Did a coach, trainer, or other authority figure take advantage of their position by abusing youth participants in their sports program? Adults are supposed to be trustworthy individuals who provide children with physical activity, teamwork experience, and personal growth.
However, at John Foy & Associates, we understand that there are instances where coaches, trainers, and other authority figures hurt children by abusing their position of power. While this is a terrible situation all around, you are not alone—a Macon sexual abuse lawyer can help.
Our attorneys have 350 years of combined experience, and over the years, we have recovered more than $1 billion for our clients. As your Macon youth sports sexual abuse lawyer, we can help you hold the perpetrators of abuse accountable for their heinous actions.
Georgia Laws on Sexual Abuse in Youth Sports
In the state of Georgia, child sexual abuse is a serious crime that carries both criminal and civil consequences. State-level laws allow victims to pursue legal action against the perpetrator as well as any institution that may have failed to protect the child.
Your Macon personal injury lawyer can help you understand what you can pursue in your case. In the meantime, here are a few examples of state laws that dictate what can happen if a child is sexually abused by someone in their youth sports program.
- Criminal charges: Any sexual contact with a minor under the age of 16 is considered a criminal offense. Depending on the severity of the abuse, offenders can face years of imprisonment and mandatory sex offender registration.
- Civil lawsuits: Victims of sexual abuse have the right to file civil lawsuits that aim to seek damages for medical treatment, emotional distress, and other losses. Institutions that negligently hired, retained, or failed to report an abusive coach or staff member may also be held liable.
- Mandatory reporting laws: Coaches, athletic trainers, and other sports personnel in Georgia are legally required to report suspected abuse to authorities. Failure to do so can result in criminal penalties.
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Who Can Be Held Liable in a Youth Sports Sexual Abuse Case?
Victims of youth sports sexual abuse might be able to hold multiple parties accountable, including:
- The perpetrator: The individual responsible for the abuse can face both criminal charges and civil liability.
- Sports organizations and schools: If a school, sports club, or league failed to conduct background checks, ignored warning signs, or did not report abuse despite knowing about it, they could be held responsible for negligence.
- Governing bodies: Sports organizations on both state and national levels that did not enforce proper safeguarding policies can also be found liable for the abuse.
Seeking Compensation for Victims
Survivors of youth sports sexual abuse often face lifelong emotional and psychological trauma as a result of what they experienced.
Here’s what we can help you seek compensation for as your youth sports sexual abuse attorney in Macon:
- Medical expenses, including therapy, counseling, and other treatment costs
- Pain and suffering, which entails emotional distress, PTSD, anxiety, and depression
- Loss of enjoyment of life, which refers to the impact on future relationships, self-esteem, and well-being
- Punitive damages in cases of gross negligence or institutional failure
Statute of Limitations for Youth Sports Sexual Abuse Claims
Georgia has recently extended the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse cases. Nowadays, victims are given more time to come forward.
If you or your child were the victim of youth sports sexual abuse, you have until you turn 38 years old—or four years from the time you discover that the abuse caused harm—to file a lawsuit.
There is also a special provision allowing victims to file claims against institutions that covered up abuse. For specifics about how the statute of limitations applies to your case, speak to your Macon youth sports sexual abuse legal counsel.
What to Do if Your Child Has Been Abused in a Youth Sports Program
If you suspect that your child has been a victim of sexual abuse in a youth sports program, take the following steps:
- Ensure your child’s safety: Above all else, the first thing you should do is remove your child from the dangerous environment and provide emotional support.
- Report the abuse: Contact local law enforcement and child protective services immediately.
- Seek medical and psychological support: A qualified medical professional or therapist can provide necessary care for your child.
- Preserve evidence: Keep any and all records of communication, medical reports, or witness statements related to the abuse.
- Consult an experienced lawyer: Youth sports sexual abuse attorneys in Macon can guide you through legal options and help you seek justice on behalf of your child.
Contact a Macon Youth Sports Sexual Abuse Lawyer Today
If your child has suffered sexual abuse at the hands of someone in power in a youth sports program, you are not alone. John Foy & Associates is here to fight for justice and ensure that those responsible for sexually abusing a child are held accountable.
Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation. Not only will the discussion of your case remain confidential, but you also won’t owe us anything. We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only have to pay us when we obtain a favorable outcome in your case.
478-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form