When a truck is involved in an accident in Savannah, it’s usually serious. About 200 people lose their lives in truck accidents each year in Georgia, and many more people suffer severe injuries. If you or a loved one has been in a semi truck accident, you may be confronting medical treatments costing tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Your recovery may take years, or may be a lifetime struggle. A Savannah truck accident lawyer can get you the money you need to pay for treatment and regain your financial stability.
At John Foy & Associates, we know how to help you. For more than 20 years we have devoted ourselves to helping accident victims. Our lawyers have a reputation for being tough negotiators who know how to get large financial awards for our clients.
If you or a close family member has been hurt in a truck accident, we’d like to give you a free, no-obligation consultation to talk about your case and explain how we can help. Call us at 912-574-2287 and get your free consultation today.
Why Are 18-Wheeler Accidents So Serious?
If you’ve spent any time driving on highways, you know that 18-wheelers are the biggest things on the road. A fully loaded semi truck can weigh in at 80,000 pounds, and that’s more than 20 times what a typical passenger car weighs. Because of its sheer size and weight, a semi truck can cause devastating damage in an accident.
But semi trucks have other characteristics that make them prone to serious accidents:
- Because of their size and braking system, it’s hard for a large truck to stop suddenly
- Truck drivers have reduced visibility because of large blind spots
- Trucks may be carrying hazardous of flammable substances that can cause even more damage if spilled
- Semis are prone to tipping over or jackknifing
Truck drivers play a role too. While most drivers are highly trained and do a good job, they also are frequently required to work long hours without adequate rest. When a driver is fatigued, the chances of an accident increase.
Get the strong arm
How Much Money Can I Recover After a Truck Accident in Savannah?
The City of Savannah follows Georgia state law, which allows accident victims to recover the entire cost of the accident. This means that a typical truck accident victim can recover:
- Medical expenses, including doctors, hospitals, tests and surgeries
- Medication costs
- The cost of physical therapy or any rehabilitative therapy
- Car repair expenses, or replacing a totaled car
- Lost wages if you missed days from work because of the accident
At John Foy & Associates, our mission is to get you enough money to make as full a recovery as possible and rebuild your life after the accident. We know that your injuries may be complicated, requiring multiple surgeries and years of rehabilitative therapy. We don’t want you to jump at the first offer the insurance company makes, because we know that this will almost never be enough to pay for your care. Instead, we help you get a complete diagnosis, and then we will pressure the insurance company to give you all the money you deserve.
Why Should I Hire a Savannah Truck Accident Lawyer If I Already Have an Offer from the Insurance Company?
Advertising slogans tell us that insurance companies are like neighbors who will be there when we need them. But when you’ve been injured in an accident, that’s not really true. Insurance companies are businesses, and their main goal is to make a profit every year—not to make sure you get the care you need.
This means they’ll try to settle your case for the least amount possible. We talk to many accident victims who took the insurance company’s first offer and then regretted it when they learned that they would need much more treatment than they originally thought.
At John Foy & Associates, we know the tricks that insurance companies use to avoid paying what a claim is truly worth. We know that we need to present them with cold, hard facts to get them to negotiate. That’s why we bring in an accident investigator whenever we take on a truck accident case. The investigator will collect evidence to build a strong case showing who was at fault, and why. This alone can persuade the insurance company to increase its offer significantly.
Will I Have to File a Lawsuit?
Not always. Most truck accident claims never go to court. Instead, after we gather evidence about the cause of the accident and your injuries, we approach the insurance company. We show them who is legally liable and what your injuries will cost, both now and in the future. When they see our evidence and realize we have a strong case, they’ll usually make a reasonable offer.
But occasionally, an insurance company refuses to budge. If this occurs in your case, we will advise you on your chances of winning at trial, as well as the risks involved in going to the local courts. Then we let you decide whether we file a lawsuit. If you do go to court, we have a strong litigation team that can take care of your case all the way through trial.
How Much does a Truck Accident Lawyer Cost in Savannah?
A good accident lawyer shouldn’t cost you a thing up front.
We believe in helping injured people, not in charging them legal fees when they’re struggling with medical bills and lost time from work. We’ve set up a pay structure so everyone can afford a lawyer:
- You won’t pay anything to consult with us
- You will never pay any money out of pocket
- You won’t pay anything, ever, if we don’t get money for you
If we do get you a financial recovery, we’ll deduct our fees as a percentage at the end, and you keep the rest. We think this is the best way to ensure that legal help is there for you when you need it most.
Talk to a Savannah Truck Accident Lawyer for Free
If you’ve been injured in a truck accident in Savannah, there are strict deadlines for getting your claim on file. If you miss the deadline, you may give up the right to ever recover money for you injures.
Don’t wait. Contact us for a free consultation so we can explain your rights and help you decide what you should do. Call us at 912-574-2287 or fill out the form to your right and get your FREE consultation today.
912-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form