The Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) will soon allow Marines injured by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to bring a lawsuit against the U.S. federal government. Until now, those affected by the base camp’s toxic chemicals have been limited to VA benefits that are insufficient and too often denied to legitimate claimants.
Finally, troops suffering from cancer and disease can get appropriate compensation for their injuries. The damages awarded will change the lives of many, but those seeking justice must understand that legal counsel is required to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit. The lawyers at John Foy & Associates can help you get the highest settlement possible for your injuries.
Parties Eligible to File a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit
If you worked or lived at Camp Lejeune for at least one month from August 1953 to December 1987, you’ll be eligible to file a lawsuit. This provision also extends to family members who resided alongside you at the base.
Marines and their loved ones aren’t the only individuals who can take legal action. Civilian contractors and anyone else who may have been exposed to the drinking or washing water at Camp Lejeune has the right to file a lawsuit.
Meeting these criteria doesn’t guarantee you a settlement. You’ll have to prove that you’ve suffered from one of the conditions associated with the camp’s toxic water. If you’re able to provide documentation that shows you resided at the base camp during the specified times and sustained a qualifying injury, an attorney can help you file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit.
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Camp Lejeune Injuries an Attorney Can File a Lawsuit for
Scientific studies have linked the water at Camp Lejeune to a wide array of cancers, diseases, and other conditions. Individuals suffering from the effects of the camp’s highly toxic water have suffered physically and financially without proper compensation for years. Now, those who’ve developed the following cancers can take meaningful action with a lawsuit:
- Breast cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Esophageal cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Leukemia
- Lung cancer
- Liver cancer
- Multiple myeloma
- Myelodysplastic syndrome
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Cancer isn’t the only disease that research has tied to the base camp’s contaminated water.
There are a number of other conditions that troops, contractors, and military family members who resided on Camp Lejeune may also suffer from, such as:
- Birth Defects
- Birth Injuries
- Brain Injuries
- Cardiac Defect
- Fatty Liver Disease
- Hepatic Steatosis
- Infertility
- Miscarriage
- Neurobehavioral Effects
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Renal Toxicity
- Scleroderma
If you were stationed at the base camp between 1953 and 1987 and have been diagnosed with one or more of the conditions mentioned above, you may be eligible to take action under the CLJA. Our Camp Lejeune lawsuit attorneys will help you gather evidence and navigate the legal process required to secure a settlement.
How Much You’ll Receive from a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit
At this point, it’s too early to tell how much you’ll receive from a Camp Lejeune lawsuit, as settlements have yet to be paid out. For now, we can only estimate the amount of compensation you’ll receive by referring to similar injury cases.
Suppose you were diagnosed with lung cancer from contaminated water. In that case, our attorneys will look at the average settlement values for class-action lawsuits filed on behalf of individuals who sustained lung cancer due to negligence or wrongdoing. Then, they’ll base your estimate on the averages they find.
Remember, any settlement estimates you receive are educated guesses. The amount of compensation you’re awarded by the federal government could exceed or fall under the approximations provided by your Camp Lejeune attorney.
Camp Lejeune Injury Victims Must Submit a Claim Before Filing a Lawsuit
The CLJA requires Camp Lejeune injury victims to comply with 28 U.S. Code § 2675, which states that individuals must submit a claim with the federal agency that caused them harm before filing an injury lawsuit against the government.
For Camp Lejeune injury victims, the appropriate federal agency is the Department of Defense. Under the CLJA’s provision, your DOD claim must be denied for you to pursue a lawsuit against the government.
That means you may receive compensation for your injury from a settlement provided by the DOD. An attorney from our firm can help you prepare your DOD claim and, if it is denied, assist you in filing a Camp Lejeune injury lawsuit.
A Lawyer Can Help You Meet the Filing Deadline for Your Camp Lejeune Lawsuit
The CLJA outlines two different filing deadlines for Marines and others stationed at Camp Lejeune. The first applies to individuals who have already been diagnosed with a qualifying injury. It requires them to file a claim within two years from the date that the CLJA is signed into law by president Biden.
The second deadline involves individuals who lived and worked at Camp Lejeune while contaminated water was in circulation but have yet to be diagnosed with a related disease or condition. This group will have two years from the day they discover their injury to take legal action.
If you believe you were injured by the water at Camp Lejeune, we strongly recommend that you contact an attorney today. Waiting to get in touch with a lawyer could cause you to miss your deadline and prevent you from receiving the compensation you’re owed. An attorney from John Foy & Associates can ensure your Camp Lejeune lawsuit is filed on time.
There Has Never Been a Better Time to Take Action for a Camp Lejeune Injury
In past years, securing compensation for a Camp Lejeune contaminated water injury has been difficult. Many believe that the Department of Veterans Affairs has denied legitimate claims and left victims to suffer without benefits. Until recently, individuals seeking compensation have also been required to provide expert witness testimony.
An expert witness isn’t someone who saw an injury occur but rather an individual who has knowledge and experience in the field surrounding a specific injury claim. In the case of a Camp Lejeune injury, an expert witness would be someone with a scientific or medical background who can testify to the damage that toxic water does to one’s health.
The language of the CLJA doesn’t seem to require plaintiffs to provide such testimony. Instead, it asks their attorneys to refer to a study that ties the injuries they’ve suffered to the toxic water at the base camp. This new development may make it easier for individuals like you to receive compensation from a Camp Lejeune lawsuit.
