St. Mary’s Georgia is an ideal place for motorcyclists looking to take a scenic drive. However, negligent motorists can turn a beautiful ride into a nightmarish situation.
Serious motorcycle collisions can cause catastrophic damage and life-long injuries. If you or a loved one have been hurt, let a St. Mary’s motorcycle accident lawyer from John Foy & Associates help you recover the compensation you need.
Motorcycle Accident Injury and Fatality Rates
The injuries from a motorcycle accident are significantly more life-threatening than those sustained in other accidents. In the last reporting year, the Insurance Information Institute (III) reports the following fatality rates:
- 68.71 motorcycles
- 16.72 cars
- 13.72 light trucks
Motorcycles are notoriously less crash-worthy than passenger vehicles. There were 5,579 fatalities and 83,000 motorcycle-accident injuries reported for that same year. Should you or a loved one be represented in any of these sobering statistics, reach out to a motorcycle accident attorney in St. Mary’s as soon as possible.
Get the strong arm
Why Motorcycles Accidents Outnumber Other Motor Vehicle Accidents
Motorcycles are less visible to other drivers on the road. They are smaller and slimmer than cars or trucks, making it easy for them to disappear in another vehicle operator’s blind spot. Low visibility also makes them more vulnerable at intersections where cars make left-hand turns and fail to see the motorcycle before turning.
Unsafe motorcycle driving practices also contribute to the high rate of accidents. Lane-splitting, or squeezing between lanes of slow or stopped traffic, leads to collisions. Speeding or driving while impaired is another common factor.
Road hazards are more likely to affect motorcycles than cars or trucks. Heavier vehicles can usually travel over loose gravel or uneven surfaces without incident. A lighter motorcycle balances on two wheels, making it more likely to skid or crash.
Factors Contributing to the Severity of Motorcycle Accident Injuries
The attraction for many motorcycle riders is the lack of confinement. Without the enclosure of car bodies or seatbelts, riders enjoy connecting with the road and the outdoors. These freedoms significantly contribute to the devastating nature of motorcycle accidents since riders have virtually no protection when experiencing collisions.
While Georgia legally requires riders to wear helmets, the National Safety Council (NSC) reports a 69% decrease in helmet use for the most recent year of data collection. Though helmets do not offer complete protection during collisions, especially those occurring at a high rate of speed, they can reduce the severity of a head or brain injury and prevent fatalities.
Injuries Commonly Caused by Motorcycles Accidents
Motorcycle operators and passengers often sustain a range of injuries from accidents, including:
- Road rashes
- Burns
- Limb lacerations or amputations
- Brain traumas
- Concussions or other head injuries
- Damage to the spinal cord, possibly causing paralysis
- Shattered bones
- Muscle and nerve damage
- Back injuries
Why You Need a St. Mary’s Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Serious injuries require serious compensation. The most effective way to secure the highest compensation possible is with a motorcycle accident lawyer in St. Mary’s fighting for you.
Legal Expertise
You need someone who understands personal injury law, how to navigate the legal system, and how to communicate with insurance companies managing your case. When victims are in pain, it can be easy to make costly errors when filing a claim. The extensive paperwork is complex and requires several pieces of supportive evidence. Even a small mistake can result in a claim denial. In addition, it is also easy for victims to become intimidated by the at-fault party’s legal and insurance representatives.
Protect yourself with the Stong Arm of Georgia. Your St. Mary’s motorcycle accident lawyer will know your case and know what you deserve. With your attorney serving as your representative, you avoid being pressured into accepting lowball offers or intimidated by false accusations.
Georgia’s Fault Laws
Georgia is a fault state and operates under a comparative fault system. This means the party more at fault for an accident pays the victim compensation. If victims bear over 49% of that fault, they cannot collect compensation. If they bear less than 49% but still own some fault, their compensation is reduced in proportion to that percentage of fault.
Your St. Mary’s motorcycle accident attorney will present evidence to ensure the at-fault party pays their full debt to you and that you are not left holding the blame for that party’s negligence.
What Your Settlement Can Cover
A settlement can provide tremendous financial relief and help to ease emotional losses. No two cases or settlements are the same. However, you can expect your lawyer to pursue the following damages:
- Income Loss: Wages lost because of missed work and lost future income if you cannot return to work
- Medical Expenses: Medical interventions, including long-term or permanent care if needed
- Emotional Damages: The pain and trauma to you and your loved ones deserve acknowledgment.
- Other Expenses: Modifications to your living environment, childcare providers, and other needs arising from your changed abilities
- Wrongful Death: If your loved one was killed in a motorcycle accident, you may be able to collect a settlement covering end-of-life costs, related medical expenses, loss of income, and loss of consortium
A Motorcycle Lawyer in St. Mary’s Is Prepared to Fight for You
Though your life may be changed by your motorcycle accident and the injuries it caused, you do not have to face those changes alone. As you and your loved ones focus on healing, a St. Mary’s motorcycle accident lawyer from John Foy & Associates will handle the legalities of your case with compassion and skill. You can request a free consultation today by clicking on our contact page and calling or sending an electronic message.
We look forward to hearing from you, supporting you, and fighting for the compensation you deserve.
912-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form