Call 911 if you are injured in an accident while driving for Grubhub. Next, medical personnel can treat your injury at the scene and, if necessary, take you to a hospital. In the days after your accident, meet with a car accident lawyer in Atlanta to determine if you should sue any liable parties.
An attorney can help you identify who is at fault for your Grubhub car accident. If you are in no way responsible for the incident, you could have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Your lawyer can ask for compensation you can use to cover your medical bills and other losses.
Should I Go to the Hospital if I’m Injured in an Accident While Driving for Grubhub?
You should receive medical care as soon as you can if you are injured in an accident while working for Grubhub. Dialing 911 will bring medical professionals to the scene who can evaluate you and determine how badly you are hurt. They may take you to a hospital to ensure you receive the care and support you need to recover from your injuries.
If you believe it is best to “tough it out” after your accident, consider the ramifications of doing so. You could suffer a brain injury or other serious trauma without realizing it. If left unaddressed, your injuries can affect you for the rest of your life.
When in doubt about what to do if you suffer an injury while you drive for Grubhub, seek medical help. Once you receive a medical evaluation and treatment, consult with an Atlanta car accident lawyer. At this point, your attorney can determine who is liable for your Grubhub car accident and help you hold any at-fault parties accountable for their negligence.
Get the strong arm
What Else Should I Do if I Am Injured in an Accident While Driving for Grubhub?
In addition to getting medical attention, take precautions in the moments after your Grubhub car accident. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you risk saying or doing something that could make it difficult to win your personal injury claim. Following your accident, use these tips to protect yourself and your case.
Take Photos and Videos
You only have one opportunity to capture photos and videos at the scene of your accident. Capitalize on this opportunity and collect visual proof that shows your injuries and the scene. This evidence can serve you well as you build a body of evidence against any liable parties.
Get the Other Driver’s Information
Ask the other driver for their full name, driver’s license number, and auto insurance information. You will need this information if you want to request damages from this individual. Without it, you will be solely responsible for your accident-related losses.
Speak to the Police
Discuss your accident with the police, and do not take responsibility for the incident. Police officers will include the information you share in their accident report. You may need a police report to file an insurance claim that proves to an insurer that your accident is the result of someone else’s negligence.
Report Your Accident to Grubhub
Notify Grubhub about your accident through the company’s app. Grubhub does not provide auto insurance for its drivers. Alternatively, Grubhub offers occupational accident insurance, which can cover your medical expenses and lost income if you get into an accident and suffer an injury while driving for the company.
Calculate Your Damages
Account for the costs to repair or replace your car, pain and suffering, and other losses you incur due to your accident. In a car accident lawsuit, you can seek economic and non-economic damages. Track your damages, and you can strengthen your argument against any at-fault parties.
Continue to Receive Medical Care
Follow your doctor’s orders and do everything within your power to treat your accident injuries. This helps ensure your recovery stays on track. Plus, you can use your doctor’s notes and other medical records to prove to a judge or jury that you should receive compensation for the costs of your medical treatments.
Hire a Car Accident Attorney
Ask an auto accident attorney to review your case. Your lawyer will explain your legal options. If you want to file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver involved in your accident or other liable parties, your attorney will assist you.
Along with these things, if you want to pursue damages from anyone responsible for your accident, do so right away. In Georgia, the statute of limitations for requesting damages based on a personal injury is two years. If you wait too long, you could miss your opportunity to request damages as part of an insurance claim or injury lawsuit.
Work With Car Accident Lawyers Who Put Your Needs Front and Center
If you are injured in an accident while driving for Grubhub, take care of yourself. By meeting with a doctor, you can treat your injuries before they get any worse. After this, get help from an Atlanta personal injury lawyer, and you can take legal action against anyone who caused your accident and injuries.
John Foy & Associates has more than 25 years of personal injury case experience. Our lawyers are here to assist you with your Grubhub car accident case. Schedule a consultation with The Strong Arm.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form