Rear-end collisions are an everyday occurrence in Lawrenceville. In fact, about half of all two-car accidents involve one car rear-ending another. And while a rear-end accident may not cause much damage to your car, it can lead to serious, lingering injuries.
Whether your accident seems minor or major, you may face tens of thousands of dollars of medical costs, all because you were hit from behind. But you do not have to pay these costs alone. You need to talk to an experienced Lawrenceville car accident attorney.
John Foy & Associates is ready to help. We have been aiding auto accident victims for more than 20 years, and in that time we’ve earned a reputation for success. Our law firm has just one mission: to help people who have been hurt. We only represent victims, never the insurance companies.
What Is a “Rear-End Collision” in Lawrenceville?
We consider an accident to be a “rear-end collision” any time the front end of one car hits the back end of another – even if other things also caused or contributed to the accident.
Some of these are high-speed crashes on highways, with one car pulling suddenly in front of another. Others are classic parking lot fender benders. But no matter how fast or slow the vehicles were traveling, we’ve found that all rear-end collisions can cause significant damage and painful injuries.
In the City of Lawrenceville, rear-end collisions tend to happen because of one or more of these factors:
- Driving too fast
- Following too closely
- Texting or other distracted driving behavior
- Bad weather that reduces visibility
- Changing lanes aggressively
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving killed 3,142 people in 2019 and injured even more. No matter what caused your rear-end collision, you shouldn’t have to pay damages for something that wasn’t your fault.
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Can You Sue for a Rear-End Accident?
Yes, you can sue for a rear-end accident if the other party was responsible. In most cases, this will be a personal injury case, which depends on negligence. To prove that someone was negligent in your accident, you will have to show that:
- The other party owed you a standard of care, i.e., a reasonable level to which someone can be expected to treat other people.
- They breached the standard of care. This can be breaking the law, driving recklessly, or anything else that caused your crash.
- Their breach of the standard of care caused you specific damages.
To do this, you should have the help of a skilled car accident attorney in Lawrenceville. Our team has years of experience with personal injury cases and we know how to find the evidence that will show what truly happened in your crash.
What Is the Average Settlement for a Rear-End Collision?
Because of the unpredictable nature of car accidents, it’s hard to give an “average” settlement number that will help you understand your specific situation. Everyone’s situation is different, as are their needs, so a good settlement for someone else may not be enough for you.
Factors that could affect your settlement include:
- The severity of your injuries
- How much work your injuries cause you to miss
- How negligent the other party was
- Whether you shared any fault in the accident
- Whether your injuries need ongoing care
- Whether you suffered any pain, suffering, or mental anguish
A good rear-end collision lawyer in Lawrenceville will be able to calculate your damages and convey that to the insurance company. At your free initial consultation, your rear-end collision attorney will assess your situation and give you a better idea of how much you can expect from your settlement.
What Kinds of Injuries do Rear-End Accidents Cause?
The kind of injury you’ll suffer in a rear-end accident depends on many factors, including the way the accident happened and your own body and health. However, there are some injuries that we see more often than others.
- Whiplash is the classic rear-end collision injury. When your car is hit from behind, the impact propels your head forward and it then “whips” back as the car comes to rest, which can cause painful tears in your neck muscles and tissues.
- Head injuries are often the most severe and life-altering consequences of car accidents. If the impact of the collision causes you to hit your head on the steering wheel, windshield, or another part of the car, you may suffer a concussion or a more serious traumatic brain injury, even if it’s only a minor concussion.
- Broken bones can occur when you hit your head, hands, or other body parts on the hard surfaces of the car’s interior. Some bone fractures will need surgery to heal properly.
Any car accident injury can develop into a serious condition, even if at first it seems minor. Always see a doctor after an auto accident, then call a rear-end collision attorney in Lawrenceville for more help.
Is There a Difference Between Rear-End Collisions and Other Car Accidents?
State law treats rear-end collisions the same as any other accident. But from a practical standpoint, rear-end collisions are different because it is almost always easy to tell who is at fault. The person who caused the accident is legally liable, and under Georgia law, their insurance company must pay all your costs and damages.
The reason it’s so easy to determine fault is that rear-end collisions are nearly always caused by something the driver in the back did or didn’t do. If the rear driver hadn’t been texting or tailgating, the accident wouldn’t have happened. This makes rear-end accidents less complicated than many of the accident cases we see.
There are, of course, exceptions. One of the most common is the driver who changes lanes without signaling and “cuts off” another driver with no warning and no time to react. The lane changer was in front, but the accident is still his fault.
What Will My Rear-End Collision Claim in Lawrenceville Pay for?
Under Georgia law, you are entitled to recover all your costs resulting from the accident. In a typical case, you might recover:
- Medical expenses
- The cost of prescribed drugs
- The cost of rehabilitation such as physical therapy
- The cost of fixing your car or buying another one
- The pay you lost when you missed time from work after the accident
In serious accidents, you may be able to recover even more money. The Gwinnett County courts may award you additional damages for such things as pain, suffering, and permanent disabilities. We know that money can never restore what you had before the accident, but it can make it possible for you to afford the treatment you need to recover as completely as possible.
The insurance company may offer you money right away, but you should know that insurance companies are run for profit and almost never offer accident victims enough money to cover the true cost of their injuries. We recommend that you always talk to a rear-end collision lawyer in Lawrenceville before you sign anything from an insurance company.
Is There a Time Limit for Making a Rear-End Accident Claim in Lawrenceville?
All accident claims have a time limit known as the “statute of limitations,” set by state and federal law. You must file your claim within the statute of limitations or you give up your right to recover money from the insurance company.
For many car accidents, you have two years to file your claim, but in some instances, the deadline is much shorter and you may only have a few months. This is why it is critical to speak to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.
Speak to a Lawrenceville Rear-End Collision Accident Attorney for Free
At Lawrenceville rear-end collision law firm John Foy & Associates, we have devoted our entire law practice to helping accident victims get the money they need to heal and move on with their lives. During our free consultation, we’ll discuss your case and explain your rights and your options.
Call us or fill out the form to your right and get your FREE consultation today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form