The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a Listing of Impairments. The list contains conditions that qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Some conditions will automatically be eligible for disability benefits. Unfortunately, applying for SSD benefits is challenging.
Many applicants get a denial on the first try. But specific medical conditions will qualify for expedited approval. To qualify for benefits, you will need to prove your disability. You’ll also need to meet the SSA’s conditions for approval. If you need help with your application, contact a Social Security Disability lawyer.
Conditions the Social Security Administration Automatically Approve
You can find conditions that automatically qualify on the Compassionate Allowances list. The list contains over 200 diseases. These are medical conditions that automatically meet disability benefits standards, and it gets updated every year.
Compassionate Allowances reduce the applicant’s waiting time. However, the listed conditions are very severe. You can check the Compassionate Allowances list for your condition. Your application process will probably be faster if it’s on the list.
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Compassionate Allowances Conditions
Examples of Compassionate Allowances conditions include:
- Adult brain disorders
- ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
- Acute leukemia
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Stage IV breast cancer
- Inflammatory breast cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Small cell lung cancer
- Gallbladder cancer
- Muscular dystrophy
- Rare childhood disorders
If you have any conditions listed above, there is a good chance your application can get fast-tracked for approval. Of course, this depends on how fast the SSA can process things, but typically, turnaround time is much quicker.
Does My Condition Need to Be on the List?
Not necessarily. If your condition is not on the SSA’s list, they will compare it to a similar condition. If your condition is medically equivalent, you might receive benefits. The SSA will consider how your condition impacts your ability to work. They’ll also look at how it affects your daily life.
What If My Symptoms don’t Match?
In the Compassionate Allowances list, if you click on the disease, you’ll see a list of symptoms and insurance codes that the SSA looks for to decide if you qualify for Social Security Disability. You may not have all the symptoms, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be denied.
Ultimately, what the SSA is looking for is if your disorder doesn’t allow you to work. If, somehow, you’re able to work despite your physical or mental symptoms, your benefits could be denied or reduced.
Even if you are physically capable of doing a job, your disability could prevent you from working. Severe mental illness is an example of this. As long as your condition doesn’t allow you to sustain employment, you don’t need every symptom under your condition.
How Long It Takes to Get Benefits for Compassionate Allowances
If you have a condition on the list, you only have to prove your diagnosis. You will not have to provide more information to qualify. Your claim should process within a month or two. Some people receive benefits in a few weeks. In comparison, many applicants wait several months to a year.
Although your benefits are not “automatic,” the SSA will move your application to the front of the line. If it’s clear that you have a Compassionate Allowances condition, you’ll get benefits as soon as possible.
Some factors can delay your claim. For example, you might need more examinations or additional medical records. However, most Compassionate Allowances benefits come quickly.
Disability Benefits for Organ Transplants
If you have had to get an organ transplant, you should automatically qualify. You can get benefits for at least a year after your surgery. The qualifying transplants include:
- Heart transplant
- Kidney transplant
- Bone marrow transplant
- Stem cell transplant
- Liver transplant
- Lung transplant
You will need to prove the existence of your condition. You can do this through your medical records. The SSA will review your case after a year. They will look to see if you still meet the disability guidelines. For a lung transplant, you can get benefits for up to three years.
Information Required When You Apply for Benefits
There are two criteria you must meet to qualify for benefits:
- You must have earned enough work credits.
- You must meet the SSA’s definition of disability.
If you have a Compassionate Allowances condition, you only have to prove your disabling condition. However, you could get denied if you are working a certain amount. However, if you earn substantial gainful activity (SGA), the SSA will determine you can make enough money.
If you have a disabling condition that does not automatically qualify, you’ll need enough work credits. You can earn up to four work credits per year. You earn work credits from your yearly income. If your application doesn’t contain enough information, you can get denied. Talk to a lawyer today for help improving your claim.
How to Avoid Getting Denied Benefits
Even if your condition automatically qualifies, you must provide medical records. The SSA must see that you have proof of your health status. If you don’t have proof, the administration will deny your claim.
Lack of documentation is a common reason applicants get denied. Make sure your records are thorough. If you need help, contact a Social Security Disability lawyer right away. Without enough evidence, you could miss out on the benefits you desperately need.
If you do get a denial letter, contact a lawyer. Your lawyer will look at why you did not receive benefits. Then, they can help you provide the correct information for your claim.
What Are Some Forms of Documentation?
Your doctor will be the best source of documentation for your condition. Their notes about your symptoms can show the SSA that you deserve SSD or SSI benefits. Beyond the symptoms, they also may reveal informed opinions about your descriptions of your symptoms.
In your records, there will also be information about your medications and, assuming on-going visits, how well they’re helping you and your compliance. By seeking and following treatment, you show further proof that you have a disability and you’re trying to do something about it.
Finally, you can keep a daily journal of your symptoms, treatments, and how your disease affects your life. Date your records carefully and write down your struggles. Having a record of your experiences “in the moment” is a powerful persuasive tool.
Never Give Up After Rejection
You can file an appeal if you get rejected for SSD benefits despite having a condition for a compassionate allowance. Remember, SSD benefits aren’t a charity, and you are entitled to receive these benefits after paying into the Social Security system during your working lifetime.
Even though it’s difficult to face rejection, know that your situation isn’t hopeless. Even if you have an iron-clad case, getting accepted for benefits can still be challenging, especially if you don’t know the entire process. That’s why it’s essential that you get help from a lawyer as soon as possible.
Our Social Security Disability Lawyers Can Help You
You may wonder why hiring a lawyer is beneficial when you’re applying for SSD benefits, even if you don’t have to go to court. This is because our lawyers have legal knowledge of all the processes involved with applying for benefits. Also, we can instruct you on how to properly file your application the first time and guide you through the appeals process, if necessary.
The SSA doesn’t make it easy for applicants to provide all the information necessary to get benefits. If you have no experience in filing these kinds of applications or understanding the ins and outs of how the process works, it’s always good to get professional help early. That way, you can minimize the time to get the benefits you need.
Talk to a Social Security Disability Lawyer for Free Today
If a condition prevents you from working, you might qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. However, if you think your condition might automatically be eligible, you probably need benefits now. To improve your chances of approval, talk to a lawyer.
John Foy & Associates can help you with your claim. Our Social Security Disability lawyers have over 20 years of experience. We know what the Social Security Administration is looking for in an application. Schedule an appointment for a free consultation. We will not collect a fee unless we win your case. Call or contact us online to get started today.
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