Mableton has over 30,000 residents that are in close proximity to downtown Atlanta. With the increased popularity of using an Uber rideshare for commuting or just a night out on the town, chances are increased that you may be in an accident with an rideshare vehicle in Mableton.
The Mableton Uber accident lawyers at John Foy & Associates have years of experience handling these types of cases and can provide you with legal assistance through this challenging time. We want to help you get the best compensation possible for your damages. Contact us today to learn more about all of your legal options.
Reasons an Uber Rideshare Driver Would Be at Fault in an Accident
Cities in which Uber has just launched their rideshare services have reported a slight surge of fatal car accidents, an increase of about 2% to 3% in each city. In Mableton, this could equate to about 1000 additional fatalities each year.
A surprising fact about Uber drivers is that they are allowed up to the legal limit of alcohol in their bodies when carrying passengers. In Georgia, the legal limit is .08%. That means when an Uber driver picks up a passenger, the driver may be intoxicated but not committing a criminal offense. Other factors that an Uber rideshare driver would be at fault are:
- The driver is unfamiliar with the route and is not paying attention to the traffic,
- The driver is not properly trained, or
- The rideshare vehicle is not properly maintained.
Get the strong arm
What If I’m in an Accident with an Uber Rideshare Vehicle in Mableton?
A rideshare driver must have identification that is contained on their smartphone. According to O.C.G.A. §40-1-193(d), the Uber rideshare driver must have the following digital information:
- The name and photograph of the driver,
- The make and model of the motor vehicle being driven,
- The license plate number of the motor vehicle being driven, and
- Any other information that may be required by Georgia’s Department of Public Safety.
If a law enforcement officer has suspicions that a rideshare driver acted improperly in the operation of the rideshare vehicle, upon the law enforcement officer’s request, the rideshare driver must provide access to the smartphone’s digital information. So, if an accident occurs with an Uber rideshare vehicle and you are not severely injured, make sure you:
- Call the police to the scene of the accident to generate a police report. The police can note the smartphone’s digital information in the report.
- Get the Uber rideshare driver’s information, such as license, registration, insurance information and Uber’s contact information.
- Take pictures of the collision, crash scene and any injuries you may have.
- Seek medical care to note and treat any injuries.
- Write down your recollection of what happened as soon as possible.
- Hire an Uber accident lawyer in Mableton.
What If I’m a Passenger in an Uber Rideshare Vehicle When an Accident Occurs?
If you are in an accident as a passenger in an Uber rideshare vehicle, you would collect the same information as above but with one difference. If your Uber driver was at fault, the information you collect would not change. However, if the fault in the accident was the other driver, you would be sure to collect that driver’s license, registration, and insurance information.
How Would I Get Compensated?
Uber does not have to claim responsibility for its drivers, since the drivers are not employees but more like independent contractors. However, they do require drivers to have personal car insurance that meets or exceeds Georgia’s minimums for liability coverage. An Uber driver must have commercial liability insurance to cover any accident and injuries while using their personal vehicle for business purposes.
In addition, if the driver cannot cover all the damages that needs to be compensated, Uber provides liability coverage of up to $1 million. This is only applicable if the driver was active on Uber’s digital network at the time of the accident.
When You Were a Passenger and the Uber Driver Was at Fault
If you are in an accident as a passenger in an Uber rideshare vehicle and the fault was the Uber driver, the compensation for your injuries would come from the rideshare driver, their personal insurance company and, if that’s not enough to cover your economic and noneconomic losses, Uber’s liability coverage.
Contact an Uber accident attorney in Mableton to discuss your case.
When You Were a Passenger and the Other Driver Was at Fault
If the other driver was at fault, the compensation would come from the other driver and their insurance company. If this driver does not have enough coverage, you can still file a claim with Uber. Uber’s available insurance coverage includes:
- The other driver’s insurance and liability limits,
- Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage up to $1 million, and
- A personal injury policy
When to Add Punitive Damages
Punitive damages can also be claimed if the Uber driver is criminally at fault. For example, if the Uber driver had more than the .08% alcohol content allowed and gets in an accident that severely injures you, the driver is criminally at fault. This allows you to add punitive damages to the economic and noneconomic losses you suffered.
Contact a Mableton Uber Accident Attorney Today
Getting into an accident with an Uber rideshare vehicle can leave you with thousands of dollars in debt and lasting physical and emotional injuries that can severely impact the way you live your life. However, knowing what steps you can take when you are in an accident with an Uber rideshare vehicle and who you can file a claim against, will make filing your claim easier.
You should not have to suffer due to a personal injury caused by the negligence of other parties. At John Foy & Associates, we have compassion for all victims of personal injury. We want to help you get fair compensation for your pain and damages. Contact us to schedule a free consultation about your personal injury case in Mableton and the surrounding areas.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form