Road rage incidents are common in Georgia and nationwide, often ranging from aggressive tailgating to deliberately causing an accident. Even more alarming is the recent spike in road rage shootings. Understanding the scope and severity of road rage in Georgia is crucial for both drivers and policymakers.
Have you experienced or witnessed aggressive driving on Georgia roads? If so, you’re not alone. Our Atlanta car accident lawyer regularly handles car accident cases stemming from driver rage in our state. Keep reading for Georgia road rage statistics and tips for protecting yourself from violence on the road.
The Rising Threat of Road Rage in Georgia
According to research by Everytown for Gun Safety, road rage incidents have been steadily increasing in Georgia and nationwide over the past few years. Their analysis shows that at least 126 road rage incidents occurred in Georgia in 2021 alone, which is the highest number in the past six years.
Nationwide, the study identified over 500 road rage gun incidents in 2021. This figure represents a doubling of such aggressive driving encounters reported since 2016. These roadway altercations often turn deadly, with 2022 setting a record for fatalities.
With tempers flaring and violence escalating, Georgia roads have become hazardous for drivers. The data highlights an urgent need for solutions to prevent roadway confrontations from spiraling out of control. Drivers must remain vigilant while lawmakers explore policy changes and public awareness campaigns.
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The Spike in Georgia Road Rage Shootings
Road rage is an unfortunate reality that Georgia drivers need to be aware of. A recent report about road rage shootings ranks Georgia at number seven in fatal shootings stemming from driver aggression.
One solution suggested by the report was designing roads that reduce the potential for competitive behavior, such as tailgating or aggressive passing. Creating tougher laws against reckless behaviors, such as driving while under the influence, is also recommended.
Everyone on the road must practice defensive driving and avoid engaging in confrontations with other motorists.
Factors Contributing to Road Rage
Road rage is often triggered by situational stressors that drivers encounter. Traffic congestion is a major factor, as fighting for a position and working around slower drivers increase frustration. Running late and being in a hurry also correlates strongly with aggressive driving.
In addition, the anonymity people experience while inside a vehicle can increase confrontational impulses. Without face-to-face contact, it becomes easier to react angrily. Personality issues like aggression, narcissism, and poor stress management contribute as well. Certain people are just more likely to experience road rage than others.
Finally, disrespectful driving provokes retaliation. Actions like tailgating, unsafe lane changes, honking, and cutting off other drivers can evoke rage in response. The resulting confrontations can escalate quickly.
How to Handle Another Driver’s Anger
Being the target of someone’s road rage is a dangerous and stressful situation to find yourself in. However, there are things you can do to protect yourself in the moment and avoid making things worse:
- Remain calm and don’t retaliate: Avoid eye contact or gesturing that could further provoke the angry driver.
- Allow them to pass: Change lanes if needed to let them go ahead. Don’t block them or speed up.
- Put some distance between vehicles: Slow down and increase your following distance so any erratic moves the aggressive driver makes have minimal impact.
- Avoid confrontation if you have to stop: If you have to stop, exit the roadway and pull into a parking lot, gas station, or other public area. Keep your doors locked and windows up, and call 911.
- Note details of the incident: Write down or type into a text the vehicle description, license plate, and location of what happened so you can report it to the police and your insurance company (if an accident occurred).
- Contact first responders and seek legal help if you are injured: If the incident resulted in an injury, call 911 to report it to law enforcement and seek medical attention. Then, consult with one of our attorneys about pursuing financial compensation.
Staying calm in the moment is key. While it is challenging to keep your composure when somebody else has lost theirs, doing so could save your life or prevent you from committing a crime yourself.
If you are injured, or your vehicle is damaged, you can get justice and compensation later through police reports and legal action.
Contact a Georgia Road Rage Accident Lawyer
The increase in road rage behavior in Georgia impacts us all. Don’t struggle on your own if another driver’s reckless aggression results in a car accident. John Foy & Associates is here to help.
With decades of experience holding at-fault drivers accountable for their actions, our Georgia car accident lawyers know how to build a strong claim on your behalf. There are never any out-of-pocket costs; we only get paid when we win.
Take the first step and reach out to us today. One phone call can set you on the path toward justice and peace of mind after a senseless road rage crash. Call now or fill out the online contact form for a free consultation.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form