-Term Health Issues
An extreme illness or injury may be legally qualified as a catastrophic injury. The reason catastrophic injuries must be differentiated from normal injuries is that catastrophic injuries usually result in more damage and long-term health problems for the victim.
The main factors that allow lawyers to differentiate between catastrophic injuries and normal injuries are the severity of the injury and the overall impact the injury has and will have on the victim’s life. If someone’s quality of life will be reduced dramatically in the long term, the injury likely qualifies as “catastrophic.”
Once you have considered the severity of your injuries and whether your life will be impacted for the foreseeable future, speak to a catastrophic injuries lawyer in Kennesaw. They will help you recognize the full breadth of your damages so that you have enough information to pursue full compensation.
Get the strong arm
Common Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic injuries fall into several umbrella categories. Accidents caused by negligence sometimes result in more than one of these catastrophic injuries.
The medical term for having a limb removed is amputation. Amputation can be performed as a medical procedure, or it can occur naturally as the result of an accident. If a car crash caused one of your limbs to be damaged beyond repair, the doctors may attempt to keep you safe by removing it. This is a dramatic loss that should not just be accepted.
Even if you were to file a normal personal injury claim, you may not be able to recover compensation that is equivalent to the full value of your emotional damages. The loss of a limb is devastating and permanent, and victims deserve to be compensated for the loss of quality of life and pain and suffering that they will certainly experience in the future.
Severe Friction Burns
When flesh comes into contact with a solid object, the friction caused by the contact can rip the skin off. If the object is moving fast enough, heat may be generated as well, causing a burn. A common cause of friction burns is rope.
If someone is holding a rope that suddenly gets pulled at high speeds, the friction of the rope can tear their flesh and even generate substantial heat.
Severe Electrical Burns
Electricity generates energy that can cause injuries in a variety of ways. The electricity being transferred through your body may damage internal organs, but at the surface level, electricity can also burn flesh. If you came into contact with an exposed wire or another electrical source that should have been secured by another party, negligence may be the cause of your injuries.
A Kennesaw catastrophic injuries attorney can help you get compensation for these injuries by proving that someone’s negligence was the root cause.
Severe Thermal Burns
Fires and other heat sources are the most common sources of burns. Whether someone exposed you to a fire and it burned you, or you were put in a situation where you could not avoid being burned by a machine or another object, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries. Because thermal burns can occur due to a variety of circumstances, you will need a catastrophic injuries attorney in Kennesaw to help you identify who was at fault and how you can recover full compensation from them.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
When the brain is impacted with great force, it can be damaged. A traumatic brain injury is what happens when someone’s brain is subjected to enough force to cause physical damage. This damage can be caused by blunt force applied to the body or a rapid jolting that causes the head and neck the move back and forth or sideways.
Car accidents frequently result in concussions, which are a form of traumatic brain injury. Other sources of traumatic brain injuries include medical malpractice, assault, and slip and fall accidents.
Liability for a Catastrophic Injury
Catastrophic injuries typically occur due to negligence. This can be the victim’s negligence or another party’s negligence. Employers are commonly found to be at fault for putting their employees in situations where injuries are unavoidable.
Though, employers are not the only source of catastrophic injuries. Accidents also cause many injuries every year. Some of the sources of catastrophic injuries include:
- The negligence of a business
- The negligence of a property owner
- The negligence of a driver
- The negligence of a manufacturer
- The negligence of a health care provider
Knowing which party is responsible for your injuries will make it much easier to file a claim against them. With the help of a catastrophic injuries attorney in Kennesaw, you can quickly find out who is liable for your injuries.
Get the Compensation You Deserve
You may have been approached by the negligent party’s insurance company to settle for a seemingly reasonable amount of money. Understand that the insurance company’s priority is minimizing costs. The only reason they would immediately offer a settlement is that they know your claim would have more value if you worked with a Kennesaw catastrophic injuries attorney.
To get the amount of compensation you are rightfully due, reach out to John Foy & Associates. We will help you get started with a free case evaluation. Contact us now by using the contact form on this page.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form