How is liability determined in a UTV accident? Any time an accident with a utility task vehicle (UTV) occurs, the risk of serious injury and loss is very high, and that may mean someone needs to pay for the expensive medical losses.
To determine liability, the victim must investigate what occurred and demonstrate why that party was responsible with the help of an Atlanta ATV accident lawyer.
Factors that Play a Role in Liability in a UTV Accident
As the victim of a UTV accident, you may have serious injuries and medical losses you want someone else to pay for. If you can demonstrate through evidence that someone else caused your accident, including proving they were negligent, you may be able to hold them accountable for any medical bills, lost time at work, and pain and suffering you have. To do this, you have to prove the following four elements:
- Someone owed you a duty of care – you expected them to keep you safe
- That person breached their duty of care
- The breach of that duty of care is what caused the incident to happen
- That incident, such as an accident, caused you to suffer injuries and other losses
It is often best to work with an Atlanta personal injury lawyer to prove these types of cases because it can be challenging to build an effective case without evidence. Your attorney will work hard to find that evidence to back up any claims you have. Liability in a UTV accident is best determined based on ample evidence that makes it clear to the insurance company or others that someone else was responsible.
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The UTV Accident May Be the Driver’s Fault
Whether you are the driver or the passenger, the UTV accident may be the fault of the driver or the person behind the wheel. That is very commonly the case. Some of the most common causes of negligence in these cases are due to the actions of the driver, such as:
- Operating the vehicle under the influence
- Operating the vehicle unsafely, such as driving recklessly or speeding
- Driving the vehicle on land that they know is unsafe
- Not having proper experience or any experience behind the wheel
- Failing to follow the regulations established
- Using a non-street legal vehicle on the open roadway per Georgia code, low-speed vehicles
Remember that if you were the driver, these are all specific statements that others could use against you if you caused their accident. Because there is so much on the line, it is best to work with a skilled attorney who can help you ensure clarity in assigning fault if you are the driver. You do not want to be held accountable for other people’s losses or be held accountable for determining liability in a UTV accident.
The Property Owner was at Fault
Another common reason for a UTV accident has to do with unsafe conditions. UTV vehicles are meant to handle tough environments and get into some of the most challenging situations. However, there will always be some types of environments where they should not operate because they cause serious risk of injury. Some examples may include:
- Unsafe water conditions
- Unsafe roads or bridges that fail
- Conditions that create an increased risk of tipping over
- Animals on the property
Proving the property owner was responsible for the accident where you were operating the UTV is challenging for many reasons. Property owners may state that their land was not unsafe but that you were driving the vehicle in an unsafe manner.
With the help of an attorney, you may be able to reduce the chances of being accused of causing the accident and make sure that the insurance company pays for the damages you have instead when determining liability in a UTV accident.
The Owner of the ATV May Be Responsible
In some situations, you may be able to demonstrate that the owner of the UTV is at fault for the losses you have and that it is their reckless behavior that caused the accident you had, even if you were behind the wheel of the vehicle. The owner may be responsible in situations where they allowed you to use the vehicle and knew or should have known about some type of risk with it. Some incidents in which this may apply include:
- The owner did not maintain the vehicle, and a breakdown caused the accident to happen
- The owner of the UTV knew there were unsafe factors about the vehicle but did not disclose them
- The owner could be held responsible if they allowed an inexperienced minor to operate the vehicle without ensuring it was safe for them to do so
- Owners may also be responsible if they altered the function and design of the vehicle in some way that caused the accident to occur.
- A failure of safety inspections or maintenance are some of the most common types of UTV accident causes, especially in situations where this is critical
- In some situations, you may be able to prove that the owner did make repairs but did not do so according to manufacturer requirements, therefore creating an unsafe vehicle to operate.
- The owner may be at fault if they rented out equipment without providing proper training to the driver
The vehicle’s owner is responsible for what happens to that vehicle and the damages that took place. While it can be challenging to prove liability in a UTV accident and that the owner of the vehicle is responsible even if they were not there, your attorney can make that possible. Work with an attorney who has ample experience in UTV-specific accidents, can guide you in gathering the necessary evidence to support your outcome, and has ample FAQs with additional information.
Turn to a Skilled and Experienced UTV Accident Lawyer Who Will Fight for Your Case
Determining liability in a UTV accident can be challenging if there is limited evidence or you have conflicting reports of what occurred.
Hire an attorney who can help you sort through the legal options and support you as you work to get compensation for your losses. At John Foy & Associates, we are ready to help you get justice in your case for the losses you have.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form