If you suffered serious injuries in an accident with a Macon Lyft driver, you may have a lot of questions. What type of insurance policy covers Lyft drivers in the Macon area? Does Lyft share liability with its drivers, or does the liability rest solely with the driver?
Then, you may have to deal with the insurance company, which may try to decrease the compensation paid out to you as much as possible. Fortunately, you do not have to handle your Lyft accident claim on your own. Working with an experienced Macon rideshare accident lawyer can help you put together a more effective claim that clearly establishes your right to compensation and your financial needs.
Lyft Insurance and Macon Lyft Accident Claims
Despite the fact that Lyft drivers work primarily as contractors – they set their own hours, choose what rides to accept, and do not work as employees of the company – Lyft may bear liability for dangerous driving practices that lead to accidents by its drivers. To help acknowledge this, Lyft provides its drivers with comprehensive insurance policies while they work as Lyft drivers.
The coverage of the policy may depend on what activity the Lyft driver is engaged in at the time of the accident. If the Lyft driver has an active passenger or is headed to pick up a passenger assigned by the app, the insurance policy may offer full coverage. While Lyft will still cover drivers waiting for a rider, the policy may provide lower overall coverage than it does when the driver has an active passenger, as defined by the terms of the app.
Lyft drivers do not bear automatic liability for any accident in which they are involved. In some cases, another driver may commit an error or act of negligence that leaves that driver liable for the accident. When another driver causes the accident, you may have to pursue compensation through that driver’s insurance company.
Get the strong arm
How a Lawyer Can Help with a Macon Lyft Accident Claim
Filing a Macon Lyft accident claim can prove incredibly frustrating, especially if you have sustained serious injuries and, as a result, need to pursue considerable compensation for those injuries. Severe back injuries can cause permanently crippling limitations, while brain injuries and concussions can cause ongoing limitations for a long time after the accident.
Lyft’s insurance company may not want to pay out the full compensation you deserve. Fortunately, working with a Macon Lyft accident lawyer can help alleviate some of the strain and increase the odds that you will recover the compensation you deserve.
Collecting Information About Your Accident
By working with a Macon Lyft accident lawyer, you will often get more information about your accident: who caused it, what factors may have contributed to it, and even what the insurance company will actually cover when it comes to your injuries and the overall suffering you have faced.
At John Foy, we focus on a comprehensive investigation that will tell us as much as possible about your Lyft accident and the compensation you may deserve.
Support on Your Side
Often, Lyft accident victims do not have someone on their side, fighting for them. The insurance companies may represent their drivers. You need someone to represent you and help fight for your right to compensation.
A Macon Lyft accident lawyer can stand on your side, providing comprehensive support and legal advice as you manage your claim.
Help with Insurance Strategies
All too often, insurance companies fail to offer the compensation that the victims of serious accidents may deserve for their injuries. Insurance companies may try a number of frustrating tactics: denying coverage for an accident, claiming that someone other than their covered driver caused the accident, or even trying to pressure an accident victim into accepting a low settlement offer.
When you work with a Macon Lyft accident lawyer, you will receive comprehensive help dealing with the insurance company, which may make it much easier for you to deal with those tactics and strategies and emerge with the compensation you really deserve. Furthermore, you will prove much less likely to fall for any tricks designed to minimize your compensation.
When do You Need a Macon Lyft Accident Attorney?
Following most Lyft accidents, if you suffered any type of injury, you should work with a Macon Lyft accident lawyer to manage your claim and increase the odds that you will receive the full compensation you deserve for your injuries. Lyft accidents can prove tricky. The insurance company has a comprehensive team of Lyft accident attorneys in Macon on its side, minimizing the compensation the company has to pay out as much as possible.
Are you on the fence about whether to contact a Lyft accident lawyer in Macon to help you deal with the aftermath of your injuries? You likely need to contact a lawyer if:
- You suffered injuries of any kind in the accident
- There is a question of who caused the accident, and you find yourself caught in the middle of an insurance struggle
- The insurance company denies payment for your injuries, including denying the full extent of your injuries or the treatment you needed for those injuries
- You cannot get the insurance company to pay out the compensation you deserve, even after the insurance company acknowledges you right to compensation
- You have any questions about your claim
Talking to a lawyer can provide you with a great deal more information about your right to compensation and the steps you need to protect that right following a Lyft accident.
Connect with a Macon Lyft Accident Lawyer Now
If you suffered injuries in a Macon Lyft accident, working with a Macon Lyft accident attorney can help you navigate your injury claim and recover the compensation you deserve. Contact John Foy today to schedule your free consultation and learn more about your next steps after a Macon Lyft accident.
478-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form