Collisions involving buses are often catastrophic. It is not unusual for injuries of this nature to have a significant impact on your life. If you have been struggling to cope with the trauma of what you have been through but do not know where to turn for help, reach out to a compassionate Monroe bus accident lawyer at John Foy & Associates.
Our firm offers free consultations to those dealing with the devastating aftereffects of bus accidents across Monroe and the state of Georgia. Take advantage of this opportunity today and find out how much your case could be worth.
Common Types of Bus Accidents in Monroe
If you are hoping to hold the liable party accountable after your injuries, your bus accident attorney in Monroe will need to figure out who is responsible for causing your injuries. To do this, we will need to examine the type of bus accident you were involved in, as this could provide us with compelling evidence to establish liability in your case.
Examples of bus accidents we see often in Monroe include:
- School bus accidents
- Motorcycle versus bus accidents
- Pedestrian versus bus accidents
- Passenger bus accidents
- Public transportation bus accidents
- Commercial bus accidents
- Bicycle versus bus accidents
- Car versus bus accidents
- Intercity bus accidents
If you were injured in another type of bus accident we did not describe above, that does not mean you cannot move forward with your claim. To find out what legal options are best suited for your case, you may need to reach out to a bus accident attorney in Monroe, GA and learn what your next steps should be.
Get the strong arm
Monroe Bus Accident Injuries to Sue For
When you have suffered debilitating injuries in a bus accident, it could have a lasting impact on you financially, emotionally, physically, and in every other aspect of your life. It is important to consider the impact your injuries will have on your life in the future as we pursue your case so you can be awarded maximum compensation for your suffering.
It is important to note that the type of injury you are ultimately diagnosed with will not necessarily determine your legal options going forward. However, the more severe and impactful your injuries are, the more you can generally expect to be awarded.
Physical Trauma
Physical injuries are some of the most common types of injuries you can suffer in a bus accident. It is common for bus passengers to suffer broken and fractured bones, other motorists to be ejected from their vehicles when struck by a bus, and victims to become paralyzed from debilitating spinal cord injuries after the accident.
Your physical injuries may require extensive physical and occupational therapy, strong prescription medications, ongoing medical treatment and care, surgical intervention, and more if you hope to regain as much function as possible.
Emotional Injuries
Emotional injuries are not talked about as often as physical injuries, but since they are often more impactful, it is important to consider them when your Monroe bus accident attorney calculates the value of your claim.
Emotional injuries could include the sudden development of depression or extreme anxiety, agoraphobia, fear of driving, nightmares, flashbacks, signs, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), loss of appetite, substance abuse, self-harming behaviors, and more.
Emotional trauma can make it difficult or impossible for you to get through the days without coming undone. Living your life this way may be challenging, so make sure you seek the medical attention you need to heal from your emotional trauma following your bus accident.
How Bus Accidents Happen in Monroe
To determine liability in your Monroe bus accident, your attorney will need to prove who is responsible for causing your injuries. To do this, we will begin by investigating the cause of the accident.
Generally, bus accidents are caused by unsafe driving practices, dangerous conditions on the roadways, and defective motor vehicle parts. Your bus accident attorney will need to carefully examine the evidence of your case to determine who is responsible for causing your damages.
Fault for Your Monroe Bus Accident Damages
Although bus accidents can occur in endless ways, there are some parties named liable in bus accident claims more often than others. These parties include:
Negligent Bus Drivers
Bus drivers have an obligation to operate their buses in a safe manner at all times. They are responsible for doing safety checks on the bus before they operate the vehicle and follow all traffic regulations.
However, anytime a bus driver gets behind the wheel under the influence of drugs or alcohol, drives distracted, is too drowsy, or violates traffic laws by speeding, following too closely, or failing to yield, they can cause debilitating injuries.
Government Agencies
The government agencies responsible for overseeing the safety of the roads in Monroe can be held accountable when bus accidents occur due to hazardous road conditions.
For instance, if there was road work being done and the construction workers did not properly secure the construction zone, not only would the construction workers, the contractors and subcontractors, and other parties be held accountable, but so could the government agencies who are tasked with road safety and maintenance responsibilities.
Auto Parts Designers and Manufacturers
Bus parts can become defective and malfunction at any time. This is why there are so many parties who have an obligation to ensure the vehicle’s safety. If a safety inspector had done their necessary checks, the bus owner had made necessary repairs, or the bus parts designers had not improperly designed an integral bus part, your injuries may not have occurred.
Your lawyer will thoroughly investigate all potential parties for liability to ensure you are compensated fairly for your suffering.
Contact a Bus Accident Lawyer in Monroe for Help Today
After everything you have been through, you have the right to total compensation for your damages. Get help holding the at-fault party accountable. Reach out to an experienced Monroe bus accident lawyer at John Foy & Associates today.
Our firm is proudly offering free case evaluations to bus accident victims across Monroe and nearby cities. Claim yours when you fill out our convenient contact form or call our office.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form