If a medical condition keeps you from working in Thomasville, you might be able to receive Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits to help support yourself and your family. However, you might have trouble actually getting approved for these benefits, even if you truly qualify. The review and approval process is strict, so it’s best to work with a Social Security Disability lawyer in Thomasville who can help you strengthen your application.
At John Foy & Associates, our attorneys are dedicated to helping people like you get the benefits they deserve after they become disabled. We have helped countless individuals over the past 20 plus years. We do not charge a fee unless we win money in your case, and we’ll give you a FREE consultation to evaluate your application and discuss the details.
Contact us today and we’ll get started with a FREE consultation and case evaluation. Call (404) 400-4000 or contact us online to get matched with the best lawyer for you and schedule your FREE consultation.
What Social Security Disability (SSD) Benefits Mean in Thomasville, GA
Social Security Disability, or SSD, is a government program set up to provide income to people who can no longer work because of a disabling medical condition. SSD is provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA), an independent United States federal government agency that provides Social Security.
The Social Security system provides retirement benefits, disability benefits, and survivors benefits. This page is specifically talking about disability benefits provided through Social Security. Here are some facts to understand about SSD in Thomasville:
- Disability benefits are paid through Social Security taxes, which are taken as a portion of each worker’s paychecks.
- If you meet the qualifications for SSD, you are entitled to these benefits because you’ve paid into them from your wages.
- Your disability does not need to result from a work injury. Any medical condition that disables you from working applies.
- SSD benefits are not a lot, but they can be a lifeline for anyone who cannot earn income because of a condition.
Unfortunately, many SSD applicants really struggle to get approved for benefits—even if they know they meet the SSA’s criteria. Some feel discouraged from applying at all because they’ve heard how complicated and frustrating the process can be. However, it shouldn’t have to be that way.
A Social Security Disability lawyer in Thomasville can help you build a strong application that provides what the SSA is looking for to approve someone for benefits. If you have already submitted an application and been denied, your lawyer can help you improve your application and appeal the decision.
Don’t assume there’s no hope or give up if you experience issues with the SSD application process. Instead, contact an experienced lawyer for help. They can make a huge difference in your outcome, and most SSD lawyers (like John Foy & Associates) do not charge a fee unless they win you money.
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Work History Requirements for Social Security Disability in Thomasville
There are two main things that the Social Security Administration will evaluate for each application:
- Your work history and
- How disabling your medical condition is
Since SSD is provided through Social Security taxes on income, the SSA will look to see if you have paid into the system enough overall and recently enough (in the 10 years before you became disabled).
Social Security Work Credits
Your work history in regards to Social Security is calculated through work credits. If you are 62 years of age or older, you will typically need to have earned at least 40 work credits with 20 of those credits earned in the 10 years immediately preceding the date you became disabled. Younger people will not need as many work credits to qualify.
You can earn up to four work credits per year, and the amount of income required per credit varies each year. In 2020, one work credit equaled $1,410 in earnings. Credits you’ve earned in previous years will depend on the criteria for that year.
If you’ve worked regularly in the past 10-20 years, you will probably meet the criteria for work credits under SSD. It also doesn’t matter if you had gaps of unemployment throughout the years as long as you meet the minimum for credits.
Definition of Disability Requirements in Thomasville
Work credits are one piece of the puzzle; your medical condition is the other. To qualify for SSD, you must also have a total disability from your medical condition. This means your condition is so severe that it:
- Is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death
- Prevents you from doing any work you used to do and
- Prevents you from adjusting to other types of work
There are five main points the SSA will evaluate when determining whether or not you have a condition that fits their definition of disability.
1. Are You Working?
The SSA will look to see if you are currently earning any income. If you have earned over a certain amount this year, you usually cannot be considered as disabled. If you are not working, your application will move on to a local Disability Determination Services (DDS) office for further evaluation.
2. Is Your Condition Severe Enough?
Your medical condition must be serious enough to keep you from performing basic activities like standing, sitting, lifting, and remembering for at least a year.
3. Is Your Condition on the List?
The SSA maintains a list of conditions that they consider serious enough to be disabling. They will look to see if your condition is on this list. If it’s not listed, they will compare it to a similar condition on the list.
4. Can You do Work You Used to Do?
If the SSA determines that you can still perform work that you have done in the past, they will generally not consider you disabled enough to get approved for benefits.
5. Can You Adjust to Other Types of Work?
Lastly, the SSA will decide if you are able to do other types of work with your condition. They will consider your age, work history, education, and other factors. If they cannot find other types of work that you would be able to do, you will be considered disabled.
Speak with a Social Security Disability (SSD) Lawyer in Thomasville, GA for Free Today
Getting approved for SSD benefits can feel like a long and winding road, but don’t give up hope. Get help from an experienced attorney who can give you the best chance possible of getting approved for the benefits you need. At John Foy & Associates, we can help you.
To schedule a FREE, no-risk consultation to discuss your options today, call us at (404) 400-4000 or simply contact us online.
229-232-8678 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form