Dogs make wonderful pets and terrific lifelong companions. While most dogs are very friendly and loving, there are some that have more aggressive tendencies and temperaments. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that their dog does not act in any violent way towards another living thing.
If you were injured by a dog bite, you can receive compensation for your damages. Over 5 million dog bites occur annually in the U.S., according to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). While some are minor, many require extensive medical treatment and can leave you with permanent disfigurement and disability.
Get help from one of our dog bite lawyers today to file your claim.
How Long do I Have to File a Claim?
Each state has its own statute of limitations for personal injury. Dog bites usually fall under the personal injury category unless there are other circumstances involved. Generally speaking, you will typically have anywhere between two to four years to file your claim.
Some states have even longer time periods of up to six years.
The Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §9-3-33 puts the statute of limitations at two years. This should be plenty of time to prepare your case and file your claim. However, you should still be wary, as two years can go by very quickly.
Get the strong arm
What Is the Best Time to File a Claim?
You should always try to wait until you:
- Received all medical treatment and have recovered to the fullest extent
- Accurately calculated all of your damages
- Have built up a strong case backed by evidence
Once you have done all of these things, then you should file a claim. Our recommendation is that you shouldn’t rush into filing quickly. The temptation may be there to file fast so you can get the compensation you need, but this won’t do you any favors.
If you settle too fast before getting all your affairs in order, you could end up paying more out of pocket. When the insurance company settles your claim, they are no longer obligated to pay you any additional compensation. You only get one shot to recover a settlement, so you need to be certain that you’re getting the best possible amount the first time around.
Get Treated for Your Dog Bite as Soon as Possible
You don’t want to linger on getting treatment for your dog bite. The longer you wait to get started on your medical treatment, the longer it will take to file your claim. Remember, if you wait too long past your state’s statute of limitations, there is nothing you can do to recover compensation.
Once it expires, you can’t file a claim anymore.
Regardless of the severity of your dog bite, getting treatment fast is essential. Don’t worry about the cost. While medical treatment is expensive, you should always seek to fully heal from your bite.
You will end up recovering the cost later when you file and negotiate for a settlement.
A Lawyer Can Help You File Your Claim
Personal injury law can be confusing, especially when it comes to dog bites. The amount of legal knowledge required to file a claim at the right time and negotiate against an insurance company is underestimated frequently.
Getting a dog bite attorney to help you through your case can only benefit you. Not only would you be able to get all of your legal questions answered, but you can also rest easy knowing that a professional can help ensure that your claim for compensation is handled correctly and submitted on time.
Start Your Claim Today with John Foy & Associates
Our team has more than two decades worth of experience handling various personal injury cases, including dog bites. With no upfront fees or hidden costs. We offer a risk-free and zero-obligation case review at no cost to you.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form