Accidents of any kind can happen at any time. The purpose of insurance is to protect injury victims and liable parties in the event of a catastrophic injury. Unfortunately, insurance companies will often go to great lengths to take advantage of claimants and reduce settlements wherever possible.
It is critical to hold insurance companies accountable for their financial obligations. Otherwise, injury victims like you can lose out on valuable compensation you are entitled to. An experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer at John Foy & Associates can protect you during some of the most difficult times in your life.
We will not let the insurance company get away with the games they like to play. We can help you beat them. Here are some of the most common tactics insurance adjusters use and ways to challenge these tricks so you can get the most out of your claim.
Insurance Tactics to Be Aware of and Protecting Your Settlement
It is more common than you might think for insurance companies to try to reduce settlements and payouts after any type of injury or car accident. In fact, sometimes insurers utilize tactics designed to deny claims altogether or limit settlements so that victims do not receive fair compensation for their suffering. Understanding some of the most common ways insurance companies take advantage of claimants can help you protect yourself when it is time to file a claim with the insurance provider.
Georgia follows fault-based insurance laws, so when you begin filing a claim, it will be with the liable party’s insurance company if they have insurance coverage. You might file a claim against your personal auto insurance policy if you carry no-fault insurance protection coverage. Whether you are filing a claim against your insurance policy or that of the at-fault party, here are some of the top ways the insurance company could try to wrong you:
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Making a Quick Settlement Offer
You might be surprised if you receive a fast settlement offer within days of filing your claim. However, the sooner the insurance company makes a settlement offer, the more you should expect your claim to be worth. The insurer may make a fast offer, but it will likely be worth far less than your damages are valued at.
They do this because they know you need money now and think they can trick you into settling for less than you deserve. Most first-settlement offers are insultingly low. You should never accept a quick settlement offer without reviewing it with your attorney.
Pretending to Be on Your Side
When you speak with the insurance adjuster, they will likely be polite and friendly. However, it is important to remember the insurance adjuster is working for the insurance company, which is profit-driven. The insurance company will lose money by paying out on your claim.
If you get too friendly with an insurance adjuster, you could say something you did not mean. The insurance company could also manipulate any statement you give to make it appear as though you have expressed guilt or liability for the collision. If you make a mistake, the insurer will use anything you say against you if it enables them to reduce their financial responsibilities.
You can take steps to protect yourself by having your attorney handle every negotiation with the insurance company. You do not need to speak with the insurance adjuster at all. Direct them to your personal injury lawyer at John Foy & Associates, and we will make sure they have the information and facts they need to process your claim as quickly as possible.
Blaming You for Causing the Accident
Georgia follows modified comparative negligence laws with a 49% threshold. If you are partially at fault, your settlement could be reduced, or you could be prohibited from being awarded compensation, depending on how much blame you share. The insurance company loves to blame injury victims for their damages and take advantage of the state’s shared liability laws.
Unfairly Denying Your Injury or Accident Claim
Is more common than you might think for insurance companies to issue unjust claim denials. The insurer may even engage in bad faith insurance tactics like sailing to investigate your claim, misrepresenting the policy terms, or delaying the processing of your claim.
Fortunately, receiving a car accident claim denial does not mean the insurance company is off the hook. With help from your lawyer, you can move forward with an appeal. However, in many cases, by directing them to your attorney, the insurance company will see how seriously you are taking your case and do what is necessary to get your claim approved as quickly as possible.
Failure to Communicate About Your Claim’s Status
Another unscrupulous tactic you need to be aware of is the insurance company’s failure to communicate with claimants. You may have questions about the status of your claim, how much you could expect your settlement to be, and whether the insurance company needs anything from you to continue processing your claim. Do not be surprised if the insurer is difficult to reach.
The insurance company is hoping you will grow frustrated and simply stop reaching out. They may not answer your phone calls, return your emails, or even tell you the insurance adjuster handling your claim is temporarily unavailable. However, insurers have an obligation to process claims in a timely manner, and your attorney will not let them escape their financial responsibilities due to their lack of communication.
Get Help from an Experienced Georgia Car Accident Lawyer Today
The best way to protect yourself from the unscrupulous gains the insurance company pleas is by having your Georgia car accident attorney negotiate with the insurer on your behalf. We recognize some of the telltale signs of unsavory and inappropriate insurance tactics and will stop at nothing to make the insurance company pay. When you call in The Strong Arm and get John Foy & Associates working on your case, you will not have to worry about being taken advantage of by profit-motivated insurance providers.
You are entitled to maximum compensation. Do not let the insurance company avoid financial liability. Request a free, no-obligation consultation today by filling out our convenient contact form or calling our office to get started
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form