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Georgians know that if you’re injured in any accident, call John Foy and get the Strong Arm. With his career dedicated to helping victims of wrongful death and catastrophic injury, John Foy sets the tone for the firm—and the unwavering standard of transparent communication and superior service to our clients.
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When you get behind the wheel of a car, there’s always the possibility your trip will end in an accident.
Even the most careful drivers get in car wrecks, and they can be a life-changing experience. Have you been in a car accident? You may be dealing with many issues, like pain and suffering from your injury, lost time on the job, medical bills you can’t pay and an uncertain financial future.
If this describes your situation, call a Tifton car accident lawyer. At John Foy and Associates, we are a personal injury firm with a major focus on car accident litigation. We seek to help clients who have been injured get the justice they deserve under the law. Specifically, we work with the negligent party’s insurance company to negotiate a full and fair monetary settlement. A settlement should cover lost time at work, medical bills, and pain and suffering. It may also address long-term problems you may have as the result of the accident.

What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Car Accident?
To legally protect yourself after a car accident, you will need to document the accident, gather evidence, get your injuries treated as soon as possible, and seek legal help.

Documenting the Scene
After the accident happens, you will need to:
- Call the police to report the accident and tell responding officers what happened
- Take pictures of the accident scene, your injuries, and vehicle damage to your car
- Avoid admitting any blame or apologizing to the other driver until you have all the facts
- Talk to witnesses and get their names and contact information
Each of these steps can help create a record of the car accident, which is crucial for your insurance claim.

Getting Your Injuries Checked Out
After you’ve left the scene, see a doctor as soon as you can to have your injuries checked out. Some car accident injuries take time to fully show up, so you should see a doctor even if your pain is minor. The sooner you can get treatment and create a record that you saw someone for your injuries, the better it is for your case.
Also, keep track of all medical bills, doctor notes, and other records of your injuries and medical expenses.

Taking Notes on the Accident
Keep a record of what happened before, during, and after the car accident. Write down how the accident made you feel and how your injuries have impacted your day-to-day life. Also, record any names and contact information of people you’ve communicated with about your accident.

Getting a Car Inspection
Assess how much your vehicle damage will cost to repair (or replace, if your car was totaled). You might see a few different inspectors for an average estimate of how much your vehicle damage is worth before the other driver’s insurance company steps in.

Documenting Your Damages
Keep track of all costs associated with your car accident. Use a file or folder to save documents and notes in one place. This should include:
- Your claim number
- The insurance adjuster’s name
- All medical bills and records
- Quotes for vehicle damage repairs
- Full names, phone numbers, and addresses for all relevant contacts

Calling a Car Accident Lawyer
Schedule a consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer who can make sure you are doing everything to protect your rights after the accident. It’s easy to get taken advantage of if you don’t know how to handle the insurance company, so a lawyer can make sure that doesn’t happen. They can also help fight for the fair settlement you deserve.
If the insurance company or other driver fights against your claim, your lawyer will be there every step of the way—even if you need to take the driver to trial.

Basically, be cautious in everything you do or say after a car accident. Avoid admitting blame, apologizing, or downplaying your damages—and get a trusted lawyer on your side who can help you take the right actions for your case. The goal is to protect your legal rights to full compensation for all the damages you face because of the other dr
Getting Your Injuries Checked Out
After you’ve left the scene, see a doctor as soon as you can to have your injuries checked out. Some car accident injuries take time to fully show up, so you should see a doctor even if your pain is minor. The sooner you can get treatment and create a record that you saw someone for your injuries, the better it is for your case.
Also, keep track of all medical bills, doctor notes, and other records of your injuries and medical expenses.
iver’s negligence that led to your accident.

