Large trucks are among the most dangerous vehicles on Kennesaw’s roads. Even at low speeds, a collision with a semi-truck can leave most other vehicles totaled—and put the lives of their occupants in danger.
If you or someone you love has been put in this position, or you’ve lost a family member, chances are high that you have a right to a financial recovery. And most of the time, it’s worth much more than the insurance company is offering you. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Talk to a Kennesaw truck accident lawyer.
John Foy & Associates is here to help you. For 20 years, we have devoted our law firm exclusively to protecting those who were injured or wronged. We have seen firsthand the tragedy that comes from truck accidents, and we understand how to use the law to champion your rights. Let us give you a FREE consultation with some of the most respected truck accident attorneys in the state.
Call us at 404-400-4000 and get your free consultation today.
What Are the Laws About Truck Accidents in Kennesaw?
Truck accidents follow the same rules as any other vehicle accident in the state of Georgia. Many of these rules revolve around who is at fault for the accident. If one driver caused the accident, or is the person primarily responsible for causing it, they are considered “at fault.” This is true even if they weren’t speeding or breaking traffic laws. A simple lapse of judgement is enough to be at fault.
When a driver is at fault, they’re also liable for the damages caused by the accident. That means that they have to pay all of the costs of those who were injured.
In a truck accident, that almost always means that an insurance policy is involved. Commercial trucking companies tend to carry large insurance policies to protect them from the liability of an accident.
Independent owner operators may have less insurance, but also tend to have larger policies than normal drivers. If you’re the victim of a truck accident, this means that there’s almost always money available to pay for your injuries.
However, just because the policy is there doesn’t mean the insurer wants to pay. In fact, because truck accidents can be so costly, insurers tend to fight particularly hard to avoid paying. In many cases they won’t even admit the truck driver was at fault and may try to blame the victim.
This puts truck accident victims in a very difficult position legally. On the one hand, the policy is there and could potentially pay for all of your costs—even gigantic medical costs. On the other hand, you may suddenly find yourself facing an army of lawyers and insurance adjusters, and even being blamed for your own injuries.
This is why it’s so important to have a lawyer on your side from the start.
Get the strong arm
Someone Is Trying to Blame Me for the Accident. What Should I Do?
If the truck accident wasn’t your fault, you aren’t liable for it—period. But you may have to fight to prove this.
In truck accident cases, the insurance company often claims that the victim was driving recklessly or provoked the accident. We find that this is rarely accurate, for a number of reasons:
- Trucks have large blind spots and can easily cut off or run into a vehicle
- Trucks have a hard time stopping quickly, especially when the driver is inattentive
- Although many truck drivers are responsible, they are all held to extremely demanding schedules and many suffer from fatigue and drowsiness
As a result, the trucker may be at fault simply because they did not allow enough space, or did not check all blind spots, even if they didn’t break any laws. And since trucks are the most dangerous vehicles on the road, they have an extra duty to be careful and drive defensively. When a truck driver breaches this duty, it’s negligence.
Of course, that’s where evidence comes in. A good truck accident lawyer can help put together the evidence that will prove who was really at fault. For example:
- Did other drivers or bystanders witness the accident?
- What does the damage to the vehicles tell us about how the accident happened?
- Does forensic evidence suggest the truck driver started stopping soon enough?
- What does the truck driver’s log tell us about the mileage and hours they put in? Are there signs they were fatigued?
Never let yourself be blamed for an accident you didn’t cause. If you are the victim, talk to a lawyer who will stand up for your rights.
How Much Money Can I Win in a Truck Accident Claim in Kennesaw?
There is no dollar limit in the City of Kennesaw—or anywhere in the state of Georgia. Instead, the courts award money based on the damages you suffered. These usually break into two categories:
- Actual bills and costs, like medical bills.
- Losses that can’t be replaced with money, like a permanent injury—or suffering from severe pain.
For this second category, the local courts will award you extra money based on how severe the life-changing aspects of your injuries are. This money is designed to offset the impact the accident has on your life and help you move forward.
If someone passed away because of the accident, the courts will also award wrongful death money to the family.
Truck accidents are different from other accident claims, however, because they tend to be much more severe—with larger amounts involved. As a result, many truck accident claims can pay more than $1 million.
Talk to a Kennesaw Truck Accident Lawyer for Free
A truck accident can change or take away a life in seconds. Don’t let your rights be taken away too. John Foy & Associates offers some of the most respected truck accident attorneys in the state—and we want to help you.
Let us give you a free, no-obligation consultation. Call us at 404-400-4000 or fill out the form to your right and get your FREE consultation today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form