If a car insurance company pays your claim, you should expect a check in the mail. Yet, even if you have a legitimate request for damages after a car accident, there is no guarantee that an insurance provider will pay your claim right away. In some instances, you may need help from an Atlanta car accident lawyer so you can pursue your claim to the fullest extent.
At John Foy & Associates, we give you access to the Strong Arm of the law. Our car accident lawyer can help you get compensation as soon as possible after you file your insurance claim. To learn more, please contact us today.
Do Not Wait to File an Insurance Claim After Your Car Accident
If you get into an auto accident, you should file an insurance claim immediately after the incident. You can notify your insurance company about the accident. If the other driver is responsible, your insurer will notify this individual’s insurance company, and they can work together to pay out your claim.
When another driver is at fault for a car accident, their insurance company may try to settle the dispute as quickly as possible. For example, the at-fault driver’s insurer may reach out to you and propose a lowball settlement just days after your auto accident. The insurer does so in the hopes that you will accept a quick settlement rather than pursue the most compensation possible.
John Foy & Associates is a Georgia law firm with many years of experience with car accident lawsuits. If you are involved in an auto accident that occurs due to someone else’s negligence, please reach out to us. Our car accident attorney can review your case and help you pursue the maximum amount of compensation.
Get the strong arm
Your Car Insurance Claim Can Total Thousands of Dollars
It is important to note that any settlement offer you receive from a car insurance company is negotiable. You can counter a settlement proposal from a car insurer. If you choose to do so, it pays to conduct plenty of research in advance so you can submit a reasonable counteroffer.
There can be times when a car is considered a total loss following an accident. If this happens, an insurance company may only offer to pay the market value of your vehicle minus depreciation. For some individuals, this figure is less than what they still owe on their vehicle.
When you consider a car insurance settlement offer, account for any injuries you incurred during your auto accident, as well. You can provide the insurer with copies of medical bills that highlight the severity of any car accident injuries you have suffered. Also, you can share pay stubs that show how much money you have lost due to your inability to work in the same way you did prior to your auto accident.
A Car Accident Lawyer Can Lend a Helping Hand as You Negotiate a Settlement with an Insurance Company
Having an auto accident attorney at your side can make a world of difference. Your lawyer can answer any legal questions you have regarding your accident and how to request damages. On top of that, your attorney advocates for you as you fight for the most compensation you can get.
An auto accident lawyer evaluates your case and helps make it as strong as possible. Along the way, your attorney works with you to gather and review evidence. Your attorney can also help you negotiate a fair settlement.
If you receive a settlement offer after your car accident, your attorney can review it with you. At this point, your lawyer will not encourage you to accept or reject the proposal. Rather, they will help you assess the offer’s advantages and disadvantages and make an informed decision about it.
Receiving a Settlement Offer Does Not Put an End to Your Car Accident Case
You can get a settlement that is well below the expenses you have incurred as a result of your auto accident. Although you may be tempted to accept this settlement to quickly resolve your claim, doing so is not in your best interests. When you hire an experienced car accident attorney, you can get the legal help you need to secure the compensation you deserve.
A car accident lawyer offers many legal resources and can guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit. Once you file your lawsuit, your attorney can negotiate with the defendant in your case. If you do not get a settlement that meets your expectations, you can go to trial to resolve your case.
During a car accident trial, you and the defendant get the opportunity to share your respective arguments. If you present a compelling argument, a judge or jury may rule in your favor. In this scenario, you can secure the damages you want.
Choosing the Right Auto Accident Lawyer to Represent You Is Key
You can conduct an extensive search for a car accident lawyer that can handle your case. To identify the right attorney, it is crucial to consider a lawyer’s case results. Ideally, you can find a lawyer that has secured billions of dollars in damages for their clients.
If you want to learn more about an attorney, you can always set up a meeting with them. A meeting allows you to share your legal concerns and questions, and the attorney will explain how they will address them. Also, a meeting lets the attorney learn about your case and offer insights into how they will approach it.
Following a meeting with a lawyer, you should have a good idea about whether a lawyer is the right choice to represent you in your car accident case. If you are confident about an attorney, hire them. Next, you and your lawyer can get started on building your case.
Partner with a Car Accident Lawyer
John Foy & Associates makes it easy to get legal help from a car accident lawyer that delivers proven results. For more information or to request a free case evaluation, please contact us today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form