Every vehicle in Marietta requires regular care and maintenance. If a driver neglects their maintenance or someone does a faulty job, it can be hazardous. If faulty or neglected vehicle maintenance caused your car accident, talk to a Marietta lawyer for help today.
Our experienced lawyers at John Foy & Associates can help. Over the past 20-plus years, we’ve worked on countless types of injury cases. We’re well-versed in maintenance-related car accident cases.
Contact us today to discuss your legal options. We’ll start with a FREE, no-risk consultation. We do not charge a fee unless we win your case. Call us at (404) 400-4000 or contact us online for your FREE consultation.
Liability in Maintenance-Related Marietta Car Accidents
Every Marietta driver must exercise reasonable care on the roads. That care includes making sure the driver’s vehicle is safe to drive. If a driver knows their car needs repairs or maintenance, they have a responsibility to get the necessary service before driving.
If a driver neglects vehicle maintenance and it leads to an accident, the driver is responsible. That driver could be liable for all of the accident damages like:
- Medical care
- Lost wages
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
Vehicles do not stay new forever. Car owners must expect their vehicles to go through wear and tear with time. Even new cars need regular maintenance, and they can also sometimes need significant repairs.
If a driver should have known their car needed repairs, but they failed to get them, the driver is negligent. If the driver caused your car accident, they could be liable for your costs.
Proving liability for faulty or neglected maintenance is rarely easy. You’ll need help from an experienced lawyer. Contact a Marietta car accident lawyer today to know your options.
When a Mechanic Is Liable for a Car Accident
A driver is not always at fault for maintenance-related accidents. A mechanic could be responsible for what caused the crash. If you suspect a mechanic is at fault, it’s time to investigate.
According to the Consumer Federation of America, automobile issues (including faulty repairs) are the number one consumer complaint. Unfortunately, Americans spend billions per year on auto repairs that are unnecessary or faulty. Even worse, it might be challenging to pinpoint the issue to prove fault.
A mechanic could be at fault for an accident if:
- They performed faulty maintenance on your vehicle before the accident, or
- They performed fault service on the vehicle of the driver who caused the accident.
If the other driver’s car had the issues, you might have a case against the driver and the mechanic. Contact a Marietta car accident lawyer who can determine your options. Your lawyer can also help you build strong legal claims.
Also, be prepared for the mechanic to deny responsibility. They might try to say the driver was at fault for the accident. They could get their own lawyer involved.
Your lawyer can gather evidence to connect your accident to the faulty work. They’ll work to show how the party is liable for your damages.
Commercial Vehicles and Faulty Maintenance
Faulty or neglected vehicle maintenance can also happen with commercial vehicles. For example, a large truck could cause an accident because of neglected maintenance.
Drivers who travel for business have a high duty of care. They must keep their vehicles properly maintained at all times. If a driver fails to keep up with maintenance, it can quickly cause an accident.
Again, an experienced lawyer can help you investigate the accident. They’ll look to see how the commercial driver or a mechanic could be at fault.
Get the strong arm
Examples of Faulty or Neglected Car Maintenance in Marietta
There are many examples of shoddy maintenance work. Some common issues that can lead to accidents include:
- Broken turn signals
- Burned out headlights
- Cracked or dirty windshields
- Worn brake pads
- Old or worn down tires
- Old windshield wipers
Any of these issues can lead to severe accidents.
For example, brakes can fail suddenly if a vehicle has old brake pads. Tires can become cracked or bald if a driver doesn’t change them regularly. Windshield issues can make it impossible for the driver to see and avoid all road hazards.
Many faulty or neglected maintenance problems are inexcusable. A driver could be incredibly negligent in the maintenance of their vehicle. Or, a mechanic or repair shop could be liable for not doing good work.
Common Reasons for Faulty Car Repair Work
Vehicle maintenance can be complex. Another who works on a car should know what they’re doing. If a technician is not thorough, they can perform faulty work.
Common issues with vehicle maintenance include:
- Installing the wrong part
- Using a faulty part in a repair
- Overlooking a vehicle problem that needs to repairing
- Leaving foreign objects in a vehicle
- Causing further damage during repair work
If you suspect poor or neglected maintenance, let the shop know immediately. If you think the issue caused your car accident, call a Marietta car accident lawyer. You’ll need to know how to get started building a legal case.
If faulty or neglected vehicle maintenance caused your accident, you have rights. You shouldn’t pay for someone else’s negligence. Contact an experienced lawyer who can investigate and determine your options.
Talk to a Marietta Car Accident Caused by Faulty or Neglected Vehicle Maintenance Lawyer for Free Today
It’s best to call a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. You will need to investigate many details of the crash. Pinning down the at-fault party for faulty or neglected maintenance is often complicated.
At John Foy & Associates, we’ve been helping clients like you for over 20 years. We have the experience and knowledge to fight for your rights. Plus, we do not charge a fee unless we win your case.
To get a FREE, no-risk consultation, call us at (404) 400-4000, or contact us online. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take your call.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form