a Free Case Evaluation form
How do I Deal with the Insurance Company After a Car Accident?
If you were in a car accident, especially a serious one, an insurance company will likely be involved in some capacity—whether it’s the other driver’s insurance company or your own. Insurance companies provide coverage for your damages after an accident, which often includes things like:
- Any property damage (including items inside your car in many cases)
- Reimbursement for medical bills
- Payment for pain and suffering
- Some monetary amount for loss of enjoyment of life
- Loss of wages while you recover and loss of earning capacity for any inability to work in the future
How you get these money damages will depend on the unique facts of your case.
Dealing with the Other Driver’s Insurance Company
In many car accident cases, there are just two drivers involved. One is considered “at fault” or mostly at fault for the crash. The at-fault driver, under Georgia law, must reimburse the other driver for any damage or injuries that were caused because of their actions or inactions. If the other driver has insurance coverage (as is required by Georgia law), the insurance company will often cover all or most of your damages up to the total policy limits.
However, this coverage doesn’t mean an automatic payout. You have to prove your damages to the insurance company, sometimes by going to trial. Unfortunately, under most circumstances, you have to “front” the costs for all of your losses from the accident until that time.
Keep in mind that although the insurance adjuster who reaches out to you may seem friendly enough, they are not on your side. Instead, they may end up tricking you into accepting a much lower settlement than your case is worth or even saying something that you didn’t mean. It’s a good idea to avoid talking to the insurance company, other than to simply confirm that an accident took place, without talking to a Tifton car accident lawyer first.
Dealing with Your Insurance Company
The other driver is responsible for the damage that they caused, but you may still need to involve your own insurance company depending on the type of insurance that applies to your case.
Generally, there are three types of insurance coverage that would permit you to turn to your insurance company rather than the other driver’s insurance company for reimbursement for your damages:
- Collision coverage applies to help you pay for property damage to your vehicle.
- Medical pay benefits use your own insurance coverage to reimburse you for costs related to medical care that you need after the accident.
- Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage applies when the other driver does not have insurance at all or does not have enough coverage to fully compensate you for your losses.
Although your insurance company is supposed to be on your side, they are still in the business of making money. That means if they can find a way to deny your claim or decrease the amount you should be paid, they will do that. When your insurance company isn’t covering what you think they should, you need to call in a car accident lawyer for help.
How Soon do I Need to Report a Car Accident in Georgia?
There are three “reports” that you must make after a car accident in Georgia. As a general rule, the sooner you do this, the better. But each type has its own deadline that you must follow.
Police Report
In Georgia, you’re required to report an accident to the police if any of the following apply:
- The crash caused an injury or someone was killed
- Property damage is $500 or higher
- Your insurance company requires an accident report
- You are in a city that requires a report
Most accidents fit the reporting requirements in Georgia, and you must report the accident immediately. You are encouraged to call 911 to report the crash.
Insurance Report
Insurance companies have their own internal reporting requirements that you must meet. That requirement will be listed in your policy, but it’s a good idea to report the incident as soon as you can. Some insurance carriers require immediate reporting, while others allow a few days to report.
Filing a Legal Case
Filing a lawsuit isn’t technically reporting an accident, but it’s the only way that you tell the court about the accident and your related damages. You generally have two years from the date of the accident to file your car accident lawsuit in Georgia.
Speak With a Tifton Car Accident Lawyer
Not talking with a car accident lawyer is one of the biggest mistakes people who have been in an accident can make. Why? Because in order to pay for your medical bills, fix your car and cover lost wages, you are going to have to negotiate with the negligent party’s insurance company. This is not a straightforward process, and they are almost always going to try and settle for far less than what you deserve. A Tifton car accident lawyer is experienced in aspects of the law relating to car crashes and knows how to negotiate with the insurance company for the largest settlement. You may actually be entitled to far more money than you know. That’s why you should always speak with an attorney to get a clearer picture of your legal choices.
You deserve to recover from your car accident injuries in a full way – without having to worry about medical bills and lost income.
We can help, and we are here right now for a free phone consultation. Call our Tifton car accident lawyers at 404-400-4000.

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