If you suffered injuries due to the negligence of another person or legal entity, you can file a civil claim against them to recover your losses. A catastrophic injuries claim may be warranted when such injuries have been inflicted. To learn whether your injuries are considered catastrophic by the civil justice system, work with a Peachtree Corners catastrophic injury lawyer from John Foy & Associates.
Catastrophic Injuries Are Difficult to Recover From
Catastrophic injuries are not defined based on a person’s individual feelings about their injuries. Instead, the courts define catastrophic injuries as any injuries that have a long-lasting effect on the overall quality of life that victims can maintain. People afflicted with catastrophic injuries that cause amputation, paralysis, or leave them in a vegetative state, among other conditions, often require medical assistance and treatment for their entire lives.
An injury does not have to be a life-long condition to qualify as catastrophic. In some instances, catastrophic injuries only last for months or years. However, short-term injuries that qualify as catastrophic tend to have severe consequences and result in a significant reduction in the victim’s quality of life during their period of affliction.
If another person’s negligence caused your catastrophic injury, you have the right to claim compensation from them. A catastrophic injury lawyer in Peachtree Corners can help you find out if filing a claim makes sense in your case.
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Is Your Injury Catastrophic?
An injury is considered catastrophic in nature if it prevents a person from working and supporting themselves or their family for an extended period of time.
Removal of a limb is commonly referred to as amputation. Amputation can occur in two primary ways; forcible removal due to outside force and medical removal performed by a healthcare professional. Regardless of the type of amputation, this type of injury is usually classified as catastrophic.
Accidents are a common source of amputation-related injuries. Accidents that cause amputation are usually related to machinery and motor vehicles. These accidents may sever a limb or cause irreparable damage that leaves medical professionals with no choice but to cut it off.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
The brain is a highly important and sensitive feature of the human body. A traumatic brain injury can occur if significant force is applied to the brain. The pressure can be caused by a stab, cut, blunt object, or other sources.
Sometimes accident victims suffer traumatic brain injuries and are not even aware of them until symptoms arise. For example, suppose a person slips and falls in a place of business, then hits their head. Such an accident is likely to cause a traumatic brain injury.
Your catastrophic injury lawyer in Peachtree Corners may be able to demonstrate that the property owner’s negligence caused the slip and fall. In that case, the victim may have the opportunity to recover catastrophic injury compensation from them. To prove that they have a traumatic brain injury, evidence of symptoms such as nausea, memory issues, dizziness, and fatigue may be necessary.
Radiation Burns
Most radiation is harmless, but there are some sources of radiation that can cause severe injuries. Overexposure to certain forms of radiation can disfigure the body and cause immense pain.
People who suffer accidental radiation burns often incur them during medical procedures that have gone wrong. Some medical procedures use radiation to achieve specific results, but there are times when accidents happen because the machines malfunctioned or technicians mishandled them.
Some people are irradiated with no warning whatsoever. The intense pain and burn scars can leave them severely disabled, which explains why they are catastrophic. If you suffered a devastating radiation burn or another burn, trust a Peachtree Corners catastrophic injury attorney to represent you in your claim against the negligent party.
You Have Options
Upon suffering a catastrophic injury, you may be running out of hope. Fortunately, there are options for people who negligent parties have victimized. The civil justice system allows claimants to pursue total compensation from the parties that caused their catastrophic injuries.
In cases where another person’s negligence has killed the victim, it is even possible for their family members to claim wrongful death compensation. Catastrophic injury claims are best fought with the aid of a John Foy & Associates catastrophic injury attorney in Peachtree Corners. Without one representing you, the defendants will certainly attempt to misrepresent facts to minimize the level of compensation they owe.
What Compensation Is Available?
We are unable to provide you with an estimate of what settlement you can expect from your claim, but we can offer insight into the forms of compensation that could be available to you.
Economic Damages Compensation
If money was lost or spent due to the catastrophic injuries you incurred, those losses can be recovered as economic damages. Economic damages generally represent monetary losses rather than intangible losses. Examples include:
- Housing costs
- Medical care bills
- Childcare expenses
- Wages that were lost
Non-Economic Damages
If you lost something that cannot be directly measured, those losses will be categorized as non-economic damages. Usually, non-economic damages are representative of a victim’s experience during and after the accident that caused their catastrophic injuries. It is also worth noting that catastrophic injury claims commonly result in higher non-economic damages being awarded compared to typical personal injury claims.
Trust John Foy & Associates to Represent You
Catastrophic injuries can alter a victim’s entire life. Unfortunately, the damage is more than physical — victims often get mentally and emotionally scarred. You deserve to be compensated fully for these losses if someone else caused them.
John Foy & Associates offers compassionate legal counsel to catastrophic accident victims. We have been fighting for the rights of our personal injury clients for over a decade, so trust us to do our best for you. To get started with a free case evaluation with one of our talented lawyers, use our online contact form.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form