After a dog bite, you can sustain heavy damages that can be hard to overcome independently. This is due to the injuries that dog bites cause which millions of people share around the world, according to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). Even the most common dog bite injuries can leave you with lasting negative impacts.
You don’t have to go through this alone. The attorneys here at John Foy & Associates can help you get justice for your dog bite injuries, starting with a free initial consultation.
Get Medical Treatment Quickly After a Dog Bite
You must receive medical treatment immediately after your dog bite. If you wait to receive medical treatment, you risk further injuries later on down the line, making it even harder to fully recover. Don’t neglect your treatment if you’re worried about the price. Our lawyers will help you get reimbursed for your medical expenses by helping you file a claim to receive compensation.
Talk to one of our lawyers as soon as possible before you file a claim. The reason why it’s vital to retain a lawyer is so the negotiations can be fair with the insurance companies. Your injuries were not your fault, so don’t end up succumbing to the will of an insurance company that doesn’t care about your well-being.
Get the strong arm
Common Injuries Associated with Dog Bites
Several injuries are common when it comes to dog bites.
Lacerations and Deformities
Dog bites can leave severe lacerations and other open wounds on your body. Many dog bites require stitches, bandages, and other extensive medical care to treat them properly. Even if you heal, there is a high probability you will be left with scars and deformities.
Some of these scars and deformities can get treated with plastic surgery. These scars and deformities can be a constant reminder of the injuries you sustained. In their most recent report, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) states that in 2018, more than 20,000 reconstructive surgeries were performed for dog bites.
Depending on where the dog bit you, you can be left with a permanent disability. Many children who get bit by dogs around the face end up with vision impairments and other forms of disability that can severely impact the way they live their lives.
You should never underestimate just how strong a dog’s bite can be. Certain breeds are capable of taking several of your fingers off and even biting off your hand. Small children are especially vulnerable to sustaining injuries that lead to disabilities later on in life.
Lasting Pain
Chronic pain is a common injury associated with dog bites. Dog bites can penetrate deep into the nerves of your body and can leave you with pain for the rest of your life. Pain and suffering, in general, are some of the most common injuries associated with dog bites.
Although dog’s mouths are generally cleaner than humans, you still run the risk of infection through your open wound. If you don’t know who the dog owner is, there is a chance that the dog could have rabies as well. While this is rare, it is still better to be safe than sorry as rabies is fatal if left untreated.
Any infection can be life-threatening if left untreated. Treating infections is one of the most common injuries taken care of first, outside of any open wounds, when it comes to dog bites.
Recovering Compensation After a Dog Bite Injury
Your dog bite injuries will often lead to damages. These damages can put you in a state of economic hardship if you pay for them out of pocket. The question is, why would you do this when you can recover compensation for all of your damages instead.
Dog owners under the law are responsible for keeping others safe from their pets. Failure to do so can count as negligence under Georgia law. Our dog bite injury lawyers are here to fight on your behalf and win you the settlement you need to heal and move forward with your life.
Don’t put yourself into a deep financial hole by covering damages that weren’t even your fault. You can reach out to our law office any time as we are available 24/7 to provide you with answers to your questions and to help set up an appointment with one of our attorneys.
Call Us Today for a Free Consultation
With over 20 years of experience, the attorneys here at John Foy & Associates are dedicated to our clients and ensure they receive the maximum amount of compensation available for their claim. We don’t accept any payment unless we win for you. Please call us today to take advantage of your free consultation and case review.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form