How Camp Lejeune’s Water Was Contaminated With Harmful Chemicals
In 1984, toxic chemicals were identified in the water supply at Camp Lejeune. Since then, investigators have found that the pollution came from several different sources. Today, we can trace the dangerous contaminants back to the following origin points:
A Nearby Dry-Cleaning Service
In the early 1950s, a dry cleaning business nearby but unaffiliated with Camp Lejeune released cleaning solvents into the soil. These chemicals seeped into the groundwater and eventually contaminated the water system at Camp Lejeune.
The compound that was improperly disposed of, which is also the chemical that caused the greatest harm, is called Perchloroethylene (PCE). PCE is known to cause birth defects and several different cancers. Investigators found that the amount of PCE found in Camp Lejeune’s water was 43 times the amount that is safe for humans to consume.
This staggering finding explains why so many Marines have been diagnosed with life-threatening conditions. If you’re suffering from an injury related to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water, a lawyer can use studies linking PCE to your injury to construct a convincing lawsuit.
Military Equipment
Trichloroethylene (TCE) was also discovered in the base camp’s water supply. TCE is used to maintain military equipment and was likely released into Camp Lejeune’s water from a facility located on the camp itself.
TCE is also one of the chemical culprits behind the health outcomes suffered by Marines stationed at Camp Lejeune. Most notably, the compound is responsible for heart defects in the children of individuals who came into contact with it.
Additional Sources
Mercury, vinyl chloride, and benzene also played a role in Camp Lejeune’s water contamination. They were likely introduced into the water supply from various tools, pipes and pieces of infrastructure on the camp.
These compounds are universally understood to cause negative health outcomes, some of which have affected the Marines who were stationed at the camp. If you believe your injury was caused by PCE, TCE, or another compound present in Camp Lejeune’s water, a lawyer from our team can use relevant studies and scientific findings to support your lawsuit.
The Science Behind Camp Lejeune Injuries Is Conclusive
The scientific community unanimously accepts that the water circulating at Camp Lejeune from the early 1950s to the late 1980s was contaminated with chemicals that are harmful to human health and the environment. The EPA offered further confirmation when it designated the dry cleaner that polluted Camp Lejeune as a Superfund Site.
Due to this overwhelming scientific consensus, it will be very hard for the government to deny that your injury resulted from the camp’s contaminated water. It’s more likely that an incorrectly filed claim or lawsuit will be the factor that prevents you from receiving compensation.
That being said, the litigation that the CLJA will permit is in its infancy, so it’s difficult to say for certain how the government will respond to plaintiffs. In times like these, it’s best to arm yourself with a skilled lawyer. Our Camp Lejeune attorneys are on the frontline of the movement to compensate injured Marines. They’ll work hard to make your lawsuit successful.
Our Attorneys Can Navigate the Process of Filing a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit
Until the CLJA is officially signed into law, there will be many unknowns regarding the piece of legislation and the Camp Lejeune lawsuit filing process. At John Foy & Associates, we have the experience necessary to traverse these uncharted waters.
Our lawyers are always learning more about the coming Camp Lejeune legislation; when a new development arises, they’ll be the first to know about it. You can trust us to guide you through this uncertain process and craft a lawsuit that is compliant with the requirements of the CLJA.
What You Can Do to Prepare for Your Lawsuit
There are a few steps you can take to prepare for your Camp Lejeune lawsuit. First, you’ll want to get a copy of your military personnel record. This documentation will help your attorney prove that you were present at Camp Lejeune during the time of the toxic water contamination.
Next, you’ll need to obtain records that show you’ve been diagnosed with one of the injuries connected to the chemicals found in Camp Lejeune’s water supply. Once you’ve received copies of your military and medical documents, you can hand them over to your attorney. They’ll use your records to show that you were undoubtedly injured by Camp Lejeune’s water.
No Fee Unless Your Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Is Successful
Our Camp Lejeune attorneys won’t charge you for their services unless you receive compensation from your lawsuit. They operate on a contingency-fee basis, which means they’ll take a portion of the settlement you receive instead of charging you an upfront fee.
If your lawsuit is unsuccessful, you won’t have to worry about using your money to cover your attorney’s cost. If you have any questions about our contingency-fee agreements or are curious about how much we’ll deduct from your settlement, don’t hesitate to contact us. We have knowledgeable professionals available 24/7 to address your concerns.
Benefits of Working With the Camp Lejeune Lawyers at John Foy & Associates
If you choose to work with an attorney from our team, you’ll enjoy a variety of benefits. For example, our firm values providing quality work over having a high caseload. That means your lawyer will have the time necessary to handle your Camp Lejeune lawsuit with an exceptional level of care and attention to detail.
At John Foy & Associates, we pride ourselves on our attorney-driven approach. We find that when a lawyer works directly with a client and doesn’t rely on support staff, the likelihood of a favorable case result increases dramatically. Our attorneys will keep in close contact with you throughout the entirety of your case, and they’ll always be available to answer your questions.
We can speak at length about the advantages of working with our lawyers, but why should you take our word for it when you can hear from the people we’ve served? To hear what our past clients have to say about us, visit our testimonials page. You’ll be amazed at how many lives our team has changed for the better.
Contact a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Attorney Today
If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer or another disease that you believe is related to your service or residency at Camp Lejeune, John Foy & Associates is here to help. Our team has been watching closely as the CLJA bill unfolds, and we’re prepared to take action when the appropriate time comes.
Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation with an attorney. Your session will be 100% free and confidential. We’ll help you determine if you have a legitimate case and answer any questions you have about the legal process.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form