Do you know how terrifying it is to be on the road simultaneously as a drunk driver? Sometimes you see the drunk driver swerving in and out of a lane, and other times you do not see the drunk driver coming. The result is the same – innocent people are seriously hurt or killed because of a terrible decision.
If you or a loved one have been seriously hurt or killed by a drunk driver, speak with a LaGrange drunk driving accident lawyer at John Foy & Associates.
Drunk Driving Statistics
Whether we are in the midst of a pandemic or not, drunk driving accidents have continued to increase. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reports that one person dies from a drunk driving accident every eight hours and 31 minutes.
Even more alarming, the rate at which a person would die from a drunk driving accident last year was nine hours. The fact that the time is diminishing in just a year speaks to how often drunk driving accidents happen.
Get the strong arm
Alcohol’s Effect on the Brain
People who have consumed alcohol know how the substance can affect every part of their body, including the brain. Alcohol slows the activity of the central nervous system. Every sense of the brain – from concentration to vision – is affected by alcohol.
The amount of alcohol that you consume will affect your ability to concentrate efficiently, your ability to use your peripheral vision, and your ability to understand what is going on around you.
Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents
When a drunk driver is on the road, everyone around them is a victim. Drunk drivers truly have no control of their vehicles and are not in the right frame of mind to operate the vehicle safely. This can lead to serious injuries and even death for some motorists and pedestrians.
If you have been fortunate to survive a drunk driving accident, you are guaranteed to suffer a catastrophic injury that you will live with for the rest of your life.
What You Can Do After a LaGrange Drunk Driving Accident
The moments immediately following a drunk driving accident are stressful, scary, and crucial to your case. After you are cared for by the responding EMTs or a doctor at the hospital, you need to begin building your case against the drunk driver. Be sure to do the following in order to solidify your case.
Speak with a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in LaGrange Immediately
One of the most important steps you can take is speaking with a LaGrange drunk driving accident attorney from John Foy & Associates. You are going to have a lot of questions about compensation, the claims process, and more. An experienced and compassionate attorney will be able to handle everything for you from start to finish.
Provide as Much Evidence as Possible
If you have any evidence identifying the drunk driver or their vehicle, be sure to give it to the police and to your attorney. This includes pictures, videos, and witness statements. You want to make sure there is no denying who the at-fault party was that caused your injuries in a drunk driving accident.
Avoid Posting on Social Media
Do not post anything on social media related to your accident or pending legal case. The defense attorney for the at-fault driver can use these posts against you, especially if you post pictures that might show you are not as injured as you claim.
Do Not Answer Any Questions without Your Attorney
If you receive phone calls from defense attorneys, insurance adjusters, or anyone else interested in your accident, do not speak with them. Doing so can hurt the chances of your claim succeeding. You need to notify your drunk driving attorney immediately and only speak with these parties when your attorney is present or advises you on what to say.
Holding Drunk Drivers Liable for Their Actions
As the victim of a drunk driving accident, there is another way that you can punish the driver for your injuries. You can file a lawsuit against the driver and seek compensation. Because drunk driving is considered a personal injury accident, you have the right to demand compensation from the person who caused you significant harm.
Filing a lawsuit will help you determine who is the actual at-fault driver of your accident. Unless there is strong evidence to prove that the driver was drunk at the time of the accident, it is rare for a driver to admit to drunk driving.
The Value of a Drunk Driving Accident Claim
Every drunk driving accident is different, and the same goes for the claim that follows. The circumstances of your accident and resulting injuries will determine how much your claim is worth. This includes the following:
- The severity of your injuries
- The level of negligence on the part of the drunk driver
- Whether or not the driver fled the scene
- The length of time you are expected to take to recover from your injuries
- If the accident resulted in a fatality
How a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney in LaGrange Can Help
When you want to hold a drunk driver accountable for your accident, many factors can work against you. The defendant is not automatically guilty of drunk driving because you have filed a lawsuit against them.
You will be responsible for proving the driver’s fault and justifying why they need to be accountable for your injuries. That is where a LaGrange drunk driving accident lawyer can help you.
Your LaGrange drunk driving accident lawyer can gather the most credible evidence for your case. Your lawyer can gather evidence like the drunk driver’s police report, witness testimony by anyone at the scene, and even testimony from the arresting officer.
Contact a LaGrange Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Today
When you want to seek justice for your drunk driving accident, speak with a LaGrange drunk driving accident lawyer at John Foy & Associates. Our lawyers understand the devastation of a drunk driving accident and will help you aggressively fight for your compensation.
Call our office, or fill out our contact form to schedule a free initial consultation. You deserve to be protected when faced with injuries caused by a negligent party.
706-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form