Food delivery drivers do not require any special training to be on the road. This is because the deliveries they make typically get done in a standard passenger vehicle as opposed to big trucks or large vans. Regardless of if the driver is on the clock for work or not, they are not immune to the standard traffic safety laws that everyone in Savannah has to adhere to.
Delivery drivers are a common sight throughout the country as dining out becomes an ever-increasing popular option. Accidents with food delivery cars are becoming more and more frequent every year. If you were involved in one, you can pursue financial compensation from the at-fault driver. Call John Foy & Associates for a free consultation about your case at (404) 400-4000.
What Are Georgia’s at Fault Laws?
The Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §51-12-33 states that you must not be more than 50% responsible for your accident. Any percentage below that threshold you are responsible for will get deducted from your final settlement amount. This law is also known as comparative negligence or comparative fault.
When you hold a party responsible for your damages, you need to ensure that you do so completely. More often than not, the insurance company or the defense will try to blame you so they can pay a lower settlement or prevent you from filing a claim. You can prevent them from doing this by retaining a strong lawyer to represent you on your behalf.
Get the strong arm
Who Can I Hold at Fault?
You can potentially hold various parties liable for your damages:
- The food delivery service
- The food delivery driver
- The restaurant
Even though food delivery cars are not like standard commercial vehicles, they still get used for commercial purposes. If the restaurant owner or food delivery service provided the driver a faulty vehicle, you can hold them responsible for paying you a settlement. It is their duty to ensure that their drivers are in a vehicle that has been reasonably inspected for their driver’s safety and for others on the road.
If the food delivery driver is responsible for your accident, you can hold them responsible for negligent behaviors such as:
- Driving under the influence
- Driving recklessly
- Aggressive driving
- Road rage
Many delivery drivers feel the pressure to deliver food quickly. Unrealistic deadlines and expectations can feed into driving negligently on the road. Even if the accident was unintentional, the delivery driver still needed to exercise a duty of care to you and other drivers. Since they failed to do so, you can hold them liable.
How Our Lawyers Will Help You
Finding out who exactly was at fault for your accident is difficult. There are many different laws involved when it comes to filing a claim against a food delivery driver. You could end up filing against the driver or their company. The process for each will vary depending on your case’s details, and you could find yourself in over your head.
When we help you file your claim, you will have the full backing of our lawyers and the legal resources we have to help bolster your case. We can help you collect evidence, retain experts, and formulate strong arguments during negotiations that help you get your settlement. Our main goal is to help you win. We do not accept payment unless we can get you financially compensated for your damages.
Retaining a Lawyer Greatly Benefits Your Claim
You may wonder why retaining a lawyer benefits you? If you do not have the legal knowledge, then a lawyer is your best bet for obtaining compensation. One of the main benefits of having a lawyer by your side is for negotiating power.
You can choose to negotiate and represent yourself if you feel confident, but the defense and the insurance companies will see that as a weakness to your case. Their lawyers and legal resources will ultimately hound you into giving up or accepting a low-ball offer.
In many cases, just hiring a lawyer will stop all of that from happening. The vast majority of claims will settle out of court fairly if you have a lawyer. Insurance companies do not want to fight a long legal battle, and they usually concede to a good amount that covers all of your damages. Think of a lawyer as an investment, not an expense.
The Best Window in Which to File Your Claim
We know that you want to file your claim as quickly as possible. After all, there are only two years under Georgia law that you have to submit a claim. However, it is best to wait until all of your damages get assessed. Once you are certain that you have accounted for all of your damages, then you should file.
Our lawyers will help you figure out the best time to file. You do not want to miss out on getting compensated for certain damages because you settled too early. While waiting too long will weaken your case, jumping the gun and filing too early will hurt you as well. Allow us to help you understand your case to file for the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.
Talk to Our Food Delivery Car Accident Lawyers
Insurance companies will pressure you during negotiations. We will shield you from their bullying and fight back against their tactics. Trust in our years of experience to help you reach a fair settlement. For a free consultation at no risk to you, call the lawyers at John Foy & Associates today and schedule an appointment at (404) 400-4000.
912-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form