After a dog bites you, you should seek medical attention immediately afterward. Don’t delay seeing a doctor as dog bites can be infectious and cause lasting permanent damage without prompt treatment. If you’re stressed about the high costs of medical expenses, don’t worry, our lawyers can help.
The dog bite lawyers at John Foy & Associates can help you recover financial compensation for your damages. If you’re in Georgia and need help starting your claim against the negligent dog owner responsible for your damages. We are ready to help and are available 24/7 to provide assistance.
How Soon After a Dog Bite Should I See a Doctor?
If your injuries are moderate to severe, seek out a doctor as soon as possible. If your dog bite injuries are life-threatening, you need to call for emergency medical services. Even if you have minor injuries, it’s still better to be safe rather than sorry.
What if I Can’t Afford a Doctor’s Visit?
According to healthcare.gov, uninsured medical treatment costs can rack up several thousands of dollars in bills. Even if you have insurance, there’s no guarantee that they will cover your expenses. Furthermore, you shouldn’t even have to resort to using your own insurance to cover expenses that weren’t even your fault to begin with.
Seeking medical treatment after an accident can get confusing as it can be uncertain who will foot the bill. The average American household can’t afford thousands of dollars of sudden medical expenses as it would financially cripple them for years on end. Because of this, we know that there might be some hesitancy in receiving medical treatment for your dog bite.
However, we still strongly advise that you get medical treatment. With the aid of a lawyer, you can file a claim to get all of those costs reimbursed and have all future medical treatment paid for at the dog owner’s expense and their insurance company. Remember, the owner of that dog had a duty to keep others safe from their pet. You are entitled to financial compensation after a dog bites you unprovoked.
Retaining a Lawyer After Medical Treatment Is Essential
After you receive medical treatment from a doctor for your dog bite injuries, you need to contact one of our attorneys as soon as possible. We will help you get started building a solid case for your personal injury claim. Our attorneys will do their best to ensure you get the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.
You may think that insurance companies are generous and always do the right thing, but the unfortunate truth is that they don’t. Even if you needed life-saving medical procedures after a dog attack, they still would hesitate to get you the compensation you need. Don’t let them get away with paying you only the bare minimum on your settlement.
Remember the Statute of Limitations for Dog Bites
You don’t have a lot of time to file a claim for your dog bite in Georgia. Georgia code only allows for two years to file a claim from the date of the incident. This is why it is important to get medical treatment quickly.
Medical treatment can take a long time, and you never want to file a claim before it gets finished. If you do, the insurance companies will simply settle before you get billed by the doctor, and then you will have to pay for whatever costs you have out of pocket. The longer you delay seeing a doctor, the less time you have to file your claim.
Once the statute of limitations passes, there’s nothing more you can do. If you miss the deadline to file, then you can’t receive compensation. Please get the treatment you need soon after your dog bite injury and get in touch with our dog bite lawyers today.
Get Your Free Case Review with Our Dog Bite Attorneys Today
The dog bite lawyers at John Foy & Associates have years of experience fighting for their clients. With more than $1 billion recovered in verdicts and settlements, our lawyers work hard around the clock to win you the compensation you need to move forward and heal from your injuries.
Allow us to fight for you today. Schedule an appointment for a free case review by calling us.