Drunk driving is a negligent action that often causes significant harm to other roadway users. Therefore, people harmed by drunk drivers have the right to seek compensation from the people who hurt them.
If you have been injured by a drunk driver, you need to file a claim against them immediately. A car accident lawyer in Statesboro can help you navigate the process. Reach out to John Foy & Associates to start working on your claim today.
This Is Why Drunk Driving Accidents Happen
When people drink, they lose their ability to perceive the world around them properly. Along with this drop in awareness, they also suffer from poor reaction times and an inability to concentrate properly. This, of course, makes them incredibly unfit to operate a car on public roads.
Still, many drivers choose to drive even though they lack the competence and control they need to operate their vehicles in a safe manner.
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The Harm Caused by Drunk Drivers
As long as alcohol is sold in an area, there will be people who choose to drink before operating their vehicles. This unfortunate truth means that individuals will continue being injured and sometimes dying in drunk driving accidents. As the victim of a drunk driving accident, it is partially up to you to hold the drunk driver accountable for their irresponsible actions.
While the criminal justice system will pursue DUI charges against them, which may lead to significant fines or jail time, they will not be required to pay you anything unless punitive damages are levied against them. Because this does not always happen, you need to take matters into your own hands by filing a drunk driving accident claim. To do so, reach out to a Statesboro drunk driving accident claim.
Common Types of Drunk Driving Accidents
A drunk driver can get into any type of accident that a sober driver could get into. The only difference is that drunk drivers are far more likely to make critical mistakes that lead to serious accidents. Some accidents that drunk drivers frequently cause include:
Rear-End Accidents
These accidents involve a driver crashing into the back of another vehicle. In most rear-end accidents, the driver that was in the back will be liable. This is because drivers are expected to follow at a distance where they can safely brake to avoid collisions.
Head-On Collisions
A head-on collision occurs when the front of a vehicle hits the front of another vehicle. This often happens when someone is driving in the wrong lane, putting them directly at risk of crashing into oncoming traffic. Because drunk drivers have less control and awareness, they may drift into the wrong lane and end up running into someone heading in the opposite direction.
When someone hits the side of a car with the side of their car, a sideswipe accident has occurred. Diminished concentration and reaction times associated with drinking may leave drunk drivers completely unaware that someone is next to them. So, they try to switch lanes and instead sideswipe other vehicles.
Pedestrian Collisions
Sometimes it is hard to see pedestrians on the road. This is especially true when it is dark or the weather is bad. Unfortunately, drunk drivers are even less likely to notice someone standing in the road.
That is why pedestrians are frequently hit by drunk drivers, sometimes causing them fatal injuries.
Consequences for Drunk Driving Accidents
Because drunk driving is illegal, people caught doing it can be charged with a “driving under the influence” or “driving while intoxicated” charge. These are serious charges and, if convicted, drunk drivers can face penalties like a year or more in jail and thousands of dollars in fines. Beyond those penalties, they will also have their licenses suspended for a varying amount of time.
Once someone is convicted of a DUI, insurance companies will require them to pay more for coverage. They also need to obtain SR-22 insurance that shows they have met the minimum auto insurance coverage requirements in their state. Do not let these consequences leave you feeling guilty for filing a claim or calling the police on a drunk driver.
Have a Statesboro drunk driving accident lawyer help you get what you deserve, regardless of how it will impact the life of the negligent driver.
Steps to Take After a Drunk Driving Accident
Drunk driving accidents should be handled in the same way you would handle any other car accident. First, call the police immediately. This is critical, especially if you have already noticed signs that the driver who hit you is intoxicated.
When the police arrive, they will likely arrest the drunk driver and process them. Until the police are on the scene, do what you can to collect evidence that can be used when you file your personal injury claim. Pictures of the scene and any witnesses’ contact information can be very helpful.
When you submit your drunk driving accident claim, your Statesboro drunk driving accident attorney will use this evidence to support your case. By this point, the police should have arrived to make a report. Answer any questions they have, then go get medical treatment for any injuries you have.
After you leave the hospital, get in touch with a Statesboro drunk driving accident lawyer. They will help you start the process of filing a civil claim against the drunk driver.
Potential Compensation in Drunk Driving Accident Claims
Through a drunk driving accident claim, you can recover economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages. Economic damages include any monetary losses you incurred, while non-economic damages include losses that are not easily quantified in dollar amounts. Punitive damages, on the other hand, are compensation that is applied by the court if the defendant’s actions are proven to be unreasonably reckless.
In Georgia, the limit for punitive damages is $275,000, though this limit does not apply if the drunk driver was substantially impaired by intoxicating substances.
Get Justice Today with a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney in Statesboro
Drunk drivers should be held fully responsible for their harmful behavior. To ensure that they suffer the full consequences of their actions, do what you can to recover compensation from them. Though, holding them accountable is not the only reason to file a claim.
By doing so, you ensure that you can recover the financial resources you need to comfortably recover from any injuries or trauma you sustained in the accident. John Foy & Associates can help you submit your claim. To have your case evaluated, use the contact form on this page.
912-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form