Working in retail pharmacy environments like Walgreens comes with the risk of on-the-job injuries due to the physical demands of the work. From lifting boxes of supplies to prolonged periods cashiering or stocking shelves, the danger of repetitive strain disorders developing over time exists for all employees.
If you sustained an injury while working for Walgreens, such as back strains, wrist tendonitis, or other musculoskeletal issues, speak with an Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible.
John Foy & Associates has experience helping countless Georgians with their workers’ comp claims against large corporations like Walgreens. Their team of professionals understands the nuances of the law and can guide you through the claim process.
Common Injuries Experienced by Walgreens Workers
Walgreens has both retail and pharmacy workers. Workers in these industries face some common injury types. These include:
Repetitive strain injuries – Tasks like stocking shelves, preparing medications, and lifting boxes place strain on the back, shoulders, arms, and wrists. This can easily lead to tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and other cumulative trauma disorders.
Slips/trips/falls – Wet floors, spilled contents, cluttered spaces and poor lighting create slip/trip hazards that can lead to falls, pulled muscles, and joint injuries.
Lifting injuries – Improperly lifting heavy boxes of stock can strain muscles and back, potentially causing pulls, tears, or hernias.
Robbery/violence-related injuries – Retail pharmacies may experience robberies, creating a risk of assault, battery, or psychological trauma.
Chemical exposure – Working with chemicals and medications in pharmacies could result in burns or toxic exposures.
Cuts and needle injuries – Unguarded sharps or broken glass create a risk of cuts, punctures, and potential infection exposure.
Proper safety training and ergonomics are important to help prevent these injuries, but sometimes accidents happen or too much damage accumulates and causes a disability. That’s when you need to speak with an Atlanta personal injury lawyer.
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Challenges You Could Face in a Walgreens Workers’ Comp Claim
Walgreens is a national corporation with substantial resources to potentially contest claims. They and their workers’ comp insurers may scrutinize your injury claim to avoid a payout. When insurers pay out workers’ comp claims, their premiums could go up for Walgreens.
Walgreens is the second-largest pharmacy store chain in the U.S. Many of their stores respond to workers’ comp claims promptly to get you compensation fast. But some stores may try to challenge you. Here are some ways that could happen.
Hiding Injury Reports
If a work metric could get affected negatively by an injury report, there may be an incentive not to report the injury. You have a responsibility to report injuries promptly, but employers also have a responsibility to respond to claims once you’ve reported them.
Gradual Injuries
Job duties like lifting boxes, stocking shelves, and filling prescriptions involve repetitive motions that cause cumulative trauma issues. Proving gradual onset injuries can be more difficult if Walgreens decides to push back on your claim.
Ignorance of the Law
Walgreens has multiple locations across Georgia and the nation. Local management may be unfamiliar with nuanced state laws like statutes of limitations and benefit entitlements near their specific store location. You can challenge their ignorance by hiring a lawyer to represent you.
How a Workers’ Comp Lawyer Can Help You With a Walgreens Claim
A lawyer can ensure your rights are protected by reviewing your job duties and medical records to establish the claim, guiding any need for litigation, and advocating on your behalf throughout the process.
Taking on a major corporation alone leaves most injured workers at a disadvantage. Hiring an attorney dedicated to such cases can help you properly compile evidence, understand technical regulations, and fight for the maximum settlement allowed.
With a lawyer on your side, you can turn your focus fully to treatment and recovery, knowing your claim is handled. An experienced Atlanta workers’ compensation attorney knows the complexities of navigating the legal system against determined insurance carriers.
Will I Have to Testify Against Walgreens?
Sometimes workers feel guilty about filing workers’ comp claims because they think it will harm their employer. However, you are not doing so by filing a claim. You are entitled to workers’ compensation under Georgia law.
Ideally, your boss will be on your side and help you with your claim. But not every Walgreens manager is on your side. A competent workers’ comp lawyer will prepare your case as if you needed to go to court.
Nevertheless, most cases settle prior before going to court, so it is unlikely that you will need to appear to testify. Note that workers’ compensation cases move quickly. You may have mere weeks between a denial and your hearing date, so make sure you have representation.
When Should I Hire an Attorney for Walgreens Workers’ Comp Claims?
You can start working with an attorney as soon as you report your claim to your supervisor. An attorney can help you get the documentation together to make a strong claim for the maximum compensation possible and help you with the claim forms.
However, most people approach a workers’ compensation attorney if their claim has been denied, their workplace retaliates against them for the claim, or if the offer for compensation is too low. If you’re in these situations, time is of the essence.
There is only a short window of opportunity to investigate your claim. If you live in Atlanta and need representation for a workers’ comp claim against Walgreens, contact John Foy & Associates for a free consultation.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form