Drunk driving accidents frequently happen throughout the U.S. In fact, they are so common that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that one person dies every 50 minutes due to a drunk driver. This equates to roughly 30 people every day that end up dead due to irresponsible and negligent behavior behind the wheel.
If you were in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you could receive a settlement that covers your damages. You do not have to pay for anything caused by the actions of a drunk driver. Hold them accountable for what they’ve done and get justice today.
What Should I Do If My Accident Was Caused by a Drunk Driver?
If a drunk driver caused your accident, you should do several essential things first. Collect as much evidence as possible, contact the police to file a report, and go to the hospital. Once you do all of these things, you should get in touch with a lawyer to help you file a claim.
The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety states that in 2018, more than 1,000 people died due to drunk driving-related traffic accidents. While the number of deaths has steadily been decreasing since 2018, there are still many dead people and potentially hundreds more injured every year.
Hold drunk drivers accountable for their actions and do not let them get away with their negligent and criminal behavior. When you file a claim, you do your part in helping make the roads a safer place by punishing drunk drivers to the fullest extent of the law in both civil and criminal court.
Get the strong arm
Impaired Driving Is Not Caused Solely by Alcohol
Under the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §40-6-391, a person can drive under the influence of many other substances besides alcohol. These include drugs, legal or otherwise, and aerosols, toxic vapors, or glue. Acts such as taking a prescription or being near toxic vapors seem like they do not affect driving skills, but they do.
The various ways in which a person can drive impaired exacerbate this issue in the U.S. Many impaired driving accidents can occur even without drinking a drop of alcohol. This is why these types of accidents happen at the rate they do.
Being impaired, no matter what the substance is, is illegal. Drivers need to be responsible for their actions and take the proper steps necessary to prevent any accidents. Drivers that operate a motor vehicle while high or intoxicated are negligent.
File Your Claim Against a Drunk Driver Today
Georgia only offers two years to file a claim. Two years can pass you by very quickly. It is in your best interest to retain a lawyer to help you organize and file your claim at the optimal time. Filing too early or missing the deadline can be extremely detrimental to your chances of receiving a settlement.
With thousands of fatalities a year, drunk driving accidents are a pervasive problem that plagues our society. You should not have to suffer at the hands of a drunk driver. Reach out and get help from one of our lawyers.
Call Us for a Free Consultation
Our team at John Foy & Associates hears every case brought to us. There are no upfront fees or hidden costs. If we do not win you compensation, you pay us nothing. For a free case review and consultation at no risk to you, call us today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form