A drunk driving accident in Rex is inexcusable. Yet, no one is immune to drunk driving accidents. If an individual suffers an injury or property damage in a Rex drunk driving accident, this individual can pursue damages.
At John Foy & Associates, we are the premier personal injury law firm in Rex. We can connect you with a Rex drunk driving accident lawyer who can teach you about personal injury law. Our attorney can review your personal injury claim and file a lawsuit against anyone responsible for your drunk driving accident.
Drunk Driving Is a Major Problem in Rex and Other Communities
The U.S. Department of Transportation notes 32 people die in drunk driving crashes every day. Common types of drunk driving crashes include:
Head-On Collision
A drunk driver can lose focus behind the wheel and ignore or miss traffic signs and signals. In this instance, the driver can cause a head-on collision. In addition, the collision can result in injuries to any pedestrians and motorists involved.
Read-End Collision
Consuming large quantities of alcohol can cause blurred vision and slow reaction times. Thus, an intoxicated driver may struggle to hit the brakes quickly in response to a vehicle in front of their car. In this scenario, the drunk driver can cause a rear-end collision, along with associated injuries and property damage.
Wrong-Way Crash
There can be times when a drunk driver veers into oncoming traffic. At these times, the driver can travel down the wrong side of the road. The driver faces a significant risk of a wrong-way crash that impacts pedestrians and motorists.
A drunk driving crash is preventable. Anyone who causes a drunk driving crash can be held financially responsible for the incident. By filing a lawsuit, an individual can seek justice against a drunk driver.
Get the strong arm
How to Approach a Drunk Driving Accident in Rex
Following a drunk driving accident in Rex, it is common to feel worried and anxious. However, there are several things that a person can do to respond to the accident and take the first steps to move on from it.
1. Call 911
Reach out to 911 to report the drunk driving accident. Share information about the accident location, the number of people involved, and other relevant information. From here, police officers can arrive on the scene to collect information from anyone involved in the incident.
2. Get Medical Help
Go to an emergency room or meet with a doctor after a drunk driving accident. This allows an individual to receive a medical evaluation and identify any health issues stemming from the accident. It also ensures an individual can receive medical treatment for any injuries incurred during the accident.
3. Consult with a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Rex
Find a Rex drunk driving accident attorney who can answer any legal questions. The lawyer can lay the groundwork for a personal injury lawsuit. Plus, the attorney can provide tips and insights to ensure a drunk driving accident victim can navigate the legal process with precision and care.
It may be tempting to try to ignore the fact that a Rex drunk driving accident happened. Regardless, doing so only benefits the party responsible for the incident. By getting help from a drunk driving accident attorney in Rex, an individual can reduce the risk that the party responsible for this incident can cause similar issues in the future.
What to Do When Presented with a Settlement Offer After a Rex Drunk Driving Accident
An individual may receive a settlement proposal following a drunk driving accident in Rex. It may seem like a great idea to accept the proposal since it provides instant cash. Doing so may ultimately do more harm than good — and there are several reasons why.
First, accepting a settlement offer forces a drunk driving accident victim to forgo litigation. It ensures the victim will not receive the full amount of damages that were originally requested in their drunk driving accident lawsuit. Rather, the victim gives up their right to sue in exchange for a quick settlement.
Also, approving a settlement does not guarantee a drunk driving accident victim is well equipped to manage their finances moving forward. The accident can cause severe injuries that require costly long-term medical treatments. By accepting a settlement, an accident victim may run out of money to cover the costs of these treatments and similar expenses.
How to Handle a Settlement Proposal After a Rex Drunk Driving Accident
Meet with a Rex drunk driving accident lawyer to discuss any settlement proposal. This allows an accident victim to consult with a lawyer who can perform an in-depth review of the offer. The attorney can highlight the short- and long-term ramifications of accepting the proposal.
If a drunk driving accident victim feels a settlement offer is insufficient, options are available. At this time, the victim can counter the proposal, or the victim can decline the offer altogether.
Settlement negotiations in a drunk driving accident case are open throughout the course of litigation. If negotiations are unsuccessful, a plaintiff and defendant appear in court. Both parties get the opportunity to present their case during a trial.
How a Rex Drunk Driving Accident Attorney Gets a Plaintiff Ready for a Trial
The courtroom experience can be overwhelming for a Rex drunk driving accident victim. Fortunately, a drunk driving accident lawyer prepares a plaintiff for court. The lawyer explains how the court is set up and what to expect when their case goes to trial.
A drunk driving accident attorney can help a plaintiff gather and organize evidence before a court date. Evidence can play a key role in a plaintiff’s argument. If evidence is relevant and easy to understand, a plaintiff can show a court why damages should be awarded.
The best drunk driving accident lawyer stays in constant contact with a plaintiff throughout their litigation. If a plaintiff has legal concerns or questions, their lawyer can respond to them. This ensures a plaintiff gets plenty of support at each stage of the legal process.
Partner with a Rex Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer
John Foy & Associates gives you immediate access to a drunk driving accident lawyer in Rex. Our team can evaluate your drunk driving accident case and help you plan accordingly. To learn more or request a free consultation, please contact us today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form