After suffering debilitating injuries in a motor vehicle crash, dealing with the insurance company should be the last thing you must deal with. Although your car accident attorney can handle most of your insurance claims and negotiations, it is vital to prepare accordingly.
There are multiple questions you can expect the insurance adjuster to ask. It is crucial to answer these questions the right way. Otherwise, your settlement could be in jeopardy.
What to Expect from Insurance Adjusters After a Car Accident
In the aftermath of your car accident, dealing with the insurance company will be one of the most challenging elements of the claims process. This is, in part, because insurance companies are looking out for its interests. Remember, they will lose money by compensating you through your claim.
For this reason, they will often look for opportunities to delay the processing of your claim or deny you the compensation you deserve altogether. For example, they may ask for a recorded statement and use seemingly innocent statements to reduce your claim.
Keeping these details in mind, here are some of the top questions you can expect the insurance adjuster to ask before they begin processing your claim for compensation.
Questions About the Involved Vehicles
First, expect them to ask questions about the vehicles involved in the accident. The insurance adjuster will need to know the vehicle’s:
- Make
- Model
- VIN number
- Registration number
They will also need to know your license number and that of the other involved parties. You will also need to provide them with your contact information so they know how to reach you.
However, if you are hoping to protect yourself from the insurance company, you can also provide them with your car accident lawyer’s information so your attorney can step in and handle the processing of your claim for you.
Questions About How the Car Accident Happened
You should also expect the insurance company to ask you questions about how the accident happened. However, at this point, it is essential to have your lawyer handle this element of your claim. Anything you say to the insurance adjuster could be twisted, manipulated, and used against you.
Although the insurance company does need to know who is responsible for causing the accident and how the collision occurred, they can get this information from your attorney, who will ensure they have the facts they need to move forward with the processing of your claim.
Questions About Shared Liability
The insurance company needs to determine who is responsible for causing the accident. This way, they can pursue subrogation claims if necessary. If you share fault for the accident, the insurance company could get away with reducing the compensation you recover.
For this reason, they will be asking questions about whether you contributed to your car accident. It would be best never to admit liability or express guilt in any way. This could be misconstrued as you accepting responsibility for causing the accident.
Instead, have your car accident attorney detail how the accident occurred so there is no question as to whether you are partially responsible for the injuries you sustained.
Questions About Vehicle Damages
The insurance adjuster must also know about any damages to the vehicle. If your car accident occurred in a no-fault state such as Massachusetts, the insurance adjuster would need to find out how much damage there was to your vehicle so you can get the necessary repairs.
If you live in a fault state such as Georgia, the liable party’s insurance company needs to know about the damage to your vehicle so they can include this compensation as part of your insurance settlement. Not only will the insurance adjuster need to know about any exterior damages, but they may also need to know about any prior damage the vehicle might have had. This is because insurance companies will not cover compensation for pre-existing damages.
Questions About Your Injuries
Before the insurance company can process your claim, they must know about your injuries and medical expenses. The insurance company will typically be required to cover your medical costs up to the policyholder’s term limits.
They will need to know about the extent of your injuries, the impact your injuries have had on your life, and whether you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). If you have yet to reach MMI, the insurance company may use this as an opportunity to delay the processing of your claim until you have. Your attorney will ensure the insurance company compensates you in a reasonable amount of time so you are not stuck in financial straits for longer than necessary.
Insurance Tactics Used to Reduce Your Car Accident Insurance Payout
Insurance companies lose money by settling claims. Therefore, their insurance adjusters are responsible for picking apart claims to figure out where they have an opportunity to reduce payouts.
Some of the most common ways insurance companies reduce their financial obligations include:
- Failing to process claims promptly
- Blaming the injury victim for causing the accident or contributing to their injuries
- Making insultingly low insurance settlement offers
- Misrepresenting policy limits and types of coverage
Get the strong arm
How to Handle a Denied Car Accident Insurance Claim
Unfortunately, it is not unusual for insurance companies to deny even the most deserving claimants. Fortunately, receiving a denial does not mean you should lose hope. Once your car accident lawyer steps in, the insurance company will know you mean business.
In many cases, getting the insurance adjuster’s decision reversed is as simple as providing the insurance company with additional information That allows them to continue processing your claim.
This might include additional medical records, vehicle repair quotes, or other evidence they need. However, if the insurance company is handling your claim in bad faith, your personal injury attorney will be ready to raise concerns and take steps to hold them accountable.
Get Help from an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today
It would be best not to have to deal with insurance companies when you are struggling to cope with the physical, psychological, and financial trauma of your car accident.
Your dedicated car accident attorney at John Foy & Associates will handle these legal details on your behalf so you can do more of what matters most. Get started on your insurance and civil claims as soon as today. You can complete our online contact form or call our office to schedule your no-cost, risk-free consultation today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form