Motor vehicle deaths in 2020 were the highest in 13 years, with thousands more injured. Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident on the road, but if you’ve been injured in a rear-end accident, you don’t have to shoulder these costs alone. A Stockbridge car accident attorney can help you.
At John Foy & Associates, we have spent the past two decades helping accident victims in Stockbridge recover the money they need to get their lives back on track. We have a strong history of success and one of the best reputations in the state. Contact us to schedule your free consultation today.

Aftermath of a rear-end collision on the street. Let our Stockbridge rear-end collision layers give you the assistance you need to win your settlement. Learn more about your legal options with us today.
How do You Define a Rear-End Collision in Stockbridge?
Rear-end collisions are a broad category that includes any accident where the rear end of one vehicle is struck by the front end of another one, even if there were also other causes or circumstances.
One or more of the following factors usually causes or contributes to rear-end accidents in Stockbridge:
- Exceeding the speed limit
- Tailgating
- A distracted driver, including drivers who text
- A drunk driver
- Fog, heavy rain, or other conditions that reduce visibility
- A driver who changes lanes too aggressively
We have handled catastrophic rear-end accidents at highway speeds, and we’ve also seen many rear-end accidents that happened at extremely low speeds in parking lots and stop signs. Though they sound minor, these low-speed collisions can also cause severe injuries and expensive vehicle damage.
Regardless of how your rear-end collision happened, you still got injured and sustained damages. Under the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §51-1-6, you can recover financial compensation as long as you prove fault.
Get the strong arm
What Our Stockbridge Rear-End Collision Lawyers Can Do to Help You Win
Even though you have the option to file a claim on your own, it’s best to hire an experienced lawyer to assist you. Our rear-end collision lawyers in Stockbridge can benefit you immensely and give you many advantages when facing the insurance company for a settlement.
Handling the Insurance Company
Don’t expect the insurance company to hand over whatever amount of compensation you demand readily. They’re not going to simply award you money without a fight. We know all of the tricks they use to get you to settle for less. However, we will ensure that they don’t downplay your accident and pay you the bare minimum.
Gathering Evidence
Building a solid case for your claim is a massive part of your success in winning a settlement. Going into trial or negotiations unprepared is the worst thing you can do. We will help you gather evidence, talk to witnesses, organize your documents, and obtain essential records. All of this will help us fight hard on your behalf.
Talking to Experts in Various Fields
We have access to various experts in several disciplines that can provide supporting testimony to your claim. This will give your claim legitimacy and show the insurance company that it has little merit in trying to disregard your settlement.
Allowing You to Recover
Your injuries after your rear-end collision can take an immense toll on your body, both physically and mentally. The stress of negotiating for a settlement can impede your recovery.
While you rest and heal, our Stockbridge rear-end collision attorneys will be hard at work trying to get you the best settlement possible. Allow us to handle all of the legal work after your accident.
What Injuries Are Common in Rear-End Collisions?
There are almost as many types of injuries as there are types of accidents. The injuries you suffer will depend on the severity of your accident, how you got hit, and your overall physical condition. We often see these types of injuries:
- Whiplash. Whiplash is the most common rear-end accident injury, and it occurs when the impact of the collision sends your head forward but the seatbelt keeps your body in the car seat. Your head then snaps, or “whips”, back, and the sudden motion can tear muscles and delicate soft tissues in your neck, leading to ongoing pain.
- Head injuries. The worst type of head injury is a traumatic brain injury that can alter the course of your life forever. Head injuries can occur whenever the collision causes you to hit your head on a hard object such as the steering wheel, dashboard, or seat in front of you.
- Broken bones. Broken bones are another consequence of hitting your body on the hard surfaces inside your car. We often see patients who have broken wrists, arms, and noses, and some of them will need surgery and physical therapy.
Some injuries can grow worse if they don’t get treated right away. To keep this from happening to you, always see a doctor as soon as possible.
Understanding Fault in Rear-End Collisions
All accident victims have the same rights under state law. Whether they get injured in a rear-end collision or another sort of accident, Georgia’s laws say that the driver who is at fault is legally responsible for paying all the resulting costs and damages.
In some accidents, the parties disagree on who is at fault, making the case harder to resolve. But in a rear-end accident, the fault is usually crystal clear: it’s almost always the driver in the back. Usually, this person’s aggressive driving or inattentiveness led to the accident.
There are, of course, situations where the accident is the front driver’s fault, usually because the front driver made some maneuver such as a sudden lane change, and the rear driver didn’t have enough time to react.
How Much Compensation Can I Get for a Rear-End Collision in Stockbridge?
If you get injured in an accident that’s not legally your fault, you can recover all of the costs of that accident. This will often include:
- Medical costs
- Prescription drugs
- Rehabilitation and physical therapy
- Auto repairs or replacing a totaled car
- Lost wages if you had to take time off from your job because of the accident
If your injuries are especially serious, the local courts may award you additional money damages for pain, suffering, disabilities, or other severe losses. Of course, we know that money alone can’t truly compensate you for what you’ve lost, but it can provide financial stability that will ease your stress and help you pay for the care you need.
Never Trust Insurance Companies
You should know that it is doubtful that the other driver’s insurance company will offer to pay you what your claim is really worth. This is because insurance companies are more worried about making a profit than making sure you get the care you need.
We often talk to accident victims who took an insurance company’s initial settlement offer, only to discover that their treatment would cost thousands of dollars more than they had received. Because of this, we highly recommend that you speak to a rear-end collision attorney in Stockbridge before you accept money or sign any paperwork from an insurance company.
Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Rear-End Accident Claim in Stockbridge?
Any type of accident claim must be filed before the deadline established by state and federal law. This deadline, known as the statute of limitations, is usually two years, but you only have a few months to claim in some cases.
If you miss the deadline, you are no longer allowed to recover money for your injuries. To avoid this costly mistake, speak to a lawyer as soon as you can.
No Upfront Fees
We will never charge you anything upfront for our services. Our client testimonials speak about our transparency, honesty, integrity, and dedication. In fact, we don’t even get paid unless we win compensation for your case. If we can’t win you anything, you owe us absolutely nothing.
Speak to a Stockbridge Rear-End Collision Accident Lawyer for Free
At John Foy & Associates, our only goal is to assist accident victims in getting the help they need. We’d like to show you how we can help you. Come see us for a free consultation, and we’ll talk about your case and explain your options. Call us or fill out the form to your right and schedule your appointment today